chapter 1

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Chapter one

“I don’t like my hair today, I give up!” I growled as I threw my hairbrush on the bed.

“No don’t say that Hanna you have absolutely nice and normal hair. There’s nothing wrong with it at all.” Alice answered as her eyes were fixed at her own reflection in the mirror. I looked at her with her stupid, shiny, perfect and curly hair.

“Yeah, easy for you to say; you have movie-star hair! We are actually meeting One Direction today and I want to look good! I know they are your babies or whatever but I can’t look like something that just came straight from the gutter.”

“Don’t worry about it; you look fine!” Alice yelled at me as I walked into our shared bathroom.  I stared at myself in the mirror. I know I would never look as good as perfect Alice with her perfect hair and perfect face. I didn’t mind the way I looked. I mean there could be something done about my flat and boring brown hair but my face was alright. It was nothing spectacular but not a catastrophe either.  Never mind, this was Alice’s day. Maybe it was better for her if I just let my hair hang down my face in the most boring way. After all it was she who won the competition. I’m just the tag along.

“I can’t believe this is actually happening! I mean I’ve wanted this for so long and finally my dream is coming true!” Alice shouted as we made our way to the car that was going to pick us up.

“I know I am so happy for you! It’s really a big deal meeting your biggest idols and your favorite band in the world. “I smiled. I was truly happy for her.  No one deserves this more than Alice and I am really grateful that she chose me to go with her.

“Can you believe it? I am going to get to meet everyone, I don’t even know what to say, who I will talk to first… what can we even talk about… I mean this is madness!!” She stared dreamingly out through the window, possibly imagining everything that could happen on this meet and greet.

She had entered a competition where you should explain why you should be the one who gets to hang out with One Direction for half a day and even though nobody ever wins this, she actually did. She won the grand prize and got to bring a friend. I smiled at the thought of her picking me of all her friends, even though I weren’t that big of a fan. Of course I knew a lot of stuff about them after the endless hours of Alice ranting about them, showing videos and playing their songs.

“We are almost there” she cried out with joy, and we saw the little lunch restaurant they had rented for us.

“Stay cool, everything will be just fine” I smiled. “You don’t want to faint in front of the boys do you?” We climbed out of the rental car and made our way towards the door. With her camera in one hand, and my hand in her other we entered the small Italian lunch restaurant.

“This is it, this is really happening. I must be dreaming because this can’t be real.” Alice whispered in my ear.

When we entered the building we were greeted by the magazine people who held the competition. They smiled at us and asked to take our picture. We held on to each other like crazy and tried to smile, although both our smiles were nervous and uncontrolled.

“Hi! My name is Sam and I am going to be with you when you meet the boys. I am also in charge of this story in our magazine and we hope it is alright we take pictures of you trough out this experience?” A tall woman with short blonde hair and freakishly long nails said to us.

“Hi I am Alice and this is my friend Hanna! Yes of course it is alright, we are just so incredibly thrilled and excited to be here. Thank you so much for the opportunity!” Alice has a way of always staying calm in serious moments. The fact that she was freaking out in the car earlier seemd long gone forgotten.

“The boys will be with you shortly.” Sam said and led us through to the restaurant area.

It was a nice little place with dim lighting and hard wood floors. The wooden tables had white cloths and green napkins which matched the curtains. It was a nice and homey place where I could see myself eating lunch with my family.

“You are going to get to eat lunch with the boys and just talk to them all you want. I will be with you the whole time!” Sam said and showed us to our table.  “They’ll be here in five!”

Now I really started to get butterflies in my stomach. We would be sitting face to face with One Direction in just a matter of minutes. I don’t think I’ve realized until now how big of a deal that is. They are basically the biggest boy-band in the history of boy-bands. And thanks to Alice we will meet them. Just us and no screaming fans and no simple “Hi!” but we are actually going to be able to have a conversation with them.

The five minutes seemed like at least five hours, but at last, Sam turned her head towards the door. She wiped off invisible dust of her black pencil skirt and rose. Alice looked at me with a big stupid smile on her face. “They’re here” she mouthed at me.

I turned my head and they walked in. Liam was first. He was wearing a plaid black and white shirt, simple black jeans and low white converse sneakers. He had let his hair grow and now it was a bit curly instead of shaved like he used to have. He was even hotter in person. He waved at us and smiled. After him came Zayn. He was wearing blue jeans, a white tight t-shirt and a brown leather jacket. He had plugs in both ears and looked at us and gave us a little smile. Niall was close behind Zayn, dressed in white sneakers, black chinos and a grey hoodie. He did a little skip and waved at us with a big grin on his face. Louis followed him wearing a grey shirt, black suspenders and pair of black chinos. They all gave us big hugs while smiling at us. I noticed on Alice’s facial expression that this must be her way of heaven. I have to agree for a little bit, because boy were they good looking people.

“Hi! I don’t know if you need an introduction, but we are One Direction” Niall said and sat down beside us. “I have a hunch that you might already know our names” He said with a smirk.

“Yes, you are absolutely right” Alice said with her best smile. “It is so exciting to finally get to meet you in person. I am such a huge fan of your music and you have helped me through so much! I just wanted to start with a thank you. Just one question though. Where is Harry?”

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