chapter 3

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They were really funny and outgoing boys. They were sarcastic and ironic and didn’t mind making a fool of themselves. Niall and Louis were the most talkative and had tons of band stories to share, including some about almost getting arrested but getting away with it in the last second. When Harry joined the table again, he gave me a strange look, and I bravely met his gaze, smiling.

I couldn’t help but notice that after he rejoined us at the table, he was more comfortable with the situation. Laughing at jokes, telling a few stories and maybe even enjoying himself for a bit.

When we all had finished our plates Sam told us it was time for the magazines photographers to take pictures of us all together.

“Oh god no photos after this meal, I am so bloated!” Louis cried out and held his hands on his stomach.

“I don’t know about you guys but I could easily eat another plate” Niall said as we made our way out of the restaurant.

 “Well maybe you shouldn’t, mate” Zayn said, looking at Nialls flat stomach. “I mean you’re going to get fat sometime!” We all laughed and Sam led us to the photographers.

“All right boys and girls, I want the shortest in the front and the tallest in the back."

“Well at least I’m used to it, “Niall said as he hunched down.

“Don’t worry I’m also short” Alice said, smiling at him.

Since I’m very tall for a girl I got to stand in the back. But sometimes I love being tall.

“Here you can stand by me.” Harry said and looked at me straight into my eyes. I slid to his right side and even though I’m 5”11 he was still taller than me. “Hanna, was it?” He whispered to me as he put his right arm around my waist.

“Yeah, that’s right. Harry was it?” I teasingly asked him. He smiled back at me and shook his hair ready for the photo. I tried to do my very best smile but at the same time I couldn’t help to be very nervous when Harry was on my left and Liam on my right. Liam had put his arm over my shoulder.

“Everybody cheese!” Liam shouted and we all grinned like maniacs, even Harry. We stood there, smiling and laughing for about ten minutes and Harry didn’t let go of my waist. After a few serious shots and about a thousand involving tickling, bunny ears and stupid ugly faces, we were done.

“Well that was real fun!” Harry said. The boys looked confused at each other.

“You actually enjoyed yourself for once?” Louis asked him.

“Yeah I actually did.” He said, while he looked at me.

I couldn’t help but to blush. I must have imagined it. He couldn’t look at me in with that type of gaze. I mean he is Harry Styles; he could get any woman he wants!

Both I and Alice got along with the boys so well so the rest of our time with them felt like only a few minutes and then it was time to say our goodbyes. I had no idea how Alice was going to handle this. This was most certainly the best day of her 19 year old life.  

“You guys this has been the best day of my life. Thank you for being so incredibly nice and giving us an absolutely amazing day! Not many bands would do this for their fans.”  Alice said as she tried to hold it together.

“Yeah it has been absolutely amazing! We were actually expecting annoying girls who wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation and who would scream the whole time. Thank you for not doing that” Zayn said and smiled at us both.

“Yeah it was really nice to meet you guys! You weren’t pricks like I thought you would be” I joked.

“Yeah no we are just normal guys with an extremely extraordinary life.” Liam said while he smiled at me.

“Yeah except for Harry he is actually a prick.” Louis said, and at first I thought he was joking but the mood that set after his accusation was really uncomfortable. I looked at Harry and he was staring at Louis, but not saying anything back. He then looked down at the floor and put his hands in his pockets.

I looked at Alice, not sure how she would handle this situation, but she just pretended not to hear.

“Well I really hope we could meet up again because I had too much fun to not do this again!” She said while she started to hug all of the boys. I followed her lead and I got to admit it was sad because we didn’t know if we were going to see them ever again.

When I got to Harry he leaned in to hug me. “How about a toilet break in five?” he whispered as he pressed his body against mine. I felt a shiver through my whole body. Oh god this shouldn’t be happening. I must imagine it. But I looked at him and I saw in his eyes that he was serious.

Right before me and Alice were supposed to go in to our car I excused myself and made my way to the restroom. There he was. I hadn’t imagined it. It was just Harry, without the other boys or security or screaming fans. 

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