chapter 19

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Chapter nineteen

Leah had told Harry to meet her at her hotel so that they could have some privacy and not be chased by paparazzi. She had rented a private lounge area so there wouldn’t be any fuzz with other guests. I was honestly dead scared to face her because she intimidated me, not only with her looks, but the fact that she’d slept with Harry. I didn’t really know how he would introduce me to her either. Would he say girlfriend? Friend? Fuckbuddy? I had no idea. We hadn’t even talked about it. Or maybe he wouldn’t introduce me at all and just let me sit there. Those kinds of thoughts started running through my mind at the drive to the hotel. But I needed to remember that he wanted me there. He almost begged for me to come. That fact made me feel a little bit more confident about meeting her.

When Harry and I arrived at the hotel the paparazzi and the fans were already there. Flocking like animals outside of the hotel doors. I don’t understand how they always know his whereabouts.

“How do they always now where I am?” He murmured.

“Are you ready for some madness?” He then continued.

“Just hold my hand and I’ll be fine.” I answered, but my palms already started sweating.

 We stepped out of the car and all hell broke loose. Harry held a steady grip of my hand, but when the fans started mobbing us his hand started sliding away.

“Hanna, just go inside.” He told me and started to smile for pictures even though he didn’t seem to enjoy it at all.

There was crying girls all around me and I really didn’t know what to do. Sure we had met crazy fans before, with Niall and Alice but it was nothing like this. Those fans were cute, and nervous and really polite when they asked for pictures. These people outside of the hotel were completely mental. I didn’t want to leave Harry alone, but I couldn’t stay there because girls where pushing me trying to get closer to Harry, almost ripping his clothes apart.

“Hanna, could I have a picture with you?” A girl said to me. That really knocked me over. Why would someone want a picture with me? It was really weird but she stood right next to me smiling and there was nothing I could do really. I had been recognized before but no one had asked for a picture with me.

“Thank you!” She squealed as she jumped towards Harry.

There were other girls who seemed to recognize me as well, and they all looked at me with disgust.

“Fucking whore!” Some girl yelled at me.

Luckily the hotel security came and transported me and Harry through the screaming girls and flashing cameras. They screamed after us, almost as if they we’re in pain, when we went inside.

“Are you ok?” Harry looked at me, worried.

“Yeah, but that was a hell of an experience. Some girl even took a photo with me.” I didn’t want to tell him about them calling me a prostitute because that would just freak him out.

“We’re so sorry Mr. Styles for our lack of security when you arrived.” A man in a black suit said to us.

“It’s fine; I just don’t know how they always find out where I am.”

“Oh neither do I!” He said as he led us through the lobby.

“I bet he’s the one who tattled.” I whispered to Harry.

“Nine times of ten it’s always the manager.” He said, nodding his head towards the man in front of us.

“It will give the hotel some free publicity.”

We walked into a small room with two couches and a little wooden table. Leah was nowhere to be seen.

“Miss Cole will be with you any second.” The manager told us.

“It feels like we’re on a business meeting.” I whispered to Harry when the man left.

“Well it sort of is…” Harry said while looking down.

Then the door opened, and Leah entered.

She was absolutely stunning. She was as tall as me, but skinnier, with blonde hair and clothes that looked like they’ve come straight from the catwalk. My confidence just got a big hit in the balls.

“Hi Harry.” She said while she sat down.

“Hi Leah.” Harry answered.

“You’ve brought someone?” She said as she scanned me from top to bottom and I could feel that she didn’t like me at all.

“Yeah this is my girl… Uhm, my friend, Hanna.” He said, while clearing his throat.

“I see.” She said as she raised her eyebrows. “So, how you’ve been?” She asked him.

“Let’s cut the crap and go straight to it I don’t have time for your bullshit.” Harry said.

I looked over at him, a bit shocked I must confess. He was suddenly very straight forward.

“What do you want?”

“Are you sure you want to do this while she’s here?” She said, nodding in my direction.

“Just say what you want from me.” He sighed heavily.

“I want five million dollars and this will all go away.”

“Are you fucking serious?” He almost screamed at her.

“Five million or I’m telling the press.” She crossed her arms and leaned back in the couch. She almost had a smug look on her face as if she was hiding something.

Harry put his head in his hands and sighed.

“You’ve got to be fucking with me, am I being punk’d?”

“No, I am dead serious.”

“I want a pregnancy test first. I want to see a doctor and he’ll tell me whether you’re pregnant or not.”

“I’ve already been to the doctor. I told you that the last time we saw each other.” She said while rolling her eyes.

“Yeah but I want to see it for myself.”

“But I’ve already been there, trust me on this Harry.”

“You know, I would love to trust you, but you know I can’t. Not in my situation.”

“Fine, I’ll take you to the doctor tomorrow. I’ll text you the address.” She said while she stood up.

“Pleasure to meet you Hanna. Wonder how long it will take for him to dump you too.”

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