chapter 7

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Chapter seven

I walked silently up the stairs. I was completely stunned. What had just happened? As I entered mine and Alice’s apartment I was greeted by her in the front door.

“Oh my god you are back!” She screamed at me. “How was it? Was he a gentleman? Did he kiss you? The paparazzi found you! There are pictures of you and Harry all over the internet!” she said not catching her breath even for one second.

“So there are pictures?” I asked as I raised my eyebrow. I wanted to see them. Maybe they would prove to me that this night had just happened.

She basically threw her laptop in my face, with a One Direction blog all covered with pictures of my face.

“At least you look hot Hanna!” She said and smiled at me. “You are not doing any of you weird faces or anything.” She laughed. “In addition to that, you two look really good together.”

I looked at the photos. I couldn’t believe that was me. I looked calm and relaxed with Harrys hand in mine. I didn’t look into any of the cameras and I kept my head down, so there were no weird faces. Thank god. But Harry looked like a god next to me. His curly hair was all shaggy and perfect and he had one of his big hands in mine and the other one in his hair.

“Oh god it was real.” I whispered to myself. The photos weren’t lying.

“Yeah of course it was real you idiot.” Alice said to me. “But now… you know I won’t let you go to bed until you tell me everything that happened tonight. I sighed. Of course I have to tell her. Although should I mention what happened at the end of the night? Just the thought of it made me smile.

The next day I woke up still believing it was a dream. I just couldn’t cope with the fact that I had been on a date with a pop-star. That kind of thing doesn’t happen to regular people.

I walked into our kitchen finding Alice there.

“Good morning!” I said to her while trying to cover a yawn.

“Yeah...” she said with her eyes nailed to her laptop screen.

“What?” I asked her, scared of the answer.

“The tabloids are calling you another one of Harrys one-night-stands, claiming you’re only going to sleep with him once and then dump him.” She continued scrolling. “Actual quote: Harry Styles with another girl? Haven’t we seen him with enough girls to last us for a life-time? And also; Harry Styles, king of one-night-stands does it again” She looked at me. “Sorry Hanna, this must be hard to hear.” She said with pity in her voice.

“So you believe what they are saying? We didn’t even have sex!” I said to her, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah I know, but you have to admit that he’s been with lots of women.” She said raising her eyebrows.

“Yeah I know we talked about it yesterday. Not that’s it’s any of your business but he actually told me about girls using him for five minutes in the spotlight and money.” I started to feel a bit upset. I took my coffee cup, grabbed a banana and went into my room.

Was she actually going to trust the tabloids about who Harry was? Stupid Alice, she believes anything her precious blogs tells her. But what if she was right? What he was only thinking of me as a one-night-stand? He had actually kissed me. Did he expect more?

As my mind was like a messy broadcast with thoughts interrupting and yelling at each other my phone rang.

There was a number I didn’t recognize. My heart skipped a beat. Could it be…?

“Hello.” I answered.

“Hi, is this Hanna Fields?” a woman voice asked me.

“Yes this is she.”

“Would you like to give an official statement about last night? Why were you with Harry? What did you do? Are you his official girlfriend?” she asked me.

“No I wouldn’t!” I said and quickly hung up. So now they knew who I was. Great. I sighed. What if they found old pictures of me from three years ago or something? Would I be able to survive if they were published all over the internet? I didn’t even want to think of it. I didn’t have time, because the phone rang again. I didn’t recognize the number.


“Why were you with Harry Styles last night? Are you guys together?” a young man asked me.

“No comment.” I growled back at him.

I had to distract myself somehow or else I would just get angrier. I decided to study. We had to read Capotes “In cold blood” and analyze it. Even though I’ve already read it I decided that I had to do it again. As I sat down in my window my phone rang again; another unknown caller.

“No I don’t have a comment about last night.” I said.

“Uhm… Hi it’s Harry.” A raspy voice said to me.

I blushed. Of course I had to be stupid and assume that it was some tabloid calling again.

“Oh… Hi!” I said as I hit my forehead with my palm. “I’m sorry! I thought you were going to ask me about last night.”

“Well, actually I am” he laughed. “Who else has?”

“Well, some magazine has gotten a hold of my number and called me about last night.” I answered him.

“Don’t even answer them. They just want something to write about.”

“Yeah I know, I won’t think about it anymore.”

“Well anyway, I was just wondering if you would like to meet with me this afternoon.” He said really quickly. Was he nervous?

“Didn’t you have a song writing session?” I asked him.

“Yeah but we are done by five. Could I pick you up after?”

“Yeah I don’t have plans!” I said and I instantly regretted it. What a loser I was. It was Saturday night and my plan was to stay in to read.  Anyway this was a nice surprise.

“Great!” He said. “I’ll pick you up then.” “Bye!”

“Bye”. I said back. Great, now I had six hours of being nervous for tonight. I sat down in my window again. Now I really have to think about what I’m going to wear, since the paparazzi will find Harry anywhere. I sighed. I have to ask Alice for help, even though I was still a bit upset with her.

As I entered the kitchen again I put my cup in the sink and turned around.

“Alice I need your help. Even though you believe Harry to be the one-night kind of guy, he’s asked me out again.” I rolled my eyes. “And since you are going to stare at me in pictures on your blogs I need something nice to wear.” She looked at me.

“Did he really ask you out again?” she asked.

“Yeah, thanks for not sounding surprised at all.” I asked her ironically.

She smiled at me.

“Of course I’ll lend you something to wear.”

I felt relieved. Alice was the one of us who cared about clothes. I owned mostly jeans and casual black dresses. I really had to do some shopping.

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