chapter 15

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Chapter fifteen

“Hanna…” Harry mumbled in my ear. “Time to wake up!” He said as he stroked my hair slowly.

I dug my face deeper into his chest, letting out a small grunt. I didn’t want to leave his side. I wanted to stay like this forever. When I opened my eyes I saw Harry gazing down at me looking extremely drowsy.

“Hi.” I said and gave him a big grin.

“Hi.” He said as he kissed me light on my mouth. I hugged him tighter, thinking back on the previous night. I couldn’t believe it was actually real; just thinking about it made my stomach ache.

“So I guess you are leaving now?” Harry said to me smiling, while looking at his nonexistent watch.

“Yeah thanks for last night, I better run.” I said as I pretended to get out of bed. He quickly snatched me, dragging me back in his arms while chuckling.

“Oh I’m not done with you yet.” He whispered in my ear, starting to nibble my neck. My whole body responded and I turned around and gave him a deep kiss.

We were just two people, lost in each other and lost in time. I just couldn’t seem to get enough of him. With my previous boyfriend, I thought one time sufficed, but with Harry; there simply was no end.

In the afternoon, when we decided it was probably time to get out of bed, I hesitated. What if the magic would break? Reality would come crashing in, knocking on our doors reminding us that we’re actually not alone. We had to deal with the problem at some point. I mean, if Harry was going to be a father, where would that leave us? What would media say? How would the fan base react? I don’t think this would be a good thing for his already bad reputation.

He had gotten so much negative attention in the press lately so he shouldn’t have to take any more of their crap. And with pictures of him and me recently together would stir it all up.

“Hanna?” he yelled from the bathroom.


“Would you do me a huge favor?” He came out wearing nothing but boxers. God he was good looking.

“That depends.” I answered, while raising my eyebrows. “What do you want me to do?”

“I have to tell the other boys and management. I can’t keep this a secret.”

Fuck. Him bringing it up again proved it was real. I guess reality just entered the door.

“Would you come with me?” He said as he crawled onto the bed where I sat, resting his arms at my sides. “I kind of need you.”

“If you buy me coffee first.” I demanded.

“I’ll buy you the whole damn place, babe.” He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

How was it possible to like someone this much after just a few days?

Later, after a trip to a coffee shop just around the corner, with a lot of screaming girls, we were on our way to a studio. I ordered Harry to buy some food, since he’s probably not eaten for two days. He might as well have bought the whole shop. He just demanded one thing of everything eatable. I didn’t mind, since my stomach was literally screaming for food. However, the cashier gave us a strange look, after packing everything into four full bags.

“How the fuck are we supposed to finish all of this?” I said to him, laughing.

“Don’t worry; we’ll give the rest to Niall.” He said, as he started digging in to a chicken wrap.

When we arrived to the studio I was feeling anxious. Harry were about to make it official and if the boys knew it really was true.

“How do you think management will take the news?” I asked him as we entered the building.

“Not well.” He said and gave me a smile. “Although, they haven’t been very pleased with me for the last two years, so it really shouldn’t make a huge difference.”

Not a huge difference. There is a girl pregnant for god’s sake! I thought to myself as we took the elevator to the highest floor.

“Harry! You’re not late for once!” Niall said as we walked into the studio. “And you brought food!” He said as his eyes widened.

“Help yourself, mate.” Harry said and gave Niall the bags of our leftovers.

“I’m starving too.” Liam said and dug into a blueberry muffin.

Zayn and Louis were sitting by themselves in a brown couch, quietly whispering to each other. Harry took my hand, led me to the couch and we sat down next to them, his hand still intertwined with mine.

“Niall and Liam could you stop eating for a second and join us? Harry had something to tell us.” Zayn yelled to the boys.

“Sure dude.” Niall said with his mouth stuffed with a cream cheese bagel. They slammed down on the couch next to Louis.

“So the thing is…” Harry said slowly. I pressed his hand to comfort him.

“Leah’s pregnant.”

All of their jaws dropped, even Louis, who had been holding a stone face for the entire time.             

“Leah COLE?” Niall exclaimed, almost choking on his bagel.

“Yes, Leah Cole, my ex.”

“Is it yours?” Liam said confusingly.

“Well, yeah she thinks so.”

“When did you two last sleep together?” Zayn asked while looking at me.

“Three weeks ago.”

“Well that’s fucked up.” Louis said.

Harry looked at him, clearly surprised that he said anything at all, considering that they hadn’t talked since Nialls party.

“Well, yeah you might say that.” Harry mumbled.

“I knew this would happen.” Liam said. “Considering the number of women you slept with for the last two years, it was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“But I don’t do that anymore. When I actually found someone who I like, my previous misakes comes creeping back.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you told us. But where does it leave you two?” Niall said staring at me.

“I don’t know, we actually haven’t talked about it yet.” I said nervously. Now all of the boys were staring at me, even Harry.

How was I supposed to answer that? All of a sudden I felt like I’ve been dragged into something I didn’t sign up for. I mean, even though I really liked Harry, was it going to last? Did I have to make a decision right now if I wanted to be with him or not? How could I do that? We weren’t even exclusive yet.

“The real question is what management is going to say.” Harry replied, saving me from answering the question more thorough.

“No, it’s what the fans are going to say.” Zayn corrected him. “If they find out that you’ve gotten Leah pregnant at the same time you’re seeing Hanna they are going to freak.”

“Is she even keeping the baby?” Niall asked.

“I don’t know.” Harry answered. “I really need to talk to her and find out what she’s going to do.”

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