chapter 8

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Chapter eight

At last it was five pm. I was nervous but at the same time really excited. I decided to ignore Alice suggestions about pretty dresses with flowers and I wore high waisted skinny black jeans with a short grey cotton t-shirt instead. I also wore my precious black cardigan with my white converse.

When I saw the car outside my window I didn’t need Alice to help me down because I literally ran. He greeted me by his car, lighting up as he saw me. I responded with a smile and just the sight of him made my stomach ache. He was wearing a casual black t-shirt with white sleeves, blue tight jeans and black converse. He looked really good.

“Hi.” He greeted me, hugging me tightly, pressing his body against mine. Oh he smelled wonderful.

“Hi! How did the session go?” I asked while I crawled into the car.

“Oh it was super fun! It’s still kind of awkward between me and Louis, but I had a really great time. I felt really inspired actually.” He said with a smile.

“Good, I’m glad.” I smiled back. “Where are we going?”

“I was thinking maybe for a walk? It’s such a nice day!”

It really was, but a walk? Was he able to do that? Wouldn’t the paparazzi follow us wherever we’d go?

“I know you are thinking about the paparazzi. But don’t worry. We are driving to a small part of town with a really nice park. They would never find us there.” He assured me.

We had to drive 20 minutes to take a walk. How could he live like this with this constant hiding from the press? It was all weird.

When we finally arrived to our destination we got out of the car and security let us go by ourselves. There were no paparazzo’s this time who greeted us and it felt amazing.

We walked side by side, talking, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company. I felt more and more relaxed with him and I think he felt the same way about me. We really got along and we shared the same stupid ironical humor.

It was a really nice and warm day and after walking for over an hour, we decided to buy ice cream. As we found the little ice cream shop, we of course found people who recognized Harry. There were about five girls who started to scream as we entered the shop, and they ran over to him, asking for pictures.  He was clearly used to this, smiling and hugging the girls and being really nice to them. I got to be the photographer, snapping several pictures of Harry with them. When we walked away I saw them taking pictures of us together. Well, if it’s not the paparazzi, somebody else was bound to take pictures of us sooner or later.

“Was that uncomfortable for you?” he asked me as we sat down on a bench in the park.

“Well… it was a bit weird, but uncomfortable, no. “I answered him. “I mean I think it’s great that so many people admire you and One Direction. I know how dedicated fans can get; I mean I live with Alice. And I’m thankful that she is such a big fan because I got to meet you through her.” I said bravely. He gazed at me while giving me a big smile.

“I’m really glad you feel that way, because I couldn’t date someone who didn’t mind our fans.”

Whoa. Hold on, did he just say date? Actually date me? My heart skipped a beat and my palms started to sweat.

“Did you say date?” I asked him, raising my eyebrows.

“Yes…l, uhm…” he stuttered.  “I mean, even though I only met you three times I really like you and I think we should try dating” he said while he nervously slid his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what it is but there is something about you.”

“I feel the same way.” I answered him, blushing. “Even though you are one of the most famous people on earth.”

He laughed.

“Yeah I know I’m the biggest celebrity ever.” He said grinning at me.

“Shut up.” I said, giving him a friendly punch in the side with my elbow.

His eyes sparkled as he gazed straight in to my eyes. There was a moment of silence.

“Make me,” he whispered in his low husky voice. How could such a light moment turn into seriousness and flaming heat in one second?

 I could feel the warmth of his breath as he leaned his mouth closer to mine. I decided to be brave and I slowly leaned in, giving him a light kiss. His hand slid up my neck and into my hair as he pressed his lips against mine. He slowly opened his mouth carefully sliding his tongue into mine. I felt my heartbeat racing. I took my hand and placed it on his neck, letting it slowly wander down his chest. His heart was beating faster under my palm. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him and his wonderful lips. He tasted of strawberry ice cream and summer.

After a moment that felt so short but at the same time like an eternity, his phone rang. He sighed.

“I have to take this Hanna, I’m sorry.” And he leaned away from me, but leaving his hand on my thigh.

I didn’t want to eavesdrop but I heard he was talking to Niall. After a lot of yeses and a few questions, he hung up.

“What was that all about?” I asked him, confused.

“How would you feel about going to a party tonight?” he said giving me a big smile.

“Is Niall throwing a party?” I answered him.

“Yes, a last minute kind of thing.” He said while shaking his hair. “Would you want to go with me?”

“Sure, if I can bring Alice!” I said, smirking at him.

“As long as she is cool about it because she would be the first directioner who gets to go to one of Nialls parties” He said laughing.

“Yes I will talk to her, and tell her to bring her posters so you could sign.” I said jokingly.

We got up from the bench and started to walk back towards the car. His fingers found mine and he carefully grabbed my hand.

Would I really be attending a party together with Harry Styles, as his official date? Alice would totally flip out.

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