cuddles and movies <3

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This is my first time writing and english isn't my first language so just ignore my grammar. i hope you like it :)

 i hope you like it :)

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n i'm homeee" yelled Olivia, i get up excitingly to go see her i see she has flowers in her hand and Chinese takeout in the other. "are these for me?" i say with a big smile she looks at me and says "no" my smile quickly drops, Olivia sees my reaction and instantly apologizes "i'm sorry it's a joke these flowers are yours of course" she reassures me and kisses my cheek, i melt under her kiss "apology not accept yet" as i smile and kiss her cheek, i take the flowers to the kitchen and Olivia goes to change into comfy clothes.

As i finish setting the flowers in the vase; Olivia comes down and puts our takeout food on plates, we're in the kitchen in a comfortable silence. "Babe what are we gonna watch" she asks as she takes the plates to the living room and i take our drinks. "I was thinking maybe perks of being a wallflowers again?" i say with a smile, Olivia groans and says "we've seen that like 4 times please another movie" i roll my eyes. "ugh fine we can watch moonlight you've never seen that right?" Olivia nods her head no. As we both get comfortable and eat while the movie is playing we finish eating halfway through the movie so we pause it and clean up real fast "Babe can i get some chocolate?" I ask Olivia says "no you're like addicted to it you can have some after the movie" i roll my eyes and continued washing the dishes. After we go go lay on the couch Olivia is laying her head in my lap while we watch the movie.

"the women who played his mom is a really good actress" i say as Olivia stays focusing on the movie and nodding her head. We then finish the movie i quickly wipe my tears away but Olivia sees "are you crying?" she asks with her sleepy voice "no....yes why don't gay people get happy endings they deserve it" i say, as i continue ranting about it Olivia just keeps looking at me and i quickly get nervous and ask "what is there something on my face?" Olivia nods and says "there's something on your lips let me get it for you" she kisses me passionately i smile then pick her up bridal style and take her to our room. "Come on you need your beauty sleep" i say as i lay her down, i then get up myself and change into some shorts and a sports bra. I then get into bed and Olivia comes to lay on my chest as i stroke her hair seeing the moonlight shine on her beautiful perfect face. god i could look at her forever i think.

"you know i always thought you were the most beautiful girl" i say with my sleepy voice, i feel her smile on me "i love you a lot i'm always going to" i continue telling her how much i love her until we both fall asleep.

couple hours later <3

I wake up to a empty bed i sat up and look at the time it's the 4am i think to myself 'where is she at' so i get up a light was on so i walk to the kitchen and there she is sitting on the counter drinking orange juice "love why are you up?" i ask questioning her she rubs her eyes and says "i couldn't sleep i didn't want to wake you up" i walk up to her and hug her and whisper to her ear "come on love you need your sleep" i put her cup in the sink and mentally remind myself to clean it later in the morning. We both go to the room into bed i feel like something is wrong she is always sleeping she loves it so i turn to her and we're facing each other "are you okay" i ask softly she nods "i'm okay being in the studio is exhausting" i guide my hand up to her cheek and stroke it

"ask your manager for a day off tell her you need" i say Olivia nods, i then kiss her forehead and smile at her "i love you" i say "i love you too y/n". she wraps her leg over me and snuggles into my neck, i stay up a couple more minutes after her in case she can't sleep but then i hear her breathing she's sleeping i kiss her forehead. i then close my eyes and sleep.


793 Words! :) i hope you guys like this story <3 take care of yourself stay safe :)

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