Distance pt. 2

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The next day.

It was now Friday i chose not to go to school because i didn't want to see Liv since the situation happened. Still no text either my mind starts overthinking "does she not love me anymore" "does she want to break up?" i hear my phone ring i picked it up it was her.

Baby Liv <3:
Hi i know you're probably asleep but i saw that you didn't come to school today, i'm really sorry about the other did i was a asshole and i didn't mean those things please i'm sorry. Please can i make it up to you after school?

I look at the message and think about what i should say should i cuss her out? ignore her? respond?. I responded saying

Hey Liv I'm okay and i accept your apology i'm sorry for lashing out. You can make it up to me just please when we hang out can you focus on me that's all i want.

Baby Liv <3:
I'll make it up to you and i promise you i'll stay off my phone more. I'll come over after school I love you

I turned off my phone it was way too early to be up it's 8am so i went back to bed. 3 hours later, I got up i went to go shower since i was seeing Liv later i ate breakfast.


I hear someone drive up the driveway and it's Liv, i opened the door i gave her a big hug "i missed y/n/n i'm so sorry" Liv said holding me tight "i missed you so much" we pull away and Liv says "okay go grab a extra outfit love and meet me in the car" i look at her nodding my head "okay" Liv went back to car as i went to grab a outfit, i met her in the car "so where are we going?" i asked her "don't worry just wait" We drove for about a hour until i see the beach "oh my god" i said excited "i love the beach so much oh my god" i couldn't wait to get out "come on come on drive i wanna see" i said to her, 5 minutes later we got there and we walked near the water as we got closer there was a picnic "Liv is this for us?" "Yup i had Conan and Madison help me" i jump up to her giving her the biggest hug ever.

We sat down it was a sunny hot day good thing it wasn't windy but we ended up eating and talking Liv told me that she left her phone in the car so she could focus on me i'm glad i had her attention i missed it a lot. "Babe get up real quick" i look at her weird and i got up she picked me up and started walking towards the water "Liv" "Liv" "no" i said yelling trying to get out her grip she kept walking until i felt the cold water touch me "oh my god" it feels so good but i'm in clothes she then jumps more into the water getting us soaking wet. "oh my god it's so cold" i said Liv laughed at me "it feels so nice" We ended up swimming around for a hour now i know why she said bring extra clothes, it was getting later now so we packed up and dry ourselves then change into our clean clothes. "thank you baby it was so fun" i said smiling she kissed my hand "you're welcome beautiful once again i'm really sorry for everything i didn't mean to i promise" "it's okay you're okay".

We drove home talking singing together do anything, then we got back to my place i went to shower real quick then let her shower after now we are cuddling watching 'lady bird' "i missed this" i said "me too love" we ordered pizza that night and sing our heart out and dance with each other it was one of my favorite nights ever.

725 words :)
Recommend listening to "love songs on the radio" by Mojave 3 such a comforting song :) anyways to that one supporter who asked for a part 2 i hope you enjoyed :)) take care of yourselves and remember you're loved <3

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