Sisters best-friend

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"ma can Olivia come over today" my sister Casey said giving her the eyes god she so annoyed, "of course she can invite Y/n with you guys" i scoff "like i'd want to be with them" i say getting up to put my empty bowl of cereal in the sink "no it's just me and Olivia we're studying" "more like smoking" i said lowly Casey gives me the death stare good thing mom didn't hear me "she can stay the weekend i'll be going out tomorrow so just give me a list of what you guys want and i'll get it" Casey smiles and gives mom a hug and kiss "thank you thank you thank you" She then runs upstairs to her room i'm guessing now it's just me and mom. "Y/n do you want to come to the store with me" mom said asking me, i know she hates going by herself so i said "yeah sure i'll drive" mom puts her wine glass in the sink along with my bowl and heads to the living room to watch her telenovela.

I spent my afternoon in my room rewatching the 'fear street trilogy' since Olivia was here i didn't want to deal with Casey trying to act hard and humiliate me in front of her friend. I never understood why Olivia is friends with her Casey is so annoying and Olivia just isn't. As i was half way finishing up 'fear street 1994' mom had called me up "Y/n come on" i quickly pause the movie grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs to the kitchen i hear someone say "hey Y/n" without a thought k assumed it was mom so i said "ma hold on a minute i need water" i quickly turn around and chug the cup "im not your mom" she said with a giggle i choke on my choke and cough "oh im sorry i just assumed" i say cleaning around my mouth.

"tell carne asada to send me the list of what you both want" Olivia looked at me confused until i realized i called her by a nickname "i meant casey i have to go have fun" I say walking away with embarrassment and grabbing the keys. I head outside and unlock the doors for my mom and i, "alright ma what do you need?" i asked her she then gave me a list and what she's making for dinner as she talks i drive. We get here to the grocery story and put on our mask i hold moms purse while she gets a cart, we then head the produce isle "grab me two cucumbers, 10lb bag of potatoes and 5 tomatoes" i go and grab those things as mom heads to the deli to grab some meats and cheese i hear my phone go off and see the list Case sent me basically a list of junk foods which made me gag inside "how could someone eat this much" i said in my mind. I head to the isle where most of the stuff Case and Olivia wanted and grabbed everything, then i went to the fruit isle and grabbed some fruit for myself and headed back to mom with the cart.

After our little shopping spree we put everything into the car and i drove us back home as we were around the corner i went on my phone and called case she answered "hey dipshit" "hey can you both come outside i'm back from the store" i then hanged up. We pulled up the driveway and the two girls came outside and each grabbed bags mom then grabbed some then i did, we all put the bags on top of the counter while Case tries to look for her snack "relax idiot help me put this stuff away then grab your snack" i said to her but Case ended up not listening grabbing her and Liv's snack and heading upstairs now it's just me and mom putting stuff away "ma since it's just me and you wanna go out to get boba later? i'll pay" i ask her "sure" we then put everything away as i thank my mom for getting me a snack i kiss her cheek and head to my room finishing up watching the first movie of fear street.

As i saw Sam and Deena cuddled up on each other i think "i wish i had something like them" no one knows i like girls i never thought of telling them, i always thought Olivia is very beautiful i've always liked her but never got to courage to say anything. It was now 6Pm and i finished the 2nd part of fear street i head downstairs and see that mom is sleeping on the couch so i go to the garage and get myself a pack of water bottles to put under my bed as i'm leaving the garage i run into Olivia "fuck you scared me" i say to her she giggles her eyes look hooded "are you high" i asked her "no maybe" she said back to me i nod my head and head upstairs to my room she follows me "Y/n let me get one" she said looking at the water bottles "grab it yourself" she crouches down and opens the case "thank you" she said leaving my room.

A hour later i hear a knock on my door "come in" i say pausing the movie "hey ma" "want to go get boba?" i nod my head and get up we both head downstairs the sun was now setting it looked beautiful. I drove to our favorite boba spot and ordered after we got our drinks we sat in the car and talked "you know Olivia looks at you differently then she looks at Case" ma said out-loud "what do you mean how does she look at me" i say asking curiously "she looks at you like she wants to spend time with you and have a genuine conversation oh my god do you think she likes you" my mom budges me i try my best not to smile "you think? i don't know i never thought it that way" i say to her. We talk and talk until it was dark outside we had finish our boba a while ago we just talked about everything but the conversation about Olivia stuck by me, I drove us home and when we got inside mom saw the two girls and asked what they want for dinner "raviolis" the girls blurted out they looked at each other and gave each other a high five. Mom ended up making what they wanted and we sat at the dinner table.

As we were all talking over each other about the problems in the world i feel someone hold my hand i look down and see that's it was Olivia i feel my cheeks warm up so i pulled away and continued talking over everyone, Dinner was fun we talked and talked. We finished eating as Olivia and Case went upstairs i cleaned the dishes so mom could relax a bit. Mom went outside to smoke a cigarette i finished cleaning and i head upstairs to go shower i grabbed my clothes from my room and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the water and quickly got in cause i couldn't stand the coldness of the air. After my shower mom had said goodnight to me and i went to my bed and got comfortable.

It was now 3am i hear quietness in the house which means Case and Liv are asleep. I head downstairs to grab myself some strawberries and i hear some shuffling upstairs but i ignored it "Y/n psst" i turned around and took off my headphones it was Liv 'i'm literally wearing a bra and shorts god this is going to be weird' i thought to myself i see Olivia looked at me up and down "hey what are you doing up?" i ask while you can hear "Paul" by big thief playing loud "i can't sleep" i hummed at her response "want some strawberries" i asked her, she came up and got herself a strawberry "hey Y/n" i turned to her and i felt a pair of lips on mine i kiss back i hear shuffling upstairs but ignored it i keep kissing her putting my hand on the side of her face "what the fuck" i hear someone say i back away quickly it was Casey "fuck it's not what it looks like" Olivia says "no it's what it looks like my sister kissing my fucking best-friend" "Case relaxed im the one who did it not her" i said throwing myself under the bus Case grabs Olivia and they head upstairs Liv giving me apologetic eyes. I turn away as tears fall down my eyes "i'm such a idiot" i whisper to myself i hear someone waking down the stairs i assumed it was Case so i ignored it i feel someone hug me i turn around it's mom "ma i messed up" i cry in her arms

"i'm so sorry" i pleaded with tears running down my eyes "i kissed her" mom just holds
me tight "it's not your fault mijo don't worry i'll talk to case tomorrow" she kisses my forehead "go to bed you have school tomorrow" i nodded and put the strawberries away. I head upstairs to my room and lock the door and cry even more. It was now 4am i couldn't cry anymore so i just went to bed, i hear my alarm go off and get up i groaned and look up at the ceiling as i remembered what happened today what's even worse is that we all go to school together and i have to give them a ride. I get up and put on a bum outfit today just isn't my day, i head to Casey's door and bang on it "wake up school time" i then head downstairs mom had already left for work so i make myself coffee and sit in the car as i wait for the girls.

I hear the front door close and see the girls come in the car Case is ignoring me so she's just talking to Olivia i look in the rear view mirror and see Olivia's brown eyes. I quickly drive us to school i park the car and head inside.

School ended i'm just waiting for Liv and Case to come back first Case comes first so i spoke up "talk to me why are you mad" "because you kissed my best-friend you're a girl who likes girls that's not good" "wow raging homophobe you sound like them hardcore christian's on fucking TikTok grow a pair won't you" i said lashing out on her "fuck you" Case spits back at me. Liv gets in the car i'm sure she feels the tension in here I go drop Liv off at her house as i drove me and Case home. I hear my phone off and i see that Liv texted me.

Part 2?...
1873 words :) i loved writing this one guys this story was written in may 😭

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