She forgot our anniversary

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I always knew Olivia would forgot but just this one time i hoped she would remember, Olivia remembered everyone's birthday but always forgot our anniversary it hurts sometimes but today was bad. Today was our 2 years Liv always relied on me to tell her but today i decided to wait it out i knew she wasn't going to remember i always did but when she forgot i would get sad. Me and Olivia are eating breakfast right now we just woke up a bit ago and i decided to make us potatoes and eggs throughout the cooking process Liv helped and i burnt myself with the hot oil "fuck" i said to myself dropping the spatula "god i hate oil" i said as i ran my finger under some cold water it's not helping me i hate it.

I finished making breakfast we sat at the table and talked i wanted to tell her it was our 2 years but i just listens, as we finished breakfast we placed our dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and Liv went to go write some music while i went to go shower. I love showers i love feeling the water run down my body it made me feel so relaxed but this shower wasn't special i still wanted to cry about her forgetting i shouldn't be sad it's not the first time she forgot but it was special today i didn't want her to forget. "babe" i yelled from the bathroom i hear footsteps coming up the stairs "yeah love" Liv said opening the door "can you hand me a towel please i forgot" "Y/n you always forget a towel" she said throwing the towel at me.

"Also can you check the date for me" I said smiling at her "sure" she said pulling her phone out "it's the 21st of April" she said i look at her we look at each other until she realizes "oh" "yup" i said drying my hair "i'm sorry Y/n i'm so sorry happy how many months? 8?" i look at her with disappointment "just forget about it" i said walking out the bathroom to go change Liv walks after me "i'm sorry" "2 years Liv how did you manage to forget you can remember birthdays but you simply can remember 2 years it may not be important to you but to me it is" i say i feel my throat closing up and tears falling down my face Liv hugs me "i'm sorry i'm really really sorry" i cry even more she couldn't even remember.

"it's fine Liv just let it go i'm going grocery shopping in a bit" i said pulling away from the hug and changing. I head downstairs and grab the keys leaving "i'll be back" i said closing the door, i get into my car and cry i'm still sad over it i shouldn't be but i am. I head to the store and grab stuff we need then i go to the flower section and grab Liv some flowers she may have forgotten but she deserves them. I look at the many variety of flowers a mom and her daughter are beside me "hey kid which one should i get" i said smiling she smiles back and points at the one with "yellow flowers" i grab them they look beautiful "thanks kid fist bump" she does it back i walk to checkout and pay.

I put everything in the car and drive home, i get home and i'm sitting in the car waiting to get out i let out a heavy sigh and bring in the bags "Liv help me put the stuff away" i see her come down with puffy eyes "baby what's wrong" i said holding her hands "i forgot i didn't mean to i-" i hug her tightly "it's okay baby" i said whispering to her reassuring her "look come to the kitchen" i take her to the kitchen with me and hand her the flowers she smiles at me "i had a kid pick them out for me come here" i give her a comforting hug "i know you have a hard time remembering i'm not upset at you i still love you very much".

We spent the rest of the day together then later at night Liv took me out to a restaurant and we ate. It was nice im not sad anymore i still love her.
748 words :)

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