Cigarette moonlight

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Y/n and Olivia broke up a while ago. They dated for about 2 years but since then Olivia had fallen out of love with the girl Y/n wasn't upset or mad she didn't seem to care at least not around her, Olivia broke up with Y/n right before her tour they were going great before Y/n was confused on why that's all she wanted to know. She needed the closure to move on Olivia had already move onto someone else his name was Joshua, they've worked together in the past Y/n supported the couple.

Olivia wanted to stay as friends Y/n was fine with that, being friends with someone she still in love with. Since the breakup Y/n moved to New York Olivia's fans' stop giving her the attention which was a good thing cause she was able to go out in public and not get recognized. Y/n laid off of Olivia every once in a while leaving the girl waiting for her ex to text her back. Olivia doesn't know the impact the breakup came on Y/n, she didn't bother to ask how she was doing.

It was about 3am Y/n was just about to go smoke a cigarette out back when someone knocked on the door, Y/n assumed it was probably someone begging for money until they knocked about 2 more times. "who is it" Y/n said as the cigarette hung out the corner of mouth "it's me" Y/n knew from the voice who it was so she opened the door "what's up?" Y/n said letting the girl in, taking the cigarette from between her cracked lips, "i just wanted to see how you were doing" Olivia said as she took off her shoes at the door Y/n walked to the kitchen  "you want something to drink?" Y/n quizzed the girl, "i'm okay" Olivia said Y/n shrugged her shoulders and grabbed two wine glasses "red wine it is" Y/n said popping open the bottle, poured into the glass cups.

"come to the back" Y/n said handing the cup to the girl "no take backs by the way if you don't want to drink it you can leave it" Y/n said sitting beside the outside table placing her cup on the platform. "so what's up Liv" Y/n said lighting up her cigarette as the moonlight shined on both of the girls, taking a big hit Olivia spoke up and said "i just wanted to see how you were doing i'm finally back in town i see you seem to be doing great" smiling Y/n sat up flicking the ashes from her smoke "im okay i've been working keeping the business running how's your music going?" Olivia sighed "it's going well" Y/n sat up "so you showed up to ask me how i'm doing? no offense but it's 3am?" Y/n said raising a eyebrow curiously.

"no i didn't i just wanted to see you" "a bit odd having your ex show up" Y/n said, "i know but i was in town and i don't know" Olivia said sighing. The two girls sat in awkward silence until Olivia spoke up "let me get a hit" bringing up her hand to Y/n "nope not letting you do that" Y/n said exhaling the smoke "come on just let me try" "no if you leave smelling like cigarettes your manager will literally kill me" Olivia gave up and said "fine if i can't smoke you can't" Olivia grabbed the cigarette and put it out "fine you win" Y/n got up then took off her shirt and jumped into the pool "Y/n!" Olivia said Y/n wiped her eyes "i'm sorry come help me please" Y/n said bringing her hand out Olivia grabbed it and Y/n pulled her in "fuck it's cold" Olivia said she splashed Y/n.

"what the hell Y/n" Olivia said Y/n laughed at the girl "you always fall for it" Y/n said floating on her back. Olivia swam around getting used to the water after a bit Y/n was just standing in the water admiring the view in front of her, Olivia swam up to the girl standing beside her "Y/n" "Yeah?" Y/n looked at the girl, Olivia kissed Y/n, Y/n backed away "Liv" "i'm sorry i just- i just" Y/n got out the pool "it's fine don't worry about it just a mistake, i'm gonna get you a towel" Y/n left the girl in the water

Olivia could taste the cigarette from the girls lips, Olivia didn't know what to do.

Y/n came back with a towel "here" "thank you" Olivia said getting out the water and drying herself "i'm sorry Y/n" "it's fine just why?" "i don't know i just wanted to kiss you i missed you" "you can't miss me you broke up with me you have Joshua why would you do that" Y/n said as tears bridge up to her eyes

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