Drunk Olivia

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y/n POV

It was 2am and i'm sitting in the living room waiting for Olivia, she had went out with her friends to a party so i'm just waiting for her. I hear a knock on the door so i get up and see one of Olivia's friend holding her up "you must be Y/n lucky enough Olivia was asking about you all night she's really drunk" she hands Olivia to me "thank you take care of yourself bye" i close the door and help Olivia take off shoes "Y/n you know i've been wanting you this entire night" she says slurring her words i could smell the alcohol from her breath "that's nice but let's get you some water" i say walking her to the kitchen and sitting her down onto a chair she swings her legs looking at me i grab her a glass of water and hand to it, as she is drinking it i grab a bowl and place a trash bag in it to put beside our bed along with a water bottle and Tylenol. I help her up the stairs to our room and sit her on the bed as i put her stuff on her side of the table, "baby kiss me please" she says trying to beg "i have to put you in comfortable clothes come on lift up your arms" she lifts her arms and i take off her shirt she falls back onto the bed i grab her a t-shirt of mines "come on lift them up again" she groans and lifts them up i then take off pants and put on comfortable shorts then i sit beside and take off my shirt i fell something in my lap and Olivia is sitting on me.

She leans forward and kisses me hard "i missed your lips so much" she says some of her words slurring she keeps kissing me until she can't breathe i stop her from going further "you're drunk and it's late come on" i say as she gets on my lap and im changing my shorts she lays her hand between my inner thighs my cheeks turning red she whispers in my here "do you really want me to stop?" i say back "no" she smirks and goes to lay down. I sit there and told her "even when you're drunk you're a tease" she giggles and gets comfortable in bed "lay on your side the bowl is beside you" she nods and turns on her side.

I get in bed beside her and turn off the lamp i speak up "you know you turned me on" she then says "i know i just wanted to mess with you goodnight love" i said "goodnight love".
462 words :)) u better appreciate these cause i literally got broken up😍

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