Taking care of her

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Olivia had spent the week with a runny nose but she brushed it off since it was just that but then she started getting fevers and stomachaches so her girlfriend Y/n took her to the doctors turns out she had a stomach virus so the doctor ordered her to stay home for a week.

i woke up to Liv tossing in her sleep "babe?" i whispered "baby!" i whispered she opened her eyes "what's wrong?" "fever again" i get up to go grab tylenol and a cup of water then head back to the room "here precious do you want to take a cold shower?" Liv nodded her head to me so i went to go turn on the shower and went back to her "come on the shower is on" she slowly stood up since her muscles were aching too i held her hand and wrap my arm around her waist for support. We walked to the bathroom and i helped her take off her clothes "it's okay bubs you're going to be okay i promise" i took her to the shower and left in the bathroom for some privacy a couple minutes i heard knocking on the wall from the bathroom i went to the bathroom and Liv was standing there letting the water run down her body.

"can you help me my arms hurt" "of course love" i tied up my hair and rolled up my sleeves "you're okay here lift up your arms" i scrubbed her body making sure she is clean "how's your fever?" "the shower is helping thank you a lot" "don't thank me" i smiled at her and kissed her forehead after cleaning her i let her stay in the shower for a little more so her fever goes down a bit after that i went to dry her off and wrap her hair in a towel i then took her to the bedroom and sat her on the bed "i'll bring some melatonin gummies stay here" i went to go grab it then went to dress her up in clean pajamas "clean as new here take a gummy and get tucked in bed" she ate the gummy and she got comfortable i changed into new pajamas as well.

I got into bed with Liv as i got comfortable she turned over and laid her head on my chest i play with her hair a bit to distract her from her sickness. After 10 minutes she falls asleep later then i fell asleep.
424 words :)

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