I saw you looking

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Y/n was invited to the grammy awards along with her best-friend Billie Eilish, their outfits were matching a bit just a different style Billie wearing a deconstructed trench coat and sock boots, both by Rick Owens while Y/n wore a silk black suit along with all black Versace dress shoes.

As both girls were getting their pictures taken, Y/n saw a slim brown haired girl down the carpet from her, wearing Vivienne Westwood red carpet gown. Y/n just couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful girl until Billie had elbowed her softly grabbing the girl's attention, Y/n took her focus off the girl and smiling for the cameras. Y/n didn't want to lose the girl so she excused herself "take some pictures Bill i'll see you inside" Y/n said smiling and kissing the girls cheek "okay Y/n/n", Y/n let the girls hand go and headed inside to find the girl.

Y/n didn't want to be a creep so she made sure Olivia couldn't see her. Y/n sat in the lobby across from her Y/n grabbed her phone pretending to be on it but she was just messing around on the settings app often looking up at the brown eyed girl who is talking to Timothee Chalamet. "Y/n/n" Billie said singing the girls name "Hey what's up?" Y/n said getting up fixing her outfit "ready to go find our seats" Y/n said as she bought her arm out Billie smiled hooking her arm around Y/n's "let's go" Billie said excitedly, Finneas was probably about to arrive in a bit since he had taken longer to get ready. As we found our seats we began talking Billie decided to bring up about earlier.

"who were you looking at earlier when we were taking pictures?" Billie said looking at her, "no one i was just not focused" Y/n said giving a smile, Billie could tell she was lying "you lying?" "yeah" Y/n said Billie laughed "i was looking at Olivia she just looks beautiful that's all" Y/n said crossing her legs getting comfortable "ooo i could get her number if you want" Billie said wiggling her eyebrows at the girl, Y/n nudged her shoulder "nope i can do it myself" "Alright well i gotta go Y/n/n Finneas is about to be here so i'll see you after the performance" Bill said giving the girl a kiss on the cheek "good luck babes". A bit after Billie left the arena became filled with even more people Finneas and Claudia were here "hey Finn" Y/n said getting up hugging him "sick outfit" Finneas said, "thanks hey Claud you look beautiful" "thank you Y/n/n" she said smiling hugging her, shortly after it was now time for people to perform.

After BTS had performed Y/n felt jealous that Taehyung talked to Olivia but it wasn't her place cause Y/n isn't even dating her. Right after that performance it was now Olivia performing she had changed into 90s-inspired runway dress by Givenchy, Y/n enjoyed watching and listening to the beautiful girl she just couldn't take her eyes off of her. Finneas looked beside him to see if Y/n is doing well and he could see that her eyes were just filled with love like she fell in love with Olivia, he just smiled and continued listening to the girl. After Olivia two other people performed then it was not Billie's turn Finneas excused himself as well leaving Claudia alone with Y/n, Y/n was so excited seeing her two best-friends perform at such a important and amazing event.

Billie was wearing a black shirt with Taylor Hawkins honoring him, Y/n never felt so proud of someone until now she was so happy for the siblings she had a big smile on her face just admiring them. Y/n could see Billie smiling as she performed she looked so happy Y/n knew Billie loved performing in front of people, Billie was happy. Y/n could feel Billies energy she was just so proud of her.

Right after Billies performance, two other singers performed both Finneas and Billie were coming back to their seats in their formal outfits Y/n wanted to tell her how proud she was but she knew she had to wait till the after party so all she did was hold her hand smiling at the girl, Y/n also held Finneas hand whispering a 'congrats' to him he smiled in response. After everyone performed it was now the time to announce the nominations, sadly Billie didn't win any grammys this year but she wasn't upset about it she was proud of the winners Y/n could tell she was a bit sad but she held her hand to make her feel better "it's okay B, we have next year" Y/n whispered in her ear Billie smiled. Olivia won 7 Grammys Y/n was proud of the girl she was very happy for her.

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