It's not writing about you i wrote you.

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Y/n was a lonely author she had wrote novels in the past but since then she hasn't had the motivation she's just been laying around with her dog Marley, Y/n didn't have many friends either her sister being her only friend but could rarely hang out since she had her own family. It's always been just her and Marley but Marley was a huge attention getter especially towards women like Marley knows who to get but Y/n wasn't a social butterfly so she isolate herself she enjoyed being lonely. After Y/n's interview for one of her famous novels when Y/n got home Marley was dragging out a lingerie piece Y/n assumed it was the neighbors so she decided to ignore it later then she decided to write about a girl let's call her Olivia, she has brown eyes and brown long healthy hair she was short but not too short she was a social butterfly and she enjoys cooking, Y/n later spent that night writing about the girl until she had fallen asleep on her desk.

Y/n had woken up she had a meeting that day with her sister so she put the papers in the cabinet of her desk and locked it. The girl headed downstairs and heard someone in the kitchen the quickly grabbed the bat beside the stairs and headed to the kitchen "hi baby" Y/n quickly hid herself "what the hell" she said to herself "Y/n baby where are you going" Y/n headed upstairs not saying a word "she looks exactly like the girl in the story" Y/n locked herself in her office and called her sister. "Y/s/n there's a girl in my house" "what" "come over there is a girl in my house she's from a story of mines" Y/s/n quickly hung up the phone and grabbed the car keys, Y/n heard a knock ok the door "Y/n baby are you ignoring me?" Y/n gotten up from the floor and unlocked the door "no just busy" Y/n headed downstairs wanting to get away from the girl "i made breakfast" "that's nice of you but-" a knock interrupted the confused girl she quickly opened the door.

"hey y/s/n this is Olivia, Olivia this is y/s/n we'll be right back" Y/n quickly grabbed her hand and took her upstairs "what the fuck she's real" "what do you mean?" Y/n quickly walked to her desk and grabbed the papers based on Olivia, "look she's fucking real" Y/s/n quickly scanned her eyes on the paper "i don't believe it" Y/n headed to type writing and grabbed the last paper she wrote on Olivia "write something noticeable" Y/n typed "she speaks fluent french" Y/n and her sister headed downstairs to where Olivia was "y/n bébé viens m'aider" Y/n looked at her sister she had a shocked face "this is some manifestation shit" Olivia started saying more stuff in french but the two girls just stand there "Y/n go fix this right now" "go" Y/n headed upstairs quickly to her typewriter and typed "she speaks fluent english" then she headed downstairs and Olivia said "so Y/s/n would you be joining us for breakfast?" Y/s/n looked at Y/n "can't i have kids to go take care of Y/n can i talk to you in private?" Y/n nodded her head the two girls headed outside in the backyard "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck" Y/s/n said "i know please keep it a secret i can't have anyone knowing" Y/n said bringing her pinky finger up to Y/s/n "i promise" the two girls headed back inside "well i'll see you guys later" Y/s/n said grabbing her car keys.

After Y/n and Olivia finish eating Y/n gets up and grabs her keys "i'll be back" "where are you going can i come please" "um i don't know sure" The two girls quickly cleaned up and got into the car Olivia held Y/n's hand they arrived "okay Olivia just stay here i'm gonna go meet up with someone" Olivia looked confused "just stay here don't go anywhere" Y/n was going to go meet up with a girl that gave her her number at the interview for her novel a couple days ago, "hey Leslie right?" Y/n said sitting down "yeah Y/n you know i thought you had forgotten about me" "no sorry i've just been busy writing "ooo is it about me?" Y/n nodded her head no "am i in it?" "i can't tell you you're going to have to wait for it" As Y/n said of course Olivia saw her sitting with another girl "Y/n?" Y/n quickly ducked her head down avoiding seeing her "Y/n what the hell" Leslie looked confused "um Y/n who is this?" "i'm his girlfriend you know if you wanted to see another women you could've told me" Leslie looked uncomfortable "i'm just going to go" she said getting up leaving "what's your problem i told you to stay over there" Olivia grabbed the glass of water and poured it on Y/n "go fuck yourself" Olivia said walking "no no come back".

Y/n tried getting up but the waiter was in her way "you saw her right?" "yeah i did" "good" Y/n ran out after the girl "Olivia!" she yelled "leave me alone" "Olivia come here" The girl kept running away Y/n caught up "Olivia stop" "no you wanted to see another girl why would you do that" all eyes were on the couple someone spoke out and said "do i need to call the police?" "no i'm fine Y/n if you don't want to be with me say it" Olivia walked "i do want to be with you come on" Y/n stopped her and kisses her then grabbed her and lifted her over her shoulder "Y/n i will scream put me down" Y/n muttered a no and took her to the car "get in put your seatbelt on" Olivia didn't want to argue or run away so she did what she was asked to do. Y/n drove Olivia to get some ice cream to make her feel better than took her home.

part 2?
1087 i hope you enjoy :))) i've been pretty busy due to school so i apologize for that but take care of yourself <3

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