After Graduation

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Y/n and Olivia graduated just almost 2 weeks ago, Olivia got her license right after graduation Y/n taught her girl the basics of the car and how to parallel park.

"good luck love i'll be here when you finish" Y/n said as she parked in the parking lot of the DMV "thank you i'll be back" Olivia grabbed the necessities and walked into the building. Luckily there wasn't very much people so Y/n decided to just chill in the car for a bit before going to a fast food restaurant to pick up her and Olivia some food. After 30 minutes of waiting in the parking lot Liv finally had finished as she walked to the car she gave Y/n a sad face Y/n frowned but as Olivia got closer she put out her license "i did it!" Liv said as she entered the car "yes oh my god" Y/n said giving Olivia a hug "i'm so proud of you see i knew you could do it" Y/n went to the back seat and grabbed the bag of food "here i got you something to eat cause i knew you'd be hungry" Olivia smiled "thank you".

Y/n waited for Olivia to finish her food, Olivia offered to share but Y/n was full from her meal after Liv finished her food Y/n asked "wanna drive for me?" i've been driving you for years now it's your turn love" Y/n passed Liv the keys not caring whether she wanted to or not and got out. The two girls switched seats and Olivia drove them to Y/n's house.

The girls got out and headed inside "tomorrow we're packing okay?" Y/n said, "okay" they headed to the kitchen and grabbed water bottles for themselves and headed upstairs since no one was home "help me back these last few things please" Y/n said dragging the last word as she bought her hand up to Olivia's face "okay fine" "thank you" Y/n said kissing her face "okay so i'll set up the boxes you grab the clothes from the closet"

The two girls spent a couple hours packing most of the time it was Olivia wanted to do something else since she was bored but Y/n just wanted to get it done Olivia has been packed Y/n just has been busy with stuff. When they got done it was 3pm Y/n's mom was at Olivia's house.

The day of leaving.

The two girls spent time with their own families before leaving Y/n's stuff was now in her car and so were liv's, Y/n invited both families over for a lunch before a 12 hour drive everyone was at the dinner table talking and laughing the two girls knew they were gonna miss their families a lot but it's the best for them so they can feel safe and be able to love each other whenever they can without getting disgusted faces and being told slurs.

Y/n's mom decided to stand up at the table and say something "my two girls are growing im so happy to see you guys stick together your friendship is something that i will always love" Olivia held Y/n's hand under the table "to Y/n and Olivia" everyone repeated it and drank whatever was in their cup. This lunch lasted about 3 hours as the girls chatted with their families and each other, they finally felt ready they were beyond grateful for their families being supportive. Everyone was finally saying their goodbyes as they try not to cry "we're gonna miss you guys a lot" Liv said trying not to cry everyone hugged and the two girls got into their car.

"ready my love?" Olivia said turning on the car Y/n grabbed her hand "always" the two girls drove away as their families waved goodbye.

Olivia drove for about 6 hours after they got a hotel for the night as Y/n will continue driving tomorrow. Olivia was excited to finally leave Y/n was ready to see a new city she had never been to. The next morning it was Y/n's turn to drive she didn't complain she wanted her girlfriend to get some rest.

After those 6 hours they've finally arrived in California they were going to stay at one of Olivia's friends house 'Gracie Abrams' it was about a 15 minute drive to her place so Olivia was excited to meet a online friend Y/n was happy.

When they arrived Grace was already waiting outside "Olivia" Grace said coming up to hug her "hi gracie oh my god it's so nice to see you!" "it's so nice to finally meet you this is Y/n my girlfriend" Olivia felt excited to introduce Y/n as her girlfriend and not her friend "the famous Y/n Olivia has told me so much about you" Gracie hugged the girl "good things i hope" "come on come inside" Everyone headed inside Y/n's began to ring "sorry it's my mom i'll be back" Gracie began to give Olivia a tour of her home and where they will be sleeping "Liv we have to go to my manager tomorrow she wants to hear about you and your music."

Y/n's mom called in to check on her "hey kid how are you doing?" "we're doing great we just arrived at one of Liv's friends house" "that's good i miss you everyone here misses you guys" "well tell everyone i miss them too i got to go ma but i'll call you tomorrow" "okay bye kid" "bye".

Y/n hung up the phone and went back to find Gracie and Olivia they were sitting in the living room looking at the vinyls "should we bring our bags inside now?" Y/n asked leaning on the door frame "yeah Liv will show you your room" Gracie said giving a warm smile. The two girls bought their stuff into their room getting comfortable "you guys can stay as long as you need it's nice to have company also i don't cook i'll cook like mac and cheese but overall cooking is not really my thing" Gracie said "that's okay we aren't big cookers either" Olivia said.

The three girls ended up staying up almost all night Gracie and Olivia singing, Y/n talking about music, all three of them debating which Taylor Swift album is better. They all had fallen asleep in the Living room Y/n on the couch, Olivia and Gracie on the floor. Gracie's cat sleeping on Y/n's chest Olivia was happy she was so happy and so was Y/n
1126 words :) writing makes me so happy. part 3?

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