Date Night

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Olivia was taking Y/n out for dinner on their 9 month anniversary. Earlier Y/n went out early in the morning to the local florist and bought Olivia a bouquet of fresh flowers, when she arrived home luckily Olivia was still getting her rest so Y/n decided to cook some breakfast. After a hour or so Y/n made pancakes and ice coffee for her love who was still in bed. Y/n walked upstairs carrying Olivia's flowers and breakfast she sat the plate and cup on the bedside table and laid the flowers beside Olivia "Liv baby" Y/n said whispering she was not budging Y/n poked the young girls cheek "Liv" she said dragging out her name.

Olivia groaned turning her head towards the voice, humming in response "wake up i made you breakfast" Y/n said smiling Olivia opened her eyes adjusting to the sunlight in the room "what time is it love?" Olivia said bringing her hand up to Y/n's cheek caressing it, Y/n looked over to her bedside "11:35" Olivia smiled and sat up bringing her back up to the backboard getting comfortable "thank you beautiful the flowers look amazing" Olivia said taking a sip of her coffee, "happy 9 months beautiful if you need me i'll be downstairs" Y/n said kissing her girlfriends' forehead and leaving the room. Olivia just sat there enjoying her breakfast as she thought about what she could give you.

Y/n sat in the living room as she heard footsteps heading down the stairs, "the food was so good baby especially the pancakes" Olivia yelled out as she washed up her dishes after she finished she went over to Y/n. "baby we doing anything tonight?" Olivia asked curiously Y/n nodded her head no focusing on whatever the TV had on "good because we are going on a date tonight" Olivia said as she laid her head in Y/n's lap "ooo okay would i have to dress nice?" Y/n asked as she ran her fingers through Olivia's hair, "yeah you will so tonight at 8?" Y/n said yes and both girls went back to watching 'how to get away with murder'.

It was around 2pm Y/n felt like time was going so slow for her but she wasn't complaining about it "baby wanna come to trader's joe with me? i need to buy some stuff" Y/n said as she got up to get ready, Olivia was still laying on the couch now binge watching the series "yeah sure just give me a minute please" Olivia said, Y/n headed upstairs as Olivia couldn't seem to take her eyes off the addicting show Y/n headed down after a bit pausing the show interrupting Olivia's focus on it "no baby come on i'm trying to figure out what happened to Laurel" Olivia said groaning Y/n didn't care though. "come on i'll be in the care if you're not out in 5 minutes i'm leaving" Y/n said as she threw the remote on the couch and grabbing the keys leaving Olivia in the house.

Y/n sat in the car after 3 minutes Olivia came out wearing nothing but pajama pants and a gray jacket "nice for you to join us precious" Y/n said as she waited for Olivia to get comfortable. The car ride was filled with Olivia singing a lot and Y/n complaining about how loud the volume was. The drive wasn't that long maybe about 10 minutes. Soon as both girls entered Y/n went to go grab a basket as Olivia wondered off to a random aisle most likely the candy one, Y/n walked over to the gluten free aisle grabbing some chocolate chip cookies she's been craving lately as Y/n wondered around grabbing whatever item she needed back at home, Olivia came back with two bags of candy and tried sneaking them into the basket without her girlfriend knowing.

"Liv" Y/n said as she laid her eyes on the candy that appeared in her basket Olivia hummed looking around holding Y/n's hand "why did you bring candy?" Y/n said as she glanced over whatever product was in front of her "they just appeared i guess" Olivia said, Y/n smiled "fine i'll let you get them but don't eat them all in one day" Olivia bought up her pinky finger "promise" Y/n hooked their fingers together and both kisses their hand. Soon after Y/n grabbed the stuff she needed they headed over to the register.

The car ride home was the same as when they were arriving to the store, more of Olivia singing and more of Y/n complaining about the volume of the music. Shortly after they arrived home it was 3pm Olivia made Y/n and her some lunch and continued binge watching 'how to get away with murder' Olivia's eyes were glued on the tv as Y/n went to go take their plates to the sink. Y/n headed upstairs to go shower she noticed that the bed was made Y/n let down her hair and bought the water to the temperature she always uses it at.

Y/n got dressed into some comfy clothes it was now 5pm she spent a hour in the shower and another hour debating on what she would wear to the dinner tonight, walking downstairs Olivia had fallen asleep on the couch. Olivia came home a bit late last night due to being in the studio trying to find some ideas for her new album so Y/n didn't care much about her taking a nap she deserves it.

For the next 3 hours Y/n just laid in bed leaving Olivia downstairs to get her rest, Y/n spent majority of the time on TikTok and Instagram while Y/n was scrolling she felt something lay behind her wrapping their arms around her waist, "good morning precious" Y/n said as she turned around to face her girlfriend, "morning I'm gonna go shower you get ready" Olivia said as tied her hair up into a messy bun and headed to the bathroom.

Y/n got out of bed and went over to her outfit that was already picked out before hand. Y/n was going to wear a full black button up, tie, dress pants, and shoes shortly after Olivia showered and dressed into a sage green dress showing her back, Y/n looked at herself in the mirror fixing her tie. Olivia's teeth sank into her lip as she admired Y/n from the mirror "you look very beautiful Y/n/n" Olivia said walking beside her "thank you" Y/n said as she got comfortable with the tie "what lipstick you wearing?" Olivia shrugged her shoulders as she put on gold earrings "probably lip gloss instead".

Olivia ended up putting on red lipstick. Both girls headed into the car and driving to their dinner reservation but this time the car ride was different Olivia wasn't singing and the only music playing was from Olivia's phone and not Y/ns.

"Reservation for 2 under Rodrigo" Olivia said as she waited for the waitress to find her name, "Ms. Olivia follow me" the waitress guided both women to their designated table in a private area, "here's your menus your waiter will be here shortly" Y/n thanked her and they looked at the menu. "what do you wanna get Liv?" Y/n asked looking up at her girlfriend "probably the fettuccine past with chicken how about you?" Y/n hummed as she bought her eyes back to the menu scanning over the meals, "maybe salmon tacoma".

Both girls ended up staying over for a hour talking and laughing. On their way home Olivia placed her hand on Y/n's "thank you for these happy 9 months" Y/n's thumb rubbed against Liv's hand "of course my love thank you for dinner tonight" Y/n focused on the road as she held Olivia's hand.

When they arrived home they quickly undressed and got into comfortable clothes. They ended their night by eating cheesecake and later falling asleep during 'How to get away with murder'
Writing is literally the only thing that will calm me down and distract me from other stuff. I'm very grateful for you guys <3 i hope you're doing okay remember you are loved!

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