Professor Rodrigo

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Y/n g!p POV

I get up and check my the time "fuck" i yell it's 9am "Marcie get the hell up we're late" i yell at my roommate i quickly put on sweatpants and a brown sweater with my dirty brown converses, "get the hell up" i yell at her again while heading to quickly wash my mouth with mouthwash she groans "what y/n" i grab her by her hand and get her up "we're fucking late Professor S is gonna be so pissed" Marcie looks at the time and quickly grabs a random outfit and her bag. We run out our dorm room and run to the class god all the looks people were giving us "move move move" Marcie yells "get the fuck out the way" "fuck i'm never drinking again" she pushes someone, We quickly enter the class and sit beside Layla "please tell me we were late for no reason" Marcie says rubbing her forehead Layla nods her head and laugh "Ms. S is off for a couple months due to her having her baby maybe if you guys weren't partying all night you would've known"

I groan "need some Tylenol?" i ask Marcie she nods i give her one and take one myself Marcie takes Laylas water bottle "thanks" she takes a sip and passes it to me "you guys are whores" i kiss Layla on the cheek "but you love us" i said smiling, she nods her head no Marcie pretends to faint "oh my god i think i'm going to faint" we all laugh. A couple minutes later we hear the door opened we assumed it was a late student so we kept talking until we hear someone clear their throat. "holy fuck" i whispered Marcie looked at me and then down at my lap "fix your lap dumbass" she whispered, i looked down and quickly covered myself only Marcie knows i have what i have i like to keep it to myself. Marcie found out in freshman year of college when she tried to hookup with me and saw my boner i know awkward. I look back at the woman in front of the class "Hi students as you know Professor S is out due to her pregnancy so i will be filling in for her for a couple months i am Professor Rodrigo" she says and we make eye contact my breath hitched "Mars i don't think i can handle her" i say breaking our contact "you'll be fine don't bone her though" i giggle "can't promise you that". Throughout the class time Professor Rodrigo told us stuff about her we just chilled today it was the end of class and everyone was walking out until She spoke up and said "y/n can you stay after class" i felt eyes on me i nodded "don't bone her" Marcie says leaving with Layla.

It was now just me and her "what's up?" she looks at me up from her desk "so i see your the one with the highest grade so i need you to tell me what you guys do because i have no clue" i grab a chair and sit in front of her "basically i'm sure you know this is a math class every student knows what they're doing all you have to do is grade them we do our work on computer and often you can tell us notes that we will write it's easy i'm sure" "i'm sure it is thank you for telling me your dismissed" i get up and as i'm walking out the door i hear her call my name again i turn around she looks at me up and down "you know you're not really good at hiding it" i quickly bring my books to hide my crotch "thanks for reminding me" i walk out fast and go back to my dorm.

I arrive at my room and see Marcie with Layla "hey gaylords" i say taking off my shoes and jumping into my bed still trying to hide my painful boner, "so what happened" Marcie asked i turn my head towards the two and Marcie winks at me i then say "basically she saw i had the highest grade in the class and asked what we usually do" "sounds boring" Mars said. Layla left a bit after because she had to go meet up with her roommate for something "Mars" i say out loud "yeah?" "The professor saw my boner" Marcie starts laughing "it's not funny she told me that i'm not good at hiding it" "you aren't good at hiding it" she says still laughing hard I groan at her "it's not funny it was embarrassing"

A month later

Since she's been here she has been driving me crazy it's bad i'm in class now with Marcie and Layla now "Good morning students today we will be taking notes so please take out whatever material you need" i took out my notebook but all i could think about was that dress she was wearing it shapes her body so well god i'd do anything to see that on her bedroom floor Marcie hits me with her pen "pay attention whore" i scoff and write down notes. We've been taking notes this entire class it was now the end "y/n i'll see you after class" i groan "fuck me" and lay my head back "she sure will" Marcie says joking then leaving. I go up to her "yes professor" "sit down" she says sternly i grab a chair and sit "you were paying hard attention to me huh" she puts her hands on the desk i see her tits in the dress "do you think this dress is nice" she's asks walking to me i nod my head and try to hide what she gave me. She walks behind me and whispers to be "you know you can call me Olivia" i feel her hot breath on me she slides her hand down my body all the way to my crotch i groan quietly "we can't do this" i say "why not is it because your my student? the way you look at me you look at me like your hungry i'm driving you crazy huh?" she keeps my hand on my crotch "yes ma'am" i say god what the hell is wrong with me.

She walks back to her side of the desk and write down her address and hands it to me "come here at 6 tomorrow tell anyone i promise you, you won't see light again." she sad god she's so intimidating "you're dismissed" i quickly get up not even putting the chair back and leave to my dorm 'god i'm so horny' i quickly enter the dorm ignoring Mars saying hi and head to the bathroom i turn on the water and get into the shower and "help" myself. I get out the bathroom trying to find a pair of shorts don't worry i have boxers on. "why didn't you say hi back" Mars asks me "because i just wanted to shower" i say back "did professor Rodrigo say anything i hope she knows i can fight" i calm her down "she didn't say anything just wanted to congratulate me on the test" "god you're a teachers pet huh". I throw my wet towel on her.

"I'm going to google her" Mars said grabbing her laptop. "oh shit y/n turns out the boners you get are from a milf with a husband" i turned around and i see a family picture her kissing a man's cheek and 3 beautiful young kids, my heart breaks "what the hell" i said "i know and this was posted a couple days ago" 'fuck fuck fuck what did i get myself into' I thought of. "she's married to someone name Joshua" "ugly ass name" mars adds on. She then closes the laptop "well that was crazy want some ramen?" she asks me while leaving the room "sure".

Part 2?....
1343 words enjoy loves :)

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