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Y/n's POV

Growing up i always knew i liked girls ever i grew up always being taught that it's okay to like someone the same sex as you i always thought everyone thought that way until i went to middle school, i was always confident in my sexuality and loved showing people my real self. I grew up with my bestfriend Olivia rodrigo we were always together growing up. Yup! "were" i came out to her in the 7th grade i don't regret it but a part of me wishes i never told her i still remember the day i told her it was a mix of "god i hope you don't like me like that" "it's just a phase" throughout those days she distanced herself from me she was slowly becoming those snobby popular girls. I didn't expect her to become one of those because growing up we always made fun of those people and now she is one of those people, she's a stranger now who knows everything about me it's terrifying she could tell anyone anything.

That was all of middle school her ignoring me i stopped waving at her and looking for her at school then high school came i was a junior now i play basketball i still see Olivia now and then in the hallways and certain classes, i'm still the girl who likes girls and Olivia is still the snobby perfect popular girl except now she was a cheerleader so every game i see her, she still looks at me sometimes for a long amount of time it's weird. I just got done with a game im in the locker room by myself changing until i heard someone come in i just assumed it was a teammate as i was finding my shirt i hear someone call my name i turn around and saw her "shit" i quickly say as i find my shirt to put on "what are you doing here?" i ask as i organize my place putting everything in my bag.

"i wanted to see you" she says, i scoffed "why would you need to do that" i say with a hint of aggression, i get up and close the locker "because i wanted to check on you" i look at her like she's dumb "right now? you could've seen how i was doing in like the 7th grade?" i say raising my voice, "yes right now" i look at her "do you not realize the pain you gave me? i came home everyday in the 6th grade wondering why my bestfriend stopped being my friend then you became one of the snobby popular people do you not realize that" i say yelling at her she looks at me and says "i'm sorry i stopped talking to you i didn't know how to react like-" i interrupted her "i don't want to hear it we made fun of these people growing up then you became them this wasn't you, i don't want to deal with your bullshit so please move so i can leave"

I tried to leave but she stepped in front of me tears are now running down my face "get the fuck out my way Olivia" i say to her looking straight into her eyes "No im not letting you leave" i push her and she doesn't budge "for someone so skinny your strong" i say laughing in her face. "let me go" i say again "no" "fuck you fuck you fuck you" i say hitting her "fuck you for causing me this pain fuck you for leaving when i had no one fuck you for ruining the part of me that i will never get back" i keep hitting her she's letting me, at this point now Olivia is crying "now your fucking crying your pathetic" i say to her face. I hit her and cry more then she hugs me i just cry even more "fuck you" i whisper "you ruined me my mom treated you like her own" i back away.

Then i feel a pair of lips on mine 'she's kissing me' i think, i feel a spark i kiss back but then i push her back "what the fuck" i say outloud i grab my stuff and shove her out the way. I walk out of the court and get into my car "fuck fuck fuck" i yell while hitting the steering wheel i lay my head back for a bit and think of everything that just happened i drive to the gas station and grab myself a coffee to keep me up and then drive home, i look at myself in my phone to make sure i don't look like i was crying. I grab my stuff and head inside taking off my shoes
mom asks me how was the game and that she's really sorry she couldn't there, i told her about it and how we won i then head up stairs to shower i wait for the water to get hot i get in and sit letting the water run all over my body.

One hour later.

I get out the shower and get into comfortable clothes i head downstairs and see mom had already made dinner i yell "thank you ma for dinner" she yells back your welcome, i sit down and eat while i'm scrolling on instagram and i get a notification that someone requested to message me i end up pressing it and guess who it was the snobby popular Olivia

Olivia.R 11:20
Y/n please text me back asap

Y/n.Y/L/N 11:21
What do you want

Olivia.R 11:21
I'm sorry i kissed you but i know you felt what i felt too

i know what she is talking about

Y/n.Y/L/N 11:23
no i didn't feel whatever you felt please nicely fuck off i don't want to talk to you


I go to clean my plate and kiss mom goodnight. I head upstairs and i lay in bed thinking about today.

2 Hours later

It's 1am now i still can't sleep Olivia keeps flooding my mind. As i get comfortable i'm my bed i hear something at my window it keeps going for a minute i look at my window and see something hitting it i get up and look "fuck me" i groan to myself i open the window "Olivia what the actual fuck how did you figure out where i live" i asked her she smirked at me "i have ways i'm kidding you've been living here your entire life now can i come in now" i raise my eyebrow and say "why would i do that" she speaks up and says "because if you don't i'll play loud music from the speaker i have" i look at her "you won't do it" i said, she looks at me and grabs her and connects it all the sudden lover by taylor swift is playing she's dancing and singing "Olivia turn that shit off" i yell trying not to wake anyone up "CAN WE ALWAYS BE THIS CLOSE" she yells "YOUR MY MY MY MYYY LOVER" she yells, "Olivia turn that shit i'll let you in" she quickly turns it off and climb up to my window and gets in. "what do you want so bad that you're bothering me at 1am" i ask her she looks at me "can i explain myself please" she asked and i nod my head she sits on my bed while i sit on the floor "I'm not homophobic i was never against you i never hated you i could never hate you we grew up together but the reason i stopped talking to you was because i liked you i'm in love with you i've been in love with you but i never told anyone because i don't want to stop being the popular girl i'm in love with you and i'm sorry for all the years i've been treating i kissed you earlier because i thought that would be the only way you would know and i know my apology won't change much but i know that kiss you felt something" she says with tears running down her face.

I sit there looking at her in shocked after all these years she wants to bury me in all this shit. I get up and get her tissues she thanks me "say something please" she says, "i don't know what to say i'm shocked im sad" i said "i missed you a lot i'm sorry i know i don't have anything to apologize about but i'm sorry" i give her a hug a comforting one and she murmurs "i missed you so much" as she tucks her face into my neck we sit in silent for a bit until i speak up "i felt what you felt when we kissed" she backs away and looks at me "really?" i nod my head yes. "can i kiss you again" she asks me but i nodded no "not right now but please let me hug you again" i hug her and hold her tighter 'i really don't want to let her go anymore' i thought of. She then lets go and looks around me room "it really hasn't changed huh" she says i laugh "it hasn't everything is the same" she continues looking around "listen it's getting late" i said "let me stay the night we can surprise your mom tonight pleaseeee" she says giving me the puppy eyes "not the puppy eyes you know i can't say no fine you can stay i can sleep on the floor and you can sleep on my bed let me get you pajamas" i say walking to my closet i get back with a change a pajamas "you know where the bathroom is" she nods and walks out the room.

I quickly organize my bed and get myself a pillow and blanket she then comes back get into the bed i turn off the light and we lay down after a couple minutes i hear Olivia whisper my name "y/n" "yeah" "um can you come lay down with me please" I start to feel warm and nervous "sure yeah" i get up and get into the bed with her. She then falls asleep she moves and turns a lot so she turned around and now we're face to face accept she's asleep and i'm trying to. Slowly my eyes start to fall and i fall asleep.

1766 words :)) Enjoyyyyy

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