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He scanned left and right. Looked up and down.  "I mean..I can see more clear, now. Better than it was previously.."

"–Excellent! So this experiment went well then." Tord beamed in joy. Tom felt his eyes tear up under the goggles.

Then suddenly Tom heard a jingle sound. His wrists felt sore but free. A little thump was heard when the handcuffs fell onto the carpeted flooring.

Tom stepped back. Then looked back up at Tord. He noticed a smile on Tords face. "You shouldn't be a prisoner anymore. On one condition..."

He paused. Tom looked at Tord with pleading eyes. "–If only you work on my side. Understood?”

Tom lowered his his head. He slowly nodded. "Yes, Tord." The Brit got chills when he heard Tord's maniacal laughter.

"EXCELLENT!" Tord screamed out and raised his hands. A large grin tugging on his lips. "My, someone is cooperating very well. I'm so proud of you." He says more calmer. Cupping Tom's cheeks.

Tom whimpered out as he blushed a little pink. A small smile was plastered on Tords face as he then stepped back.

"You're now my second in command. Understood?" Tom nodded. "Yes Sir.." it felt bittersweet to say those words.

Tord circled around Tom slowly. His black boots making a small clacking noise as he circled the shorter brit.

"All you have to do is make sure my schedules are in tact, paperwork if necessary, and.. always be by my side, got it Thomas?" Tord explained as he halted himself. Looking downwards at Tom.

Tom nodded again. "Good boy." Tord purred out. A deep shade of blush appeared on Tom's face. He lowered his head so he can hide his face.

Tord sighed softly. "Now Thomas, I bet you're exhausted from living in that jail cell for those months. You can rest in my bed for a while."

The brit looked up at Tord and sighed. "Oh thanks..Tord." A robotic hand ran through Tom's spiked brunet hair.

"Anything for an old friend." He replied and then turned around. His back facing Tom as he walked away. Tom watched helplessly as he watched Tord walk away.

His heart ached when he watched Tord go. With a sigh, he kicked off his old worn out vans. Then laid in the bed. It was a king sized. Very comfortable with red themed blankets.

Tom covered himself with the blankets. He can smell the norwegian's scent. Which made his stomach twist with butterflies. He didn't understand why this feeling was happening.

After all, he didn't actually hate Tord. Well, until this leadership started happening. Ever since the day Tord betrayed them with his giant robot, nothing has been the same.

These feelings were complicated. Tom couldn't wrap his head around what he was feeling at the moment. He snuggled his face more into the blankets. Laying his head comfortably onto the pillow as he closed his actual 'eyes.'

The goggles read 'Zzz.' indicating the brit had fallen asleep. Breathing in the norwegians scent.

- - -
Tord has walked back to the dungeon area. Walking to one particular cell.
He slowly knelt down to it. Seeing Edd and Matt in the cell.

"Hello Edward, Matthew." Tords accent echos. Which caused Edd to lift up his head. Matt was holding Edd close. "Where's Tom?!" Edd shouted.

Tord chuckled. "With me, of course." Edd widened his eyes. "You're a maniac!" He shouted out in fear. Matt didn't say a word however, he just remained quiet. Holding the small Brit close to him.

"Awh, you hurt my feewings." Tord mocked in a baby voice. He then crossed his arms. "I am not crazy Edd."
Edd scoffed. "You are too! Look at what you're doing! Don't you see how you're treating your friends?!"

Tord laughed insanely and tilted his head to the side. "Friends?" He repeated. Edd fell silent. Matt continued to sooth the green hooded male. Glaring at Tord.

"You're not my friends. Who needs friends when you have power? Oh, and don't worry. Tom is safe. Byebye." Tord  walks away. His cape swaying as he goes back up the stairs. Edd screaming in anger but Tord simply ignored the man.

A loud boom of a door closed startling the two cellmates. Tord walked back to his office. He didn't make eye contact with anyone.

Walking back into his office he slammed the door shut. The loud noise called the blue hooded brit to sit up in the bed. His green digital eyes looking around.

Tord paced around in his office for a moment before going into his bedroom. Sitting at the end of his bed, he ripped the ponytail out of his hair. Holding onto his head as he let out shaky breaths.

Tom noticed Tords panicked expression and crawled over to Tord.
"Tord?.." Tom whispered. Tord quickly and sharply turned around and looked at Tom.

"I'm fine Jehovah!" He snapped. Tom shakes his head. "I know when you're lying Commie."

A groan left Tords lips as he covered his face. Hesitantly, Tom wraps his arms around Tords waist. Hugging the male from behind.

Tord felt this fuzzy warm feeling rise in his chest. He wasn't sure what this feeling was. He never really felt it before but it felt nice.

A faint blush has risen to Tords face as he laid his head back into Tom's chest. "I visited Edd and Matt." He states.

Tom looked at Tord in shock. Which caused Tord to sit up and face Tom properly. "Yes, I visited them. They're okay, no worries about it."

Tom sighed in relief. Tord slowly laid back in his bed and yawned. "Come here Thomas." He commanded in a soft whisper.

Tom laid back as well. He felt Tords strong muscular arms wrap around. Tom blushed, yet shuddered as the cold metal of the robotic arm touched his forearm.

Tord was cuddling and spooning Tom. Usually, Tom would push him away. But something urged him not too.
So he didn't.

He laid there in comfortableness. Tord closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep.

Tom peaked up at Tord and smiled weakly.

"Goodnight, Red Leader."

Min Kjære. -TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now