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Four weeks passed, Tom has arrived in London. It took him longer because he actually rested.

Tord was still asleep as Tom started driving down the old familiar neighborhood.

He slowly stopped the red car in front of the house and took the keys out of the ignition. Tom felt his heart stop for a moment.

"Oh my fucking Jehovah.. he did fix it." Tom says in disbelief as he got out of the car. Going to the other side, he opened the car door.

"Hon. Wake up, we're here.." he says softly as he shakes Tords shoulder. Tord groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open. He looked up at Tom with his heterochromia eyes.

"W-we are..?" He asked softly. Tom nodded. "Yeah, and holy shit. You slept the entire time. Your body really did need the sleep, huh?"

Tord pouted. "I suppose you're right. I do feel refreshed now." He responded as he got out of the car. He stretched as he leaned his head down and kissed Tom.

Tom kissed back. "You hibernated." Tom joked as he chuckled. Tord rolled his eyes. "Yes, apparently so. I haven't done that in a long time. In fact, before the robot incident."

Tord closed the car door. The two held hands as they went over to the house.

"Welcome home." Tord whispered to Tom as he opened the door.

Edd and Matt turn there heads and gasped.

"OH MY GOD!" Edd screamed as he ran over. Matt followed along. They both hugged Tord and Tom.

Tom and Tord returned the hugs to their friends. Tord felt his eyes water. He started to cry.

The three pulled away from the embrace. Tom looks at Tord with worry.

"Oh hon..." Tom says as he watched Tord wiped his eyes. "No it's okay. I just..missed this. I missed how things use to be."

Ringo meowed from the couch. Tord went over and sat on the red couch. He gasped quietly as he watched Ringo crawl into his lap. She started to purr.

Tord felt tears rolled down his face as he started to pet Ringo. "Oh I missed you too Ringo.. I am, so sorry." He turned his attention to the three.


Tom went over and sat next to Tord. He kissed his tall boyfriends cheek and laid Tords head on his shoulder.

Edd smiled at this. "It's okay Tord. And I see you and Tom are getting along."

Tord started to blush. Along with Tom.

Tom cleared his throat. "Yeah....we kinda are.. dating now."
Edd nodded. "I can see that. So is Matt and I."

Matt blushed. "Have been! For a short while." He admitted as he held onto Edd's hand.

Tord laughed softly. "Well I'm happy for you guys!" He beamed happily.
Tom held onto Tords robotic hand. Looking at Tord.

Tord turned his head to Tom and blushed a bit. "What?.."
Tom leaned in and pecked Tords lips.

"Thank you. This truly made me feel happy." Tom says as he smiled at the norwegian.

Tord felt his heart flutter. "Anything for you, min elsker." He replied as he pecked Toms cheek.

Ringo hopped Tords lap and went to Edd. Edd picked up Ringo. "Say! Let's watch The Zombie Pirates From Hell! We have all the DVDs."

Tord looked over at Edd. "Just like old times." He says with a genuine smile. Tom nodded. "Yeah, and I could use some Smirnoff right now.."

Tord laughed. Edd pointed to the kitchen. "I got some for you from the grocery store. It's been sitting in there waiting for you. When I bought it however, people kept staring at me weird."

Tom laughed. "Well you aren't an alcoholic Edd." Edd giggled. "Aware of that factor."

Tord turned his head as he watched Tom grab the bottle from the kitchen. He laughed softly when he watched Tom return.

- - -
It was currently midnight. All four friends were on the couch watching the movie.
Matt and Edd dozed off with popcorn on there laps.

Tom and Tord we're cuddling together. Tom was a bit drunk from how much the bottles he have drank. He hiccuped quietly as he kissed Tords lips.

Tord returned the kiss. But it soon turned into a soft makeout session.
The norwegian wrapped his arms around Tom's waist as Tom wrapped his arms around Tords neck.

They kissed for a moment before pulling away. Tom got up and shut off the TV.

"Yeah, they're definitely sleeping on the couch tonight." Tom says with a small chuckle. Tord giggled and nodded.

"Yeah I can agree with you there."

The two quietly went up to Tords bedroom.
Tord laid on his bed and felt his body relax. He extended his arms out.

"Come here Tommy, let me cuddle youuuu~" Tord says with a smile. Tom felt himself blush as he went over.

He laid his head on Tords chest as he was cuddled by the norwegian.
Tord extended his hand out and shut off the lamp that was next to him.

Holding Tom close. He left small kisses on Tom's head.

"Welcome back." Tord whispered. Tom smiled. "No, welcome back to you. My love."

Tord giggled as he left small kisses to Tom's neck now. Tom blushed as shuddered a bit. "Hey..-"

"Sorry~" Tord slowly moved his head back and laid it onto the pillow. He exhaled in relaxation.

Tom drew little hearts on Tords chest.

Tom whispered.

"Thank you for taking me home."

"I'm glad to be home as well."

Tord replied in a whisper.

They both shared a passionate kiss for A moment.

"I love you."
"I love you too, Min Kjære."

- the end.
(♡ω♡ )

Min Kjære. -TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now