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The sun has risen in the sky. Tord hasn't went back to sleep at all from the traumatic events that happened during the night.

Tord chewed on his pen as he anxiously did some paperwork.

Suddenly, he heard the office door knock.

"Enter." Tord commands as the door opened, revealing Pau and Pat.

"Oh honey, are you feeling okay?" Pat asked softly as he approached Tord. Tord lifted his head. "No, but I do have something in mind so we can rescue Tom."

"That is?" Pau asked as he takes out a cigarette. He walked over to the window and started to smoke his cig.

"Bomb it." Tord simply replied as he puts his pen down. He folded his hands and looks at Patryck.

Pat gasped. "But what about Tom?" Tord chuckled. "Let me finish."
Pau looked at Tord, interested in the plan as well.

"We send..." Tord paused as he takes out a sheet of paper to help him draw his plan out visually. "-Okay."

Pau puts his cigarette out and walks over to Pat. They both hold hands as they look at Tord.

"I'll send out approximately.....1,000? Yeah, soldiers to distract the orange Army soldiers. While you two prepare the bombing. This will be an airborne bomb so when you see me come out of the base with Tom, wait until everyone else is retreated. Then bomb it."

He drew out his plan and showed it to his father's. "Please don't fuck anything up, because there are many lives at risk right now. Our lives are in your hands you two, so beware of this."

"Okay, we will get the bomb prepared as soon as we can son." Paul replied as he held Pats hand, leaving the office.

Tord sighed when he heard the door close. He pulled his ponytail out of his hair and groaned. Rubbing his face.

"God damnit Orange Leader..."

- - -

Tom was in a cell once again. He was trembling. He heard footsteps approaching and lifted his head.

"Hello." A female voice spoke and their she stood. Orange leader.
Tom growled quietly as Orange knelt down to Tom.

"Stop growling at me, you mutt. Now, you will be working for me!~"
"NEVER!" Tom shouted out.

Orange Leader laughed. "Too bad! So sad!~ You have to deal with me. And, besides... Red Leader doesn't give two shits about you. He's using you for his selfishness. As for I, I will make you against them."

Tom furrowed his eyebrows. "What's that suppose to mean..?" Orange giggled and clasped her hands together.

"You'll get to find that out!~ alrighty!"

Suddenly Tom heard something rolling in. It was a cart full of.. weapons.

"If you refuse to work for me, I guess I can torture you then.~"

Tom tensed up. "N-no!.."
"No? You can't tell me no!~" she spat out in reply. Grabbing out a large kitchen knife.

Tom backed up in his cell. Beads of sweat starting to form on his face. Orange went inside of the cage, and stabbed Tom's shoulder.

The Brit let out a scream in pain. Orange moved the knife away. "Hmmmmmm~. Maybe I'll do this later!~  I'll see you later, Little bitch!~"

She then left the cell, the door closing imediantly as she left.

The little soldier pushed the cart as Orange walked with them away.

Tom held his bleeding shoulder in pain. He whimpered. He added pressure as he hissed in pain. "Fuck she got me good..Oh Tord, ...where are you..?" Tears rolled down Tom's face.

He lowered his head as he felt his head get dizzy. He sniffled for a moment as his breath was staggered.

"Fuck..c'mon..where are you?.."

- - -

The Red Leader had prepared his plan. Soldiers were getting ready. Loading up ammunition, zipping up their boots, going into planes, helicopters, vans, etc.

Tord went over to Pau and Pat. "Are we ready? Is the bomb in your plane?"

The two nodded. "–Good." Tord looked over at the sunset. It has taken the entire day for them to prepare.

"We will leave at sundown. I will be driving in my car." Tord says softly as he turned his attention back to his father's.

"Okay, please be safe." Pat says and hugs Tord. Tord hugged back and waved them off.

He walked to his own car and got himself ready. He looked out the window. Watching the sunset.

Everybody was. Admiring the view they had before the traumatic explosion will happen.

Tord adjusts his eyepatch as his red eye looked at the pretty colors he sees.

He noticed blue in the sunset which made his heart ache. "I'm coming min kjære, don't worry."

He turned his head and turned the ignition on. Starting up his car. Rolling down his window. He shouted out.


Soon enough, everyone started to move. The sun was no longer in sight. It was pitch black. Stars littering across the sky.

Tord was in front of everyone as his car drives. He speeds a little. His hands firmly grasping at his steering wheel as he pushed on the gas pedal.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.." Tord mumbled as he continued to drive. His army following from behind.

Pau and Pat were flying their plane. In the air beside Tord. Pau glanced down at Tords red car and smiled a bit.

"PAUL! FOCUS!-" Pat screeched as Paul's attention went back to flying. "right!- my bad-"

Patryck face palmed with a small laugh. "Dumbass!- we have a BOMB in here-" "–Hey!- I'm not dumb...."

"Well, no. But!- We have a BOMB. Think smart about flying today." Pat says sternly as he looked outside.

"Right..." Paul says softly as he continued to fly.

Tord felt the boiling rage inside of him as he continued to drive. He knew this will take a while. Frustrated he felt. His heart aching as he hoped Tom was still alive.

"I'm coming min kjærlighet. Please wait for me."

Min Kjære. -TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now