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Tord flicked the cigar out the window. He then slid his leg back inside. Tom moved his head up.

He stepped back as he watched Tord got off the window sill. Tord walked over to Tom.

"What is it?" Tom whispered. Tord only grinned. "Oh nothing, min kjærlighet." He replied. A soft kiss was planted on Tom's cheek. But before Tom can question Tord, he was already walking away.

Tom gripped onto his chest. Frozen in place. His face was a bright cherry red. Stomach full of butterflies.

"Do you want to come with me? I am questioning Edd and Matt right now." Tord asks as he puts on his dark navy blue overcoat. Zipping it up so his red hoodie is hidden.

Tom quickly put on his shoes went over. "Yes! I-i want to see them.." his voice cracked at the end. Tord smiled and wrapped an arm around the Brit.

"Then let's go visit our old friends then, yeah?" He chuckled. "But first, change out of that. I have uniform for you in my closet. Get dressed in that first."

Tom groaned but nodded. He then walked to the closet. Opening the small doors, he noticed a uniform inside. It was a blue blazer jacket with a black button up underneath. A checkered tie and some black slacks. Tord went up behind Tom and smirked.

"I thought this would suit you, so I decided to get it for you." Tord spoke. Tom felt Tords eyes peircing into his back. Tom grabbed the uniform from the closet.

"I'll be out in my office, get changed quickly." Tord says and walks out of the bedroom.

Tom sighed softly as he got dressed into his uniform. Tord opened the door and brought in a pair of black combat boots.

"Also, here are your shoes from now on." Tord says and places them in front of Tom. Tom grabs the boots and sat at the end of the bed.

He slips on the boots, zipping them up. He then got off the bed and walked up to Tord. Tord smirked. "Alright, let's go visit them now.." he says in a sinister tone.

Tom lowered his head and nodded. The two left Tords office.

Tord looked over at Tom, wearing his eyepatch. Tom felt a bit of an aching feeling in his heart as the two approached the dungeon.

They walked down the eerie stairs. The light that they once had, faded away. Now it was dark with torches hanged up.

Only a bit of orange was showing as a light. Tom looked at Tord and blushed. The lighting that was on Tord looked really attractive to him.

"We are almost there Thomas." He says softly, his accent was a bit thick as usual. Tom felt his stomach twist and turn with butterflies.

He really did like Tords accent. The two walked passed a few cells. Tom didn't want to look at the cellmates, he just had a feeling it'll be disturbing to look at.

Suddenly Tord halted his footsteps. Which caused Tom to stop as well. "Well, hallo Edd and Matt." He says.

Edd and Matt lift up their heads. Edd had a bit of a stubble now because of being in the cell for so long. Tom remained standing, not saying a word.

"Tom?.." Edd whispers, but Tom didn't respond. He puts his hands behind his back and stood tall next to Tord.

Matt hugged onto Edd, glaring at Tord. "You must've done something to him!" He shouted out. Tord simply shakes his head. "Oh no, he's just deciding not to speak right now."

Tom's lips pursed yet he only gotten closer to Tord. Edd furrowed his eyebrows. "Then what's the goggle thing on his face?"

Tord suddenly snapped and slammed his robotic hand onto the cell bars. Tom got startled by the loud noise, but it caused the two prisoners to back up from the cell door.

A smirk rises to his face. "Now. Edd and Matt, I ask the questions here. Is that clear?" Both of them lowered there heads and nodded slowly.

Tord started to slowly pace back and forward in front of the cell. It was unsettling quiet, just the sound of the clock ticking and the sounds of Tord's footsteps.

Tom felt his palms get sweaty as he lowered his hands. Occasionally making them into fists to try to calm himself.

"Do you want out of here?" Tord spoke softly. As he walked back in front the cell. Tom's eyes look down and notice a gun in Tords robotic hand. His eyes widen.

"Yes I want out of here! We want out of here!" Edd screamed out as Matt hugged Edd close.

"Hmm." Tord hummed and lifted the gun. Edd and Matt gasped. "Let's see, should i get rid of you the easy way with my gun, 'red' here...or should i let you be free men into the world that belongs to me?"

Tom went over to Tord. He grabbed onto Tords wrist. Tord tensed up. "Right, Thomas..you've been awfully silent. And now you try to take my weapon from me?"

Tom narrowed his digital eyes. "I meant, let them free..Tord. not killed!" He shouted out as he shoved Tord back.

Tord stumbled a bit, due to how forceful Tom's push was. The gun slides down the dungeons cold concrete floor.

He scowled at Tom. But then hid his anger with a smile. Tom got confused as he watched Tord walk over.

Tom stepped back, Edd and Matt are watching in horror.  Eventually Tom got pinned to a wall.

The uniformed Brit tensed up. Tord leaned down and whispered in Tom's ear. "Now that wasn't a smart idea, huh my second in command?"

Tom felt intimidated. He shuddered and shakes his head. Tords red eye narrowed as he chuckled. His hot breath was in Tom's ear. He couldn't help but blush a bit.

Tord slowly leaned in and nipped onto Tom's neck for a moment. Tom's face turned red as Tord slowly moved his head back up.

Tom squirmed his wrists a bit but Tord had a strong grip on them. "Now, next time. Let me do my work, and you don't interrupt me. Understand?"

"Y-yes sir..." Tom whimpered out. Tord then unpinned Tom's wrists. He then walked back to the cell and picked up the gun. Knelt down to Edd and Matt.

"Now, as I was saying previously. Do you want to die, or stay alive?" He asked his two old friends.

"S-stay alive." Both of them stuttered out. Tord smiled. "Good, I thought so. Your life is at risk when you're in my hands."

"Now, the only way that I'll set you free is this.." he paused and stood up. He started to pace back and forward once again. Tom remained quiet, standing at the wall. He rubbed his wrists and looked down at them, noticing some red marks were on them.

"..I'll erase your memories of everything. You'll still know your names and whatnot, but our friendship, our memories we had in the past..shall be no longer."

Edd gasped. "W-what?!" Matt tensed up. Tord raised his hands in the air. The gun still firmly gripped into his robotic one.

"What shall it be? I take your lives now," he aimed the gun at the two. Tom only watched. His heart pounding in his chest.

"–Or erase your memories and you go back to London and be free men?"

Min Kjære. -TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now