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Tord knocked on the apartment door. Edd got off of his couch and went to answer the door.

The norwegian anxiously waited. He changed the dial on the gun to 'regain memories ' as the door opened.

Without hesitation, Tord shot the gun. Edd stumbled back and groaned. He blinked a few times.

Looking up, he noticed Tord. His eyes widened. "Tord?! What's going on?! Where am I? I thought I was in my cell...." He paused as he looked around at his surroundings, noticing he was in his apartment.

Tord sighed. "I'll explain in a bit. Wait here, I have to do the same thing to Matt."

"Do what?! Tord!" Edd shouted but Tord was walking away. Edd started to follow Tord.

Tord went to Matt's apartment that was next door. Edd was so confused. "Tord! Will you explain?!" He shouted.

The red hooded male looked at Edd. "Open the door." "-WHAT?!" "-Open Matt's door!" Tord raised his voice a bit.

Edd sighed as he opened Matt's door. Matt was looking at himself in a mirror but lifted his head when he noticed Tord and Edd.

Tord shot the memory gun at Matt. Matt yelped and then held his head.

"TORD!" Edd screamed but calmed down when Matt looked at Edd. "Why is Todd here?.. Why are we back home? What?" He asked. Very confused about the situation.

"Follow me Matt. We can discuss this at Edd's apartment." Tord replied as Matt and Edd followed.

Edd was pissed. His anger was steaming. As they went inside, Ringo meowed and hissed when she saw Tord.

Edd picked up Ringo and started to pet his feline friend. "Now Tord, what is going on. Where is Tom."

Tord felt himself tear up. He placed his memory gun back into his pocket and started to cry.

"I'm sorry." He says. Edd widened his eyes. ".. Sorry?"

Tord nodded. "I'm trying to fix things. I'm trying to fix everything. Tom will be back soon. I have to pick him up from Norway. Ehm..come with me. I have a surprise to show you."

Edd huffed. "A surprise?! What? Gonna blow up my apartment too?"
Tord felt his heart shatter. He started to cry. "NO! No..nothing like that. Please listen."

Matt looked at Tord. "You punched my face. You kidnapped us. I don't get it."
Tord sighed. "Let me explain."

"Explain then." Edd spat as he continued to pet Ringo to help calm his nerves.

Tord takes a deep breath. Folding his hands together, he looked at both of his old friends.

"I kidnapped you two, and then I used the memory gun on you to forget the robotic incident. Now, with our memories regained, I decided it was best to apologize about the situation I have done those years ago. It aches my heart. I still feel guilty for what I've done. It hurts me, too much. It aches my soul. So I'm fixing things. I am leaving my army. And I have a surprise you will love and cherish. Now, please trust me, and let me show you."

Tord explained. By then, Edd and Matt were crying as well.

"I'm so sorry." Tord apologized again. Matt grabbed Ringo gently as Edd went over and hugged the Norwegian.

Tord felt hot tears roll down his face. He gripped onto Edd's back. "You don't have to forgive me.. im just trying to recover things."

Edd sighed. "I forgive you." Tord moved away from the hug. He looked at Edd with widened eyes. "Y-you do?" Edd nodded. "I do. Now, show me whatever you want. It may take me a while to trust, but I forgive you. Friends do get second chances after all."

Tord kept his world domination hidden though from his two friends. Yes, he may be living with his old friends again. But only him and Tom will know about the world domination that still will be taken place.

They left the apartment. Edd, Matt and Tord started to walk together as the sun started to set.

The walk took about 30 minutes. Edd noticed how familiar the neighborhood started to get. They walked back to Eduardo's house. It had a "For Sale." Sign in front of the slightly damaged house.

Edd stopped in his tracts. Holding Ringo. He teared up. Seeing his house was repaired and fixed.

Matt froze as well. Both of them staring at the house that was full of memories they once shared.

"Y-you..fixed it?.." Edd squeaked out. Tears rolling down his face. Tord nodded. "Happy surprise?.." Tord says with a weak chuckle.

"Oh my goodness.." Edd says as he starts to cry. He walked over to the front door, along with Matt.

Tord lifted his head and looked up at the hill. He sees the robotic head still there. The harpoon remained into the head of his bot.

He got flashbacks as he gripped onto his robotic arm. He teared up and looked away. Following the green and purple hooded brit.

Edd opened the door and walked inside. Everything looked the same.

He scratched his stubble as he walked around the house. Setting Ringo down. She purred and went to the familiar red couch. She curled up onto it and purred.

"How did you get everything back?.. Everything?.. I thought it was destroyed from your robot explosion.." Edd says as he walked around the house.

The old TV was there. Pictures on the walls.

Tord smiled. "Well, I kind of had to find old shit..I kept some of it at my base. Most of the furniture is new though. I just bought a replacement for them."

Edd went upstairs. Matt sat on the couch and started to pet Ringo.

Tord followed Edd up the stairs.
Edd opened his bedroom. And broke into tears.

Everything was back to normal in his bedroom. In Matt's, Tords and even Tom's.

"Oh my god..!" Edd gasped as he went over. He hugged Tord and cried into his chest. "Thank you..! Thank you...you fixed everything.. you truly do care... I missed everything... I missed this... I missed..you."

Tord teared up. He hugged Edd back. "it's okay now.." he spoke softly.

He rubbed Edd's back.

Edd pulled away and wiped his eyes. "When is Tom returning back..?"

"Tomorrow." Tord replied. "I have to go on the road again, I'll come back. I promise with Tom."

Edd nodded as Matt came up to the bedroom upstairs. Ringo was sleeping down stairs.

Edd and Matt hugged. Tord looked at them for a moment before waving his hand.

Matt looked over and smiled. The British men pulled away from their embrace and waved Tord off.

"Goodbye Edd! Matt! I will see you soon!"

Min Kjære. -TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now