Chapter 29

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I'm such a bad mom. I killed my baby.

Right now, I'm staring at the window by the bed. It's been a few days when Jennie told me about how I was poisoned.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then later on I felt kisses on my nape. Warm, soft kisses.


"Love? Let's go take your breakfast."

I nodded and stand up with Jennie holding both my arms assisting me. I'm so lucky to have her. She's the best thing that came to my life. I should fix myself now.

"Mommy!" Both the kids exclaimed when they saw me. They both gave me a hug which I reciprocated. I miss them even if we live in the same house.

We all ate while the kids stories about their new toys and that they want to play with me later after breakfast.

"I'll come back this afternoon alright?" Jennie said and kissed my forehead before I watch her get out the house.

I smiled at the kids and hugged them again.


"I- i can't... I feel guilty I'm so guilty." This girl said but I rolled my eyes.

"So? What if you feel guilty? You're gonna tell them what you did? You're gonna risk your life for it? Think about your mom, Naomi." I said facing her.

"One wrong move and you know ehat will happen to your mom." I smirked as she shudder in fear before leaving her and returning to my car to drive to Mrs. Kim's house.

A/N: too many povs

3rd POV

"There's the girl." Rosé pointed at a girl wearing a hoodie crossing the street. Jennie and Rosé secretly followed the girl who entered a building.

"Jennie, control your anger when we get her."

They saw the girl enter the elevator and before it closes, they squeezed in startling her.

Rosé and Jennie both turned around and faced her. The girl's face turned pale when she saw the feline's face.

Jennie lets out a shaky breath, "Look, I don't want to harm you. I just want to know why?"

She gulps and Jennie can see her tears slowly forming on the corner of her eyes.


"Jen, calm down.." Rosé puts her hands on Jennie's shoulder but I shoved it and approached the girl closer until she got cornered.

"Just answer me please. Why? Y-you almost killed the only person who changed me. You killed my baby. So please, why?" Jennie begged her eyes turning red on the verge to cry.

"I... I'm sorry.." the girl apologizes and looks down.

Kim's residence.

"So what do you think should we do so Jennie can accept the marriage proposal of her and Krystal?"

"Lee, did you see how I was doing my best to convince my daughter for months already?" Mrs. Kim said massaging her neck.

"Mom..." Krystal nudged ber mother, Mrs. Lee. "M-my stomach don't feel good... Let's go home."

"Krystal, just a bit more. We need to think of a plan for you to marry Jennie." Mrs. Lee faced her daughter and caressed her cheeks.

"Mom, but I don't-"

A loud slam was heard on the entrance of the mansion. The people inside all stand up and was about to check it when they were met by Jennie, Rosé, Seulgi, Taehyung and some police.

"What's the meaning of this? Jenni?" Mrs. Kim asked looking at her daughter.

But Jennie ignored and darted her eyes to Mrs. Lee.

"YOU!" Jennie charged towards the woman and choked her, while Krystal was pulling Jennie away from her mom. The police also made their move and separated Jennie away from Mrs. Lee who is now grasping for air.

"JENNIE! WHAT THE HELL?!" Mrs. Kim yelled but Jennie just glared at her, tears falling.

"Don't tell me you're involved with this too mom? I can't believe you're could actually kill my child?" Jennie said whilst crying wiping her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Kim asked confused.

"Stop playing already mom."

"Jennie, I'm not playing. What are you talking about?"

Jennie was about to speak again when someone entered, the girl Jennie and Rosé confronted.

Shock was written on Mrs. Lee's face, she's now trembling, her knees just wants to fall on the ground.

"S-she doesn't h-have to do anything with it Ms. Kim." The girl said facing Jennie. Jennie looked at her weirdly.

So that means, her mom is innocent.

"I- it's her... Just her." The girl pointed Mrs. Lee. "She's the one who told me to do it.. to poison miss Lisa."

"HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF THINGS?!" Mrs. Lee walked towards the girl but she got blocked by Jennie. "Naomi, this is defamation. You!" Mrs. Lee points at everyone, "THIS IS DEFAMATION!"

While Mrs. Lee still have her finger up pointing at the people infront of her, a cuff was now locked on her hand.

The police said their usual lines like that, they have the right to contact their lawyer, etc. After that, they took Mrs. Lee away and left with Jennie and her mom alone in the house.

"Jennie, would you explain what happened?"

"Oh sure, I will. Mrs. Lee have a very big grudge on Lisa you know that right? Because of her slapping Lisa, I fired her. And also I just realized her daughter is Krystal, the girl you're setting me up on a marriage. And that old wicked woman, paid someone to poison Lisa. To poison her and our baby. Your grandchild." Mrs. Kim was left speechless. She admit, she hated Lisa so much but the idea of killing her? It never crossed her mind. And now that they knew who was the culprit behind the poisoning of Lisa, Mrs. Kim immediately cut off every connection she have with the Lee.

And that maybe, she can finally take Lisa. Finally accept her as Jennie's wife snd finally bask for forgiveness.

She obviously should. Lisa did not do anything to her and she was pouring her anger to Lisa.

"I'm so sorry Jennie." Mrs. Kim pulled Jennie for a hug. Her daughter needed that. "I'm really really sorry my baby."

Jennie sniffs and hugged her mom back.

"Let's go to Lisa, Jennie. I want to deeply apologize to her."

A/N: I'm ending this story na hehe. I don't know what to do anymore. So probably few days before another update

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