Chapter 22

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I spit out the water in my mouth as soon as I heard Mrs. Park. Can't she see Lisa's baby bump? She ain't blind?!

"Hahaha." I laughed sarcastically, I can't hide how pissed I am right now. But as a sign of respect, I choose not to let my temper lead me.

"I mean, Lisa unnie is pretty." Jaewon, Yuri's brother teased him nudging his side.

I can see Rosé hiding her laugh together with Jisoo who was biting both her lips to hide her laugh, and Lisa who choked.

"Mom, she's pregnant." Yuri said making Mrs. Park look at Lisa with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I really didn't notice it."

Lisa smile, I hold her hand below the table squeezing it.

"But she's divorced." Yuri said, this time Rosé choked while Jisoo was rubbing her back.

"Oh..." Mrs. Park mumbled smiling at Yuri and to Lisa. That's it, I got up and walked out of the house. I can't go throw tantrums there, it'll be embarrassing.

"Tss, what a night." I said to myself while walking myself back to our rented house.

Once I reached the house, I immediately went inside me and Lisas's room. Tucking me inside the thick blanket, covering my whole body.

I was upset, Lisa didn't even say anything about me amd her.

I tried to sleep, I was tires anyway frim our activities a while ago with the kids.

My eyes are now closing, I can feel my mind relax and on the verge of sleeping when I felt arms wrapping my waist.

"Baby..." It was Lisa. I ignored her and pretended to sleep.

"Hey, are you sleeping?" She sighed. After a few minutes, I felt her kiss my nape going to my neck. Okay! That turned me on!

"Hon? Baby? Love? I know you're not sleeping. I can feel your body react to my kiss." She said seductively that made my body go hot.

"I'm sorry..." Then I heard sniffing my neck getting wet. I quickly sat up and saw her crying.

Great job Jennie!

"Hon don't cry. I'm sorry." I apologized cupping her dacetand kissing those tears away. She hugged me snuggling to my neck as she continue to sniff.

"Thought you're still gonna ignore me." She sniffed. "I was about to tell them about us but you left..."

"I'm sorry hon, I was too jealous? Mad? Pissed?"

She snuggled closer to me. I kissed the top of her head. She was still sniffing.

It wad silent for a few minutes, all we hear in the room is her sniffing.

"Hon? Your mom messaged me threatening me and my cafe if I don't end things with you." She blurted making me pull away and looked at her.

"When? Seriously hon, you need to tell me things earlier. You are more important than anything in this world, you and the kids. I'll do anything to protect you all."

She leaned her cheek on my chest. "Just before we came here, she sent me emails of her saying she'll do everything to break us apart. Why do your mom even hate me that much?" She cried, I know it's because of the pregnancy hormones but I feel bad.

She never did anything wrong to mom but here she is getting hated for absolutely no reason. And I can't help getting mad at mom, she might be my mom, but that doesn't make her saint for me. I just can't let her go hating Lisa, breaking us apart?

"Don't worry, I'll talk to mom. Threaten her as well, if that's how she plays her game." I said kissing her head. She didn't reply, and that's when I realized, she's asleep. Snoring cutely as she wrap her arms on my waist.

I smiled at the sight of her back to my life.

Tomorrow, I'll officially make her Mrs. Kim again.

I took the small velvet box under my pillow. I opened it and saw the ring I bought with the help of the kids. They specifically chose it both, saying it looks pretty on their mommy's finger.

"I love you." I kissed her head again, before returning the box and finally drifted to dreamland together with her.

I got awoken by my kid's loud voices.



I flutter my eyes open and saw my two beautiful and handsome kids.

"Good, you're finally awake. We've been waking you for I don't know how many minutes now." Ella said crossing her small arms with Harvey on my left side nodding at what his sister said.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep again. As expected, they both shouted scolding me about waking up already as we will go have breakfast.

They keep shaking me when I took them both in my arms and pulling them for a toght warm hug. I just love the feeling of it, having them both in my arms. But nothing beats whem it's the three of them together with their mom.

"Ella? Harvey? Is your mama awake alre—" we looked at the door where Lisa was and she was pouting. "Group hug without me? Hmp, okay we're gonna eat breakfast without you." She said pointing the three of us and was about to leave when Harvey jumped off me and ran to her mommy.

"Mommy~" he dragged Lisa to us and I immediately got what Harvey wants to say. I hold Lisa's hand and pulled her tk the bed, now she's sitting on my lap while pouting.

"Love, stop pouting." I hugged her waist and faced her to me with the kids sitting on the bed giggling.

"Mommy, don't be mad. Here let me hug you." Ella stand up on the bed and made her way to us wrapping Lisa with her small arms.

"Me too!" Harvey also came clinging to Lisa's arms. Now I have to wrap mine to all of them.

"Group hug." I mumbled and kissed Lisa's head.

Me and Lisa are sitting on the balcony while Jisoo, Rosé and the kids are at the shore playing.

"Yuri is pissing me off." I blurted making Lisa laugh. I glared at her amd instantly regret it when she glared at me too.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't get to talk for you st the dinner but please, don't you trust me and yourself? I'm yours Jennie, and your mine. Keep that in mind." She aid softly kissing my temples.

I turned her around as I capture her lips. "I'm sorry, I was just blinded by jealousy. Don't worry, I'll go apologize to Mrs. Park for literally just walking out in the middle of dinner."

Lisa smiled softly and took cupped my cheeks before kissing me passionately. It was love if you ask me how it feels.

"I love you. I love you so much." She says in our kisses.

"And I love you more than you love me." I answered before we shared another passionate kiss.

This is it. It's time to make her mine again. No turning back.

I will officially make her Mrs. Kim again.

A/N: I'm trying to end the story🤕 idk how. Lmaoo

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