ʜᴄ : ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ [2]

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# ᴅᴇᴄᴀʏ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴɢᴇʟꜱ #


- he's a busy man, so don't expect to spend a lot of time with him
- he may be evil as hell, but I'm sure he can be very loving
- i feel like he's another type that would spoil you
- he'd honestly get you a whole country if you want
- dates with him would be very romantic
- he's such a gentleman
- he isn't big on giving you kisses and hugs all the time


- very energetic
- it's like you have your own private circus
- he'd make you participate in his quizzes
- would hug and kiss you a lot, there's no escape from his hugs or kisses
- i feel like taking care of him would be like taking care of a child sometimes
- dates with him would be really fun tho, you'd probably go to the fair a lot
- he's just adorable
- would hold your hand a lot
- he'd definitely visit you at the most random times and drag you somewhere


- the cutest lil thing
- he'd be so caring
- he'd also definitely remember everything about you
- dating is a new thing for him so it would take some time to get used to it
- you'd help him at the sky casino
- dates with him would be so calming, you'd probably go stargazing or something similar
- he'd randomly give you little kisses

# ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴏɢꜱ #


- i feel like he's really stubborn
- sassy boy.
- he's definitely sensitive
- i don't think he's that into giving you so much affection but at the same time he probably does it without realizing
- i think it would be a challenge to make him blush
- he's definitely a big tease
- dates with him would be calming, probably very romantic as well


- i feel like he's also pretty romantic
- he doesn't seem like the type to blush a lot, but i bet it's really easy to make him red as hell
- he's definitely into giving you a lot of affection, just not around others

(that's all i could think of for these two)


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