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A - affection ( how would they show their affection? what love language do they have ? )

his love language would probably be gift giving. You'd often receive little poems about yourself

B - beauty ( what do they admire about their s/o ? )

probably your hair, i feel liked he'd love your play with your hair

C - comfort ( how would they comfort/help their s/o ? )

poe would most likely hug you and talk to you about random stuff so you could forget about the things that are bothering you,

D - dreams ( how do they picture their future with their s/o ? )

he's probably thought about I a few times, i don't think he's the type to get married or anything so.... he wouldn't want to change much about you're relationship. To him, it's more than perfect

E - equal ( are they more dominant or passive? )

probably changes. One day he's dominant, and one day he's the opposite...

F - fight ( how regularly do fights happen? what would they be about? )

they probably don't happen at all. I don't even know what you two would even fight about, he's definitely good at avoiding situations where fight can happen.

G - gratitude ( how grateful are they? )

really grateful. You'd be doing something, and he'd come along and tell you how much he loves you and how grateful he is to have you.

H - honesty ( do they share everything, or do they keep secrets? )

he'd probably tell you everything, unless it's something he's shy talking about.

I - inspiration ( did their s/o change them, or was it the other way around? )

i feel like he's not the most confident person, so you probably helped him a lot with that

J - jealousy ( do they get jealous? how do they deal with it? )

he'd get jealous pretty easily. He'd never say anything tho, you'd always have to be the one to bring it up. He'd get really quiet; but he'd definitely complain to karl

K - kiss ( how often do you kiss? )

probably pretty often. He'd only kiss you sometimes, so you'll be the one who's usually giving kisses

L - lazy day ( how do they spend their days off with their s/o? )

he'd probably spend it at home. You two would just enjoy each other's company, he'd either be writing or reading to you. Lazy days with poe are definitely the best,

M - marriage ( do they want to get married? )

he'd never brought up this topic, but he'd probably thought about it a few times. He'd probably want to get married, but sometime in the future.

N - nicknames ( what do they call their s/o? )

he'd call you "my love" and "honey"

O - on cloud nine ( what are they like when they're in love? is it noticeable? )

i don't think it's that noticeable. He'd definitely keep it to himself, but if he can't do that anymore, he'd probably tell ranpo and ranpo would accidentally tell you..

P - pda ( do they like/do it, or do they keep stuff more private? )

he definitely likes to keep your relationship more private. He doesn't mind pda or anything like that, he just doesn't really do it often

Q - quirk ( a random personality trait that makes them an amazing partner )

i feel like he's really patient and loyal. He'd never get mad at you, he's so patient with you,

R - romance ( do they struggle to be romantic, or is it the opposite? )

he does struggle a little, and it's usually cause he doesn't know what to do. He wants to do something special for you, but he doesn't know what.

S - support ( do they support their s/o? how do they help their s/o reach their goals? )

poe would definitely talk to you about you're goals, he'd always make sure that you're okay and not feeling down if you don't reach them. He's also told you many times that he's there to help, and that he'll support you through it all.

T - thrill ( do they like trying out new things? )

he most likely doesn't. But if that "new thing" is something you wanted for a while or just really want to try, he'd do it for you.

U - understanding ( how well do they know their partner? )

probably really well. He'd always listen closely when you're talking, and make sure he remembers everything that you said.

V - value ( how important is the relationship for them? )

very important. Sometimes it might not seem like that, but it really is

W - wild card ( random headcanons )

i feel like poe isn't the worst at drawing, so he'd probably draw you sometimes and give it to you

X - xoxo ( do they like to kiss, hug and cuddle you? )

he does, but like I've mentioned before, he doesn't do it so often

Y - yearning ( how will they cope when they're missing their s/o? )

he'd probably try to distract himself with whatever he can. Usually he'd write, but wouldn't be able to concentrate cause he misses you.

( i love him sm omg )

Z - zeal ( are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind? )

i feel like he would, but he'd have to think about it for some time. He'd probably do anything for you ( as long as it's something normal....)

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