ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ : ꜱɪɢᴍᴀ

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A - affection ( how would they show their affection? what love language do they have ? )

his love language is gift giving and quality time. You'd usually receive a lot of different gifts from him, he'd buy u anything he thinks you'll like. He's also quite busy but he'll try his best to spend as much time as he possibly can with you.

B - beauty ( what do they admire about their s/o ? )

i feel like he'll love your hands. He'd hold them a lot too,

C - comfort ( how would they comfort/help their s/o ? )

he'd probably keep hugging you while planting kisses on your head, he wouldn't say much tho.

D - dreams ( how do they picture their future with their s/o ? )

i don't think he thinks about stuff like this too often. He probably wouldn't change anything tho,

E - equal ( are they more dominant or passive? )

he's probably the passive one ( unless you're more passive than him, then enjoy you're dominant sigma. )

F - fight ( how regularly do fights happen? what would they be about? )

they rarely happen. When they do, it's probably about him overworking.

G - gratitude ( how grateful are they? )

he's really grateful, and he makes sure you know that.

H - honesty ( do they share everything, or do they keep secrets? )

he definitely keeps some secrets. Nothing too bad, but i don't see him telling you everything, especially about work.

I - inspiration ( did their s/o change them, or was it the other way around? )

i feel like you've changed him quite a bit. He definitely isn't the same as he was before,

J - jealousy ( do they get jealous? how do they deal with it? )

i think he's the type to get jealous, but not a lot. When he's jealous he'd probably stay quite quiet and do nothing about it.

K - kiss ( how often do you kiss? )

pretty often, he'd mostly kiss you on your hand and lips.

L - lazy day ( how do they spend their days off with their s/o? )

he'd probably take you shopping. And yes, he'd let you get whatever you want, no matter how expensive it is ( sugar daddy sigma- )

M - marriage ( do they want to get married? )

he's thought about getting married a few times, but actually doing it scares him a little. But i think he's the type to actually get married. ( i don't think yall will have any kids tho, i don't think he likes them. )

N - nicknames ( what do they call their s/o? )

he'd call you "darling" and "honey", sometimes he'd even call you "my love"

( bro i love him sm )

O - on cloud nine ( what are they like when they're in love? is it noticeable? )

i think it would be noticeable. He'd definitely lose focus easily and nikolai would bully him about it.

P - pda ( do they like/do it, or do they keep stuff more private? )

he doesn't care, he loves doing it. The only times he wouldn't do pda is probably in front of the other doa members and in the casino.

Q - quirk ( a random personality trait that makes them an amazing partner )

he's thoughtful. Whenever he wants to get you something, he'd put a lot of thought into it. Gifts from him would be so cute too, it would always be something you'd love and it would be wrapped very neatly.

R - romance ( do they struggle to be romantic, or is it the opposite? )

sigma's quite romantic. He'd struggle with it sometimes tho, but he'd always come up with a solution.

S - support ( do they support their s/o? how do they help their s/o reach their goals? )

he obviously supports you. He'd try his best to cheer you on and help you reach your goals, he'd also help you if you need help with something.

T - thrill ( do they like trying out new things? )

i don't think he's all about trying new things. But he's kinda similar to fyodor, it depends on what the "new thing" is

U - understanding ( how well do they know their partner? )

really well. He'd probably spend hours trying to remember everything about you. To him, all that work is worth it.

V - value ( how important is the relationship for them? )

it's very important. As I've mentioned before, he changed quite a little with you around. He definitely loves you a lot and thinks about how important you are to him. Sometimes he'd even think about what it would be like if you left him, and he'd get sad.

W - wild card ( random headcanons )

he'd often make stuff for you. He might cook or bake something for you, and i also see him as someone who probably knows how to make origami stuff so he'd make you little hearts and what not.

X - xoxo ( do they like to kiss, hug and cuddle you? )

he does, and you two do it a lot. I feel like no matter what you're doing, he'll give you a kiss or hug you. If you have movie dates at home or something similar, you'd always end up cuddling.

Y - yearning ( how will they cope when they're missing their s/o? )

he'd probably just do work or anything that helps him distract himself. Usually he'd be at the casino doing work as usual or he'd go somewhere with the doa members.

Z - zeal ( are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind? )

I'm pretty sure he would do anything, but he'd definitely feel really sad if you're not willing to do the same.

( who wouldn't tho- )

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