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# ᴀʀᴍᴇᴅ ᴅᴇᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴀɢᴇɴᴄʏ #



- you'd have to constantly remind him to pack his darn bags.

- whenever you have to leave, he'd suddenly remember he didn't pack something..

- when you two finally get to the airport he'd be all whiny

"how much moreeeeee?"

- he'd probably fall asleep and you'd have to wake him up cause you need to get on the plane

- he'd start walking towards the wrong area

- on the actual plane, he'd keep cuddling and kissing you

- you wouldn't be able to get any sleep with this man next to you

- he'd start flirting with random girls on the plane,

"dazai...wake up it's time to get off the plane!"




- very organized,

- he packs his stuff 5 weeks before the trip

- he'd wake you up and make sure you get ready on time

- everything goes smoothly

- when he's on the plane, he'll either sleep or work

- overall traveling with him wouldn't be so bad

"hurry up, three minutes till the car arrives to drive us to the airport."


- panic

- he'd be in constant fear that he forgot something,

- he'd check his bags 70 times just to make sure everything is there

- he's not the biggest fan of planes, so he just sleeps a lot, hoping that when he wakes up... you'll be there

- he'd very sweet tho,

- if you're scared of heights, he'd hold your hand the whole time and tell you that everything will be fine cause he's there with you

"calm down atsushi, im sure you have everything"

"yea.. probably"


- he's too lazy to pack his stuff, you'd have to do it for him

- most of his luggage is full of candy

- he doesn't mind long plane rides as he just eats and sleeps

- he'd complain on how the snacks they give out are bad

"eeehhhh?? who even eats this anymore!!!???"


"hey sir!! bring me something else."

# ᴘᴏʀᴛ ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ #


- he'd be pretty chill about it, although he wouldn't really enjoy being around so many people in the plane

- his stuff would all be packed, and he'd do it fast too

- the only reason he'd pack fast was because he packed like... two shirts, one pair of pants and shoes... that's it

- he'd be quite the whole time,

- he'd not gnna sleep at all, he'll stay up no matter how long the ride is

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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