ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ : ɴɪᴋᴏʟᴀɪ

505 11 9

A - affection ( how would they show their affection? what love language do they have ? )

his love language is physical touch. It really doesn't matter where you are he'll be all over you, hugging you, kissing you, carrying you, making you carry him....

B - beauty ( what do they admire about their s/o ? )

I'm not too sure about this one, maybe you'r hands.

( idk i feel like he'd love to hold your hands )

C - comfort ( how would they comfort/help their s/o ? )

he'd probably try to make you laugh in every way he can. If that does work, he'll probably either hug you and give you kisses, or he'd randomly pull something out of his coat.

"please don't be sad"


D - dreams ( how do they picture their future with their s/o ? )

nikolai probably thinks about your future together a lot. He's not sure what he wants tho, but i don't think he'd want much to change

E - equal ( are they more dominant or passive? )

it's 50/50, one day he's passive, the next day it's a different story

F - fight ( how regularly do fights happen? what would they be about? )

it's probably really rare for fight to happen. When they do, half of the time they'd be about something stupid

G - gratitude ( how grateful are they? )

really grateful. We know nikolai wants freedom, and he feels like he has it when he's with you. He's just really grateful that he has someone like you to make him feel like that.

H - honesty ( do they share everything, or do they keep secrets? )

he shares everything with you, like... everything. It doesn't matter what it is, he'd tell you

I - inspiration ( did their s/o change them, or was it the other way around? )

you probably changed the way he thinks. He's also always wanted freedom and with you, he feels like he has it.

J - jealousy ( do they get jealous? how do they deal with it? )

he probably doesn't get jealous a lot, when he does he'd either get very clingy or he'd go really quiet

K - kiss ( how often do you kiss? )

very often. Niko is always clinging to you in some way, so you'd get a lot of kisses from him very often.

L - lazy day ( how do they spend their days off with their s/o? )

sometimes you'd stay at home and just cuddle all day. Other times, you'd go out somewhere and you'd spend the whole day there

M - marriage ( do they want to get married? )

he's probably brought up this topic a few times in your convos. I think he'd like to get married, but can't cause of his work and stuff

N - nicknames ( what do they call their s/o? )

would probably call you "my love" or he'd come up with something random,

O - on cloud nine ( what are they like when they're in love? is it noticeable? )

it's noticeable cause he can't shut up about you. He'd go and tell everyone he knows that he's in love with you, he'd even make some people guess who he's in love with but he'd spoil it before they even guess

P - pda ( do they like/do it, or do they keep stuff more private? )

he does it constantly. If you're in a public area with him, then good luck to you. He'd hold your hand real tight and give you a million kisses, later on he'd probably carry you or you'd have to carry him. He really doesn't care what others think when it comes to you two,

Q - quirk ( a random personality trait that makes them an amazing partner )

He's affectionate. Like I've mentioned a few times, he's always all over you so it's really easy to see that he's head over heels for you. You'd probably never doubt his love for you, and he'd always make sure to tell you how much he adores you.

R - romance ( do they struggle to be romantic, or is it the opposite? )

he doesn't struggle with being romantic at all. He'd randomly surprise you with dates, he'd even randomly get a rose and give it to you. Overall, he's quite romantic, and he's never struggled with it

S - support ( do they support their s/o? how do they help their s/o reach their goals? )

he supports you, and he makes sure you reach your goals. He'd often spend a lot of time talking about it with you, he'd tell you ways you could try and reach your goals faster and much more.

T - thrill ( do they like trying out new things? )

he does. It really doesn't matter what that "new thing" is, he's willing to try it

U - understanding ( how well do they know their partner? )

He knows you well, but sometimes he'd have a hard time understanding a few things about you, but he'd try his best to understand.

V - value ( how important is the relationship for them? )

really important, you made him feel like he has the freedom he's always wanted. He'd do anything for your relationship, and he makes sure you never forget that

W - wild card ( random headcanons )

he'll do your makeup and hair. Whenever you're brushing your hair he'd come over and do it for you. After brushing it, he'd probably braid it. He'd also ask to do your makeup, and he'd do it really well

X - xoxo ( do they like to kiss, hug and cuddle you? )

of course he does, he always all over you.

Y - yearning ( how will they cope when they're missing their s/o? )

he'd probably find a way to see you. If he's at work and he misses you, he'd say he has something to do and he'd teleport to you.. there's no escape from him.

Z - zeal ( are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind? )

he's honestly willing to do anything. He literally doesn't care what it is, he'll do it for the sake of your relationship.

( i apologize if this wasn't that good, i wrote this quickly :,] )

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