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761 12 1

A - affection ( how would they show their affection? what love language do they have ? )

he'd show his affection through actions, but he might not do it so often. His love language could be quality time

B - beauty ( what do they admire about their s/o ? )

i feel like he'd love your eyes, he'd probably make eye contact with you a lot. Sometimes he'd even blush, and you'd tease him

C - comfort ( how would they comfort/help their s/o ? )

if you were feeling down, aku would hug you. I don't think he'd really say anything, but he'll stay there with you until you feel better.

D - dreams ( how do they picture their future with their s/o ? )

aku just wants to spend time with you. He'd quit busy with work, so all he wants is some quality time with you. He just wants to relax and spend as much time as he can with you.

E - equal ( are they more dominant or passive? )

i guess it really depends on your personality, but i can see him as the passive one.

F - fight ( how regularly do fights happen? what would they be about? )

fights don't happen that often. But when they do, they're usually about him not taking proper care of himself.

G - gratitude ( how grateful are they? )

he's really grateful for everything that you do for him. He tries his best to return the favor.

H - honesty ( do they share everything, or do they keep secrets? )

at first, aku won't tell you everything, but you'll know a good bit. After some time he'd definitely tell you more,

I - inspiration ( did their s/o change them, or was it the other way around? )

aku definitely changed a bit with you by his side. He's definitely more confident and talkative.

J - jealousy ( do they get jealous? how do they deal with it? )

aku doesn't get jealous easily, but if he does he'll get even quieter. He might even sound a little rude when talking to someone. I don't think he'd admit that he's jealous, but you can clearly tell that he is.

K - kiss ( how often do you kiss? )

he doesn't kiss you so often. But when he does, it's usually a little kiss on you cheek or a quick peck on the lips.

L - lazy day ( how do they spend their days off with their s/o? )

You'd sit on the couch as he sits on the floor, in between your legs. You'd play with his hair as you find a movie to watch. Aku would probably fall asleep not even halfway into the movie.

M - marriage ( do they want to get married? )

i don't think aku is the type of person who wants to get married and have a family. But if that's something you really want, he'd do it for you.

N - nicknames ( what do they call their s/o? )

he'd mostly call you by your name, but he'd end up calling you something else on accident and it's the cutest thing ever.

"dear can i-"


"i-i no, what i meant to say was..."

O - on cloud nine ( what are they like when they're in love? is it noticeable? )

aku would constantly be lost in his thoughts, he'd be less focused on other things. It's quite easy to tell that something is going on.

P - pda ( do they like/do it, or do they keep stuff more private? )

he doesn't mind it, but he's not very big on doing it. Usually he'd gold your hand or have his arm around you

Q - quirk ( a random personality trait that makes them an amazing partner )

i feel like he'd know when something is wrong. Whenever you're feeling down, he'd come and hug you. He'd also be open to trying the things that you like.

R - romance ( do they struggle to be romantic, or is it the opposite? )

aku can be very romantic. He'd somehow make the most simplest dates and activities romantic.

S - support ( do they support their s/o? how do they help their s/o reach their goals? )

he obviously supports you ( unless you're doing something bad...), he'd do his best to encourage you to work harder. He'll always be there for you in case things go wrong.

T - thrill ( do they like trying out new things? )

at first, he might be a bit hesitant to try out new things. But he'd definitely warm up and be down to try out new things.

U - understanding ( how well do they know their partner? )

he knows you well. Like i said earlier, he'd know when you're feeling down or when something is bothering you. He's been through some stuff so he understands you well, especially if you've experienced similar things.

V - value ( how important is the relationship for them? )

really important. Aku truly loves and trusts you.

W - wild card ( random headcanons )

he'd take you on cute art gallery dates, i think he'd also enjoy cooking with you.

X - xoxo ( do they like to kiss, hug and cuddle you? )

he likes it when you initiate hugs, kisses and cuddles, but he won't often do it himself.

Y - yearning ( how will they cope when they're missing their s/o? )

he'll just go to work like usual, and focus mostly on that. But of course,he can't wait to have you in his arms again

Z - zeal ( are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind? )

he'll only do it if you're willing to do the same.

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