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A - affection ( how would they show their affection? what love language do they have ? )

chuuya's love language is definitely gift giving. He'd show his affection to you by giving you all kinds of expensive gifts and giving you many kisses.

B - beauty ( what do they admire about their s/o ? )

chuuya loves your personality.

C - comfort ( how would they comfort/help their s/o ? )

he'd be great at comforting you. He'd offer to get you whatever you want, or he'd sit next to you and give you lot's of hugs and kisses.

D - dreams ( how do they picture their future with their s/o ? )

at one point, chuuya wants to get married and i think he'd want kids too. He just wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

E - equal ( are they more dominant or passive? )

he likes to say that he's the dominant one, but he's quite passive.

F - fight ( how regularly do fights happen? what would they be about? )

they don't happen often. Butvwhen is do, it would be about who's turn it is to do the chores.

G - gratitude ( how grateful are they? )

he's very grateful. You always help him calm down after a stressful day of work, by just being with him. He really loves you a lot and would do anything to see you smile

H - honesty ( do they share everything, or do they keep secrets? )

chuuya would definitely tell you everything. You two would sit down and gossip about what goes on at work.

I - inspiration ( did their s/o change them, or was it the other way around? )

you definitely helped him with those anger issues of his ( unless you have anger issues....)

J - jealousy ( do they get jealous? how do they deal with it? )

he gets really jealous. Mostly cause he thinks you're gonna leave him for someone "better". He wouldn't admit that he's jealous, but you could tell easily since he'd probably be frowning or pouting a little.

K - kiss ( how often do you kiss? )

very often. He kisses you in the morning, before he goes to work, after he gets back, before bed, etc..

L - lazy day ( how do they spend their days off with their s/o? )

probably cuddling or having a nice dinner date with lots of wine and jazz music playing in the back.

M - marriage ( do they want to get married? )

in the future, yes. Chuuya really wants to get married and have your own little family.

N - nicknames ( what do they call their s/o? )

he'd call you anything honestly. If you prefer some certain nicknames, he's fine with calling you that.

O - on cloud nine ( what are they like when they're in love? is it noticeable? )

it would be very noticeable. He'd probably talk about how amazing you are to others while blushing like crazy.

P - pda ( do they like/do it, or do they keep stuff more private? )

he probably couldn't care less about others, so he really doesn't mind pda. He'd mostly hold your waist and kiss you.

Q - quirk ( a random personality trait that makes them an amazing partner )

really understanding. I feel like no matter what you're going through, he'll understand you. And he'll always know how to make you feel better,

R - romance ( do they struggle to be romantic, or is it the opposite? )

he doesn't struggle with that at all, he's really romantic. All of your dates are romantic and expensive, especially dinner dates.

S - support ( do they support their s/o? how do they help their s/o reach their goals? )

if you ever need help with anything, he's there. He'd constantly give you affection and encourage you to work harder.

T - thrill ( do they like trying out new things? )

i don't think he's that big on trying new things. But if you really wanted to, he might try a few

V - value ( how important is the relationship for them? )

very important. Chuuya will do anything for you, and i mean it. He loves and cares about you a lot, he can't afford to lose someone like you. He cherishes every second he spends with you.

W - wild card ( random fluff headcanon )

chuuya would give you his coat if it was raining or if you were cold.

X - xoxo ( do they like to kiss, hug and cuddle you? )

of course, he's does it all the time.

Y - yearning ( how will they cope when they're missing their s/o? )

i think he'd go on with his day like he normally would, but a few hours later, he'd start losing motivation to do stuff. The only thing he'd want at that point was to hug you.

Z - zeal ( are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind? )

he's willing to do anything for you. It'll definitely make him very sad if you don't feel the same about him tho. But like i said, he's willing to do anything for you.

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