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• dazai

- would probably look for stuff he can commit suicide with.

- would try to jump off the highest floor

- most of the times, he'd just send someone else to do his shopping.

( the victims would always be atsushi or aku..)

- buys bandages

• kunikida

- has a list of what he'll get

- sticks to the list

- surprised by all of the high prices

• atsushi

- he'd get lost easily

- always bumps into people

- never buys too much

- does dazais shopping for him

• ranpo

- candy stores are his favorite

- will open candy and eat it. When the workers confront him he'll tell them that he needs to try stuff before he buys it, cause how else will he know if it'll taste good?

- gets someone to carry him

- would get lost

• fukuzawa

- buys a lot of tea

- also has a list but buys some stuff that's not on there,

- probably gets cat food and feeds random cats on the street

• junichiro

- brings naomi with him

- she'd make him try on different stuff, would probably go into the changing room with him.

- he'd probably end up spending all his money on naomi.

• yosano

- knives.

- would probably take a lot of photos everywhere

- she'd come home with a lot of stuff

- doesn't regret buying anything tho

• kyoka

- doesn't go shopping often

- when she does tho, i feel like she doesn't get much ( no clue what she'd get tho )

• kenji

- would buy supplies for planting crops

- i feel like he'd buy a lot of milk for some reason

- might accidentally break a few things

- he'd trip on the escalators


• mori

- buys dresses for elise

- probably has someone to carry all of his bags

- goes to expensive stores

• chuuya

- buys a lot of expensive wine

- loves hat stores

- scared of escalators

- would try to find a book to buy, but every book he looked at seemed really boring

- he'd go into every perfume store he sees, he'd never get anything tho

• akutagawa

- he'd buy flowers and he'd try his best to keep them alive

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