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- this is a more detailed version of what it would be like to date the decay of angels ( fyodor, nikolai, sigma )


- fyodor would spoil you, if there's something that you want then expect to receive it very soon

- he'd always have what you love, if you go over to his place, he'll have your favorite snacks and so much more

- he's quite busy so you don't get to spend too much time together, but you'd usually stay at his place or you'd live together

- fyodor would always ask you if you need anything before he goes to work, he wants to make sure that you'll be fine while he's gone

"dear, are you sure you have everything you want?"

- he wouldn't be big on giving you hugs and kisses all the time, but when he does, it's really romantic

- when he hugs you, he'd hold you tightly and rub your back/waist

- when he kisses you, he'd either have his hands on your waist or he'd cup your face

- when he has time he'd take you on dates, your dates with him would be really calming

"woah fyodor, you didn't have to do all of this!"

"yes i did, i want nothing but the best for you my love."

- if he comes home late and if you're sleeping, he'd go over to you and give you a kiss

"i apologize for coming home so late my love, I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

- but if you waited for him,

"why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"i was waiting for youuuu"

"don't do that anymore dear, i don't want you to stay up so late because of me"

- if you have to wake up early and he wakes up before you, he'd wake you up really carefully

"dear, you need to get up okay?"

- he's a gentleman, he'd open doors for you, kiss your hand, etc..

- his love language would probably be words of affirmation and gift giving

"dear, where are you?"

"I'm in the bedroom!"

then you'd see him walk in with a bouquet of your favorite flowers,

"this is for you, my love"

- if you want to adopt a pet, he'd tell you that you probably shouldn't since you two can be really busy sometimes

- but if you insist, he'll agree

- when it comes to work, he wouldn't tell you anything. Mostly cause he doesn't want you to worry about him since he does some dangerous things, but if you insist on knowing he'd tell you everything that happened at work

- overall, he's the perfect boyfriend.


- you'd never get bored with him, he's basically like a ball of sunshine.

- his love language would probably be gift giving and physical touch

- he'd randomly give you a gift, usually it would be a plushie ( you probably have a whole collection of them )

- if he misses you, he'd come over to your place just to see you

- but if you live together, he'd cuddle and kiss you a lot

- he'd sometimes come over to you, hold your hand, and drag you somewhere. That's how most of your dates start

- taking care of him might be hard something,

"niko, don't stay out on the rain for so long."

"buutttt it's funnnnnnnnn!!!!!"

"i know, but you'll get sick"

"i don't careeeeeee!!!"

- you two would often play games together, lots of quizzes

- before he goes to work, he'll always give you a kiss. When he comes back, he'll hug you tightly and tell you how much he missed you.

- he'd try his best to help you with anything you need help with,

- i don't think it's easy to make him shy, but when you do, he'll laugh a lot

- he'd wake up in the middle of the night and ask you to get ice cream with him

- i feel like he'd prepare magic shows for you, fyodor would sit on a chair as nikolai and sigma do magic on him and you'd definitely laugh a lot

"for the next trick, we'll make something disappear!"

sigma said while nikolai covered fyodor with a blanket,

"now, the magic words nikolai!"


- nikolai would always make sure you're happy, and if you're feeling down, he'll know exactly how to cheer you up!


- a very cute relationship,

- you'd always go on walk together, most of the times you'd stop by different stores and he'd get you whatever you want

- whenever you'd get him something, he'd look at you with his eyes wide open

- whenever he blushes, he'd cover his face with something, mostly his hands

- he'd love to hold your hand and give you kisses, you two could be talking about the most random thing and he'll kiss you

"you looked too cute, i couldn't resist!"

- his love language would be gift giving and quality time

- he's quite busy, but he'd do his best to spend as much time as he can with you

- when he's at work he'll call you whenever he can, just to hear your voice and to ask you how you're doing <3

- before work, he'd always hug you a lot and give you kisses,

"I'll miss you so much."

- after work, he'd spend the rest of his day with you. It doesn't matter what you do, he's happy cause he's with you

- i feel like sigma would be a great cook, he'd make you whatever you want.

- dates with him would be so calming, and for special occasions he'd put extra effort into everything.

- you'd visit him at work and he'd be so happy about it

- remembers everything about you,

"for you my love"


"how could i not?"

- just like fyodor, he's a gentleman.

( melting rn )


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