Intro, Characters, A/N

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Hey hey heyyyyyyy
You beautiful beings you

Ok, enough with the cringy shit author-chan. Gotta get some shit done for once in my life. 🙄

This is gonna be cute, but bc Atsumu is who he is (along with Suna's existence) shit will get heavy and become mature within the first few actual chapters. I don't intend to completely follow the Haikyuu plot, but there will definitely be anime and manga parts contained in here (plot wise cuz I'm not boutta look for actual quotes from the show or manga).

Keep in mind: I'm lazy, get easily distracted, and due to mental health disorders I lose motivation very easily. So this may get shitty, but I'll do my best to make it as good as I can for all of you.

For comments, I honestly don't really care what you say as long as you don't straight up attack me. Make comparisons to Sangwoo or Barry B. Benson. I don't care and I'll probably do the same fucking thing cuz it's fun and I'm a bored bitch.

Now... Let's introduce the main characters that'll be involved!

You: L/n Y/n
*insert pic of your beautiful self*

"I... just- how did Osamu end up on the ceiling?"

Lives alone, due to her parents deciding to go overseas for work. You didn't wanna go so they send money and pay for expenses cuz they rich. (Rich girl alert!)
Within one of the classes for smarter students. Usually calm and ended up becoming the voice of reason between you, Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna. Helps without complaints and tends to hang around Kita more than others (only one that won't drive you insane on a daily basis).

Miya Atsumu

"Please, Y/n, I'm so fucking hard it hurts

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"Please, Y/n, I'm so fucking hard it hurts. Lemme hit."

Cocky setter for the Inarizaki boys' volleyball team. Overly flirtatious and childish.
Desperately needs your help with studying, ends up causing problems.
He bribed you into becoming the manager for the team.

Miya Osamu

Miya Osamu

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"Y/n.... Get out while you can. Atsumu gave me grey hairs."

Constantly hungry and eating. Begs for you to cook, says it's "the best food ever".
Usually getting pranked by Atsumu, comes to get you for help. Asks for you to help him study only to fall asleep after answering one problem. Is almost always crashing (or trying to) at your place.

Suna Rintaro

"Lemme just get high and record this Miya twin fight real quick, then you and I can fuck till you pass out, Y/n

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"Lemme just get high and record this Miya twin fight real quick, then you and I can fuck till you pass out, Y/n."

Drug dealer boi. Almost always high and gets scolded by you and Kita. Once gets you to take a hit and attempted to bang (Kita came and lectured him for hours cuz of it).
The dude practically lives with you at this point, and yet somehow he respects your rules and personal space. He won't go into your room without your permission and doesn't smoke or anything in the house, unless you give him the ok to use the basement.
Is always getting his work done cuz you act as his "personal teacher", when in reality you've become one of the team parents (with Kita).

Kita Shinsuke

"You all realize that if anyone has a 'chance' with Y/n, it would be me

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"You all realize that if anyone has a 'chance' with Y/n, it would be me. The both of us already have to act as your parents."

Literal lifesaver.
Is team parent (guys wanna say mom cuz they don't think you're mom material. They wanna date ya)
Keeps you sane and tries to take your workload. He doesn't want you to be stressed or overworked. If you ask him, he'll probably plan a relaxing spa weekend just for you.
The only one you're constantly relying on.

Imma apologize but I started getting tired and lazy. Just couldn't think. So I won't really be adding other characters, but they'll be in the story.

(Like Aran, Akagi, and Ginjima)

I'm just not in the mood to search pics up and think of shit to write.

I'll just sum their shit up:
Aran will only be helpful when it comes to the first few Miya fights, he soon becomes an exhausted uncle and relies on Kita for pretty much everything.
Akagi is just done with their shit and flirts with you as a way to keep himself entertained. He's constantly trying to stay on Kita's good side so he never touches you or does anything without your permission, or something you'd dislike.
Ginjima is just one of the jokers. He joins in and embraces the second year shenanigans. More than once he's accidentally join in the antics that cause you to get hurt or sick, then apologizes to you and Kita profusely in order to get out of trouble with the other three troublemakers.

So.... Yeah
That's the rundown
Hope y'all enjoy!

Author-chan out ✌️

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