16: New Manager

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Atsumu carried you, taking you to the gym.

"Aren't we later than the others, Tsumu?"

"Yeah. But I think we need ta make an extra special entrance ta introduce ya as our manager."

You rolled your eyes. "You're so over the top, Tsum-Tsum."

He gave you a wink. "Only fer ya, darlin."

With you still in his arms, Atsumu dramatically pushed the gym doors open- announcing both of your presences. The whole team- including the coaches- quickly faced your direction. Some looked surprised or shocked, others looked annoyed, ansd there was of course the confused boys. And of course there was Suna and Osamu- almost emotionless- standing with blank faces. They were beyond used to Atsumu's bullshit.

"I brought a present!" Atsumu announced, lifting you slightly in his arms.

You gave a small smile and quick wave. "Hi."

Osamu cocked his head, confusion and annoyance showing ever so slightly in his eyes from his twin's antics. "Ya brought Y/n and now yer callin her a gift? Ya hit yer head or somethin Tsumu?"

Atsumu frowned, slightly glaring at his grey haired twin. "No. I brought us a manager." Yet again, he lifted to you- signaling that he was referring to you.

The boys' jaws dropped. They silently gaped at you- only you. They were shocked to say the least- it was hard to believe what Atsumu said. Are you really gonna be their manager now?

To confirm their suspicions, you nodded. "I'm your manager now."

A stunned silence consumed the room. You glanced up at Atsumu, starting to feel anxious with the reaction you received. Your eyes told him everything.

He brought his mouth to your ear and whispered. "Give em a moment. They needa process. Trust me."

Kita blinked a few times before smiling warmly at you. "I don't know how he convinced you, but welcome as our manager Y/n."

Osamu deadpanned. "Y/n.... Get out while ya can. Tsumu gave me grey hairs."

It was dead silent for a moment... until you started laughing uncontrollably. "Samu- please! The hair dye- I can't!"

He smiled at you. "Wanted ta lighten up the mood fer ya a bit."

You started to cease with the laughter. "It worked. Mission was successful."

Atsumu, who was frowning- borderline pouting-, huffed out a breath. "Yer bein so mean ta me. I'm the one that got her to be our manager! Ya should be thankin me!"

"No." The grey haired twin replaced the smile with his usual stoic expression.

You suppressed another fit of laughter, deciding it would be best to comfort Atsumu instead of laugh at him. "It's ok Tsumu, I'll be here to give you all the support and attention you want."

He brightened up at that. "See this Samu? Ya heard her right? She loves me and is here for me!"

You gave a blank face. "You literally bribed and begged me to join."

The whole team- Atsumu being the only exception- burst out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Atsumu held a deep frown on his face.

You pat the grumpy boy's head. "It's ok, Tsum-Tsum. You do technically have this victory since you got me to join as your manager."

Almost everything you say can usually cheer Atsumu up, but this was definitely something that meant more to him. He was so happy, it seemed as if he was glowing.

"Thanks, Y/n-chan. Ya don't know how happy that makes me."

Short chapter cuz author-chan needs sleep for work tomorrow (after a long day of work today).

Hope y'all enjoyed the bit that's there
Might be doing the time skip soon
I might hold off on it though, just so I can show the bonds being formed and show the change in behavior and differences in relationships

Idk yet
Still working on the planning


Hannah's making sure I get plenty of sleep for work 👍
Such a good girl

Also, my author brain was in full fh croon earlier and I've started the concpet for yet another fic! I'm not gonna publish any parts that I actually finish cuz I currently have 2 stories with published parts and I wanna focus on those before adding anymore. It become stressful to me and I hold back simply for my own benefit.

The new fic I've started drafting is a....

Drumroll please...

Hinata x femreader!

Now... chuupetaro ... pls don't get mad/uspet with me, but...

It's angst.

The concept came to me after I ate dinner and I immediately started getting the book ready for when I finish this one and my Suna angst fic.
It will start fairly soft, but will gradually increase with how heavy and angsty it gets. The warnings are put in its description (like with all my works)

Anyways, thanks for enjoying everything so far
And I promise to work on this and update more the moment I have enough free time

Stay safe and happy!
You're all perfect in your own ways and are very loved (even if you don't know who loves you- other than me of course!)

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