47: Forever Connected

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You and your sons cheered as MSBY finally beat the Schweidan Adlers. One of the Jackals turned and gave you a look- and you knew what it meant.

"Just like when we met."

Haru and Hiro ran down the stands to go get autographs from all their favorite players. You slowly walked down, stopping right in front of a certain setter.

"We won."

You gave a warm smile. "You did. I'm so proud of you."

Atsumu wrapped his arms around you and leaned in to kiss you. "I love ya."

"I love you too, Tsumu."

"My victory is because I have ya with me. As long as yer around, the Jackals could never lose."

Your smiled widened. "I think you won cuz you're the most amazing setter to ever exist. I'm so happy that you've come such a long way and were able to do this."

Atsumu chuckled, slightly squeezing you. "I only got this far cuz I met ya, darlin."

You chuckled lightly. "I'm so glad we met that day."

"Me too."

At the party the MSBY Black Jackals held, you and Atsumu snuck off. Your sons were distracted, playing with Bokuto and Hinata and tried bothering Sakusa every couple of minutes.

You giggled as Atsumu pulled you into the roof of the building. "Tsumu, what are you doing?"

He quickly covered your eyes and started walking while you couldn't sleep. "I got a little surprise fer ya, darlin."

"Isn't it a little dangerous to be doing this?"

"Not at all. Ya trust me, don't ya?"

Your hands held his, which were still covering your eyes. "If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have become friends with you all those years ago. Of course I trust you, Tsumu."

"Good, now we just sit here and... ta-da!" He removed his hands from your eyes.

Now revealed to you was a candlelit setup, a blanket on the ground and the stars above your heads. Atsumu had prepared a romantic rooftop picnic date for you.

"Do ya like it?" He nervously looked at you, hoping his efforts would make you happy.

You turned to him with one of the biggest smiles you've ever worn on your face. "I love it, Tsumu! You did all this yourself?"

He nodded, relief washing over him. "Yeah.... I wanted to do somethin fer ya...."

You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. "I love you so much, Tsumu! I'm so glad I married you!"

He kissed your forehead. "Yeah, that was one of the best things ta ever happen ta me."

"One of them?"

"Our sons, actually datin ya all those years ago, being friends. And... the best thing ta ever happen ta me was meetin ya that fateful day." His voice was soft, a gentle expression on his face.

You cupped his cheek. "Tsumu, you're so sweet. Thanks for everything."

He leaned in and kissed you passionately. "Nothin makes me happier than bein with ya, Y/n."


"And ta think this all started with a volleyball game...."

"We'll always be brought together by volleyball."

The End ❤️

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