6: Privacy?!

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'Why can't I move? What are the heavy objects wrapped around me? There's more weight on my bed?

It was too early in the morning to need to deal with whatever bullshit this was. You opened your eyes to find yourself on your bed in your bedroom. However, you weren't alone- the Miya twins decided to trap you in between them.

An irk mark appeared on your forehead. "What are you two doing in my room and on my bed?!"

"You mean 3, right?" Suna's head popped up by your feet. "Mornin princess."

You started wiggling in an attempt to get out of the Miya twins's cage, but their grip was too strong so you were stuck. "Why are you all in my room?! Why on my bed?! Ever heard of a thing called privacy?"

Atsumu squeezed you, speaking in a deep, sleepy voice. "What's wrong with cuddlin?"

Osamu slowly opened his eyes. "Ya never had a problem with cuddlin with us before...."

You sighed. "That was when you weren't in my room or on my bed."

"What's the problem with the location?" The twins spoke in unison- obviously sharing a single brain cell.

You kept yourself calm. "I'm a girl and you are guys... in my bedroom, on my bed. How can I be sure you wouldn't do anything perverted when my guard is down?"

Both twins shot up, sitting and fully awake. "Ya think we'd do somethin perverted?!"

"Teenage boys would do anything when they're horny. I trust you guys, but I wouldn't put it past you to try something if you feel like being a pervy teenage boy."

Atsumu put his hand over his chest dramatically. "I can't believe ya'd lump us in with all those lowlife boys!"

You realized none of them were wearing shirts. "PUT ON A GODDAMN SHIRT YOU LOWLIFES!"

You glared at the boys- now sitting in the living room after getting changed. "The fuck is wrong with you guys? Do you not have any common sense?" You had been lecturing them for 20 minutes now.

All three were sitting on the ground on their knees, heads bowed. "Sorry, Y/n."

You sighed, shaking your head. "I know I invited you 3 to stay the weekend, but I thought you would've already guessed what was off limits. You 3 are guys and I'm a girl. Sharing a bed and you 3 entering my room are strictly off limits."

"But your parents aren't here? So what's the problem?" Suna tipped his head to the side.

You narrowed your eyes at the boy. "It doesn't matter whether or not I have anyone else living in the house with me. There are boundaries that I guess I should've made clear before letting you all come over."

Osamu slowly stood up. "I'll go make breakfast for you as an apology."

"Thanks Samu. You're all forgiven for this. I won't hold it against any of you, just please never go into my room uninvited like that again. Please."

The 3 nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

You sat on the couch, Atsumu immediately sitting on your right. "Something wrong, Tsumu?"

He looked deeply into your eyes. "Do ya really think we're perverted?"

"No, I don't. But it wouldn't look good if someone saw 3 shirtless guys surrounding a sleeping girl on her bed. You do understand that, right?"

He nodded, leaning down to put his head on your shoulder. "Yeah. Sorry."

You wrapped your arm around him. "It's fine, Tsumu. I'm not mad."

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