13: To the Hospital!

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"Kitaaaaaa-senpaiiiiiiiii!" You wailed from the living room couch while Kita was doing dishes from the dinner he made in the kitchen.

He walked out, after just finishing cleaning up. "Everything alright?"

You had teary eyes. "My knee still hurts!"

He sighed. "You already took the max amount of pain killers. And we iced your knee. I'm taking you to the hospital."

You really didn't want to, but you knew there was no other option- arguing with Kita, especially while he's taking care of you, is a very bad idea. "Ok...."

Kita got his things together and picked you up, carrying you on his back this time. "Are you comfortable or should I carry you differently?"

"This is fine. Thank you, Kita-senpai."

He smiled, turning his head slightly to face you. "It's really no problem, Y/n. You should just be careful from now on though."

You gave a weak smile. "All I can promise is that I'll try my best."

"That's all I'm going to ask of you."

As you two got to the hospital's waiting room after checking in, Kita's phone went off.

You two shared a look before Kita answered, putting it on speaker quietly- loud enough for only you two to hear.

"Kita! So glad you answered." Aran's stressed out voice came through the line.

Kita glanced over at you briefly. "Is everything alright Aran?"

There was a slight pause before Aran spoke again. "Uh... well, you see..."

Kita shook his head. "Is it the twins?"

"Yeah. They're fighting and no one's able to break them up. Suna's just smirking and laughing quietely while he records."

Kita sighs. "Please try to handle it, get the third years involved. I'm unable to get there."

Akagi's voice sounded from the other line. "Why can't you make it here, Kita?"

"I'm at the hospital with Y/n."

There was a loud noise then silence on the other line. Soon the twins' and Suna's voices sounded clearly through the line. "Why's Y/n in the hospital?!"

You decided it was your turn to speak. "Cuz I keep fucking up my knee."

"Language." Kita lightly scolded.

"Sorry, Kita-senpai."

"Yo, princess. How's your knee?"

"You're lucky I'm in so much pain right now. I'd beat you with a spoon."

Suna laughed on the other end. "You get hurt cuz of shit you do and then get mad when I tease you about it!"

Kita frowned. "Suna. Language. And be nicer. She can't even move on her own and nothing has been working to subside the pain. I brought her to the hospital to get her checked out and so she can get the help she needs. Don't upset her in any way for a while."

Suna sighed. "I won't. But seriously, Y/n, how ya holding up?"

"I think it would've been less painful to get hit by a bus." You somewhat joked.

Kita raised a brow at you. "If that's a joke, please never make it again. If it's not, I will be taking you to therapy."

"It was a joke. But ya know what isn't a joke?"

Osamu chimed in from their line. "You have to eat hospital food?"

You laughed at that. "No... I shouldn't have to. I'm not planned to stay overnight, I don't think."

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