20: House Maid

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Exams finally ended and you were exhausted. The volleyball team decided to take a weekend off- mainly to make sure you were caught up on all the sleep you've missed. Suna even decided to stay at his own house to give you space, peace, and quiet.

You were currently passed out on your bed- completely unaware of everything going on around you.

Atsumu was currently entering your house, bags of food in his hands. He knew you'd be too tired to cook or order something whenever you woke up, so he thought ahead and had brought you some food.

Now, I know what you all are thinking in this moment: "How is he entering the house? Did we leave the door unlocked?"
No, the door is always locked. Atsumu has a spare key to your house.

How did he get it?
Well, you accidentally pushed it towards him during the first time he was at yor house- ya know, for that study session.


Atsumu carefully set everything down in the kitchen, putting things where you'd normally have them. Once he was satisfied with how neat everything looked, he walked to your room and quietly opened the door. Upon stepping into the dark room, he could just faintly make out your sleeping form on the bed. You laid in a huge lump of blankets- dead to the world.

He walked over to your bed, slowly and carefully sitting down on its edge. He stared at you with a smile creeping its way onto his face.

'She's so beautiful. Even when sleeping.... She looks so peaceful, almost angelic.'

Subconsciously, his hand slowly made its way to your uncovered face and gently cupped your cheek. Atsumu softly brushed his thumb over your cheek, eyes slowly focusing on your lips.

'So kissable.... If I kissed her right now, no one would know, right? She's asleep so she wouldn't even know what happened. And no one else is here- no one can see.'

He dragged his thumb lightly across your bottom lip, beginning to lean in closer to you.

You felt something touching you- warm air softly hitting your face. You opened your eyes slightly and saw a familiar sight. "Tsumu...? What are you doing here?"

The boy froze, his muscles tensing. He pulled his hand away and offered an awkward smile. "I just came ta check up on ya and drop some food off fer ya."

You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes- hoping to rid yourself of the remaining feelings of fatigue. "Thanks. But... how did you get in my house? Was I really that tired last night that I didn't even lock the door?"

He shook his head, his smile becoming more sweet and genuine. "No. Ya accidentally gave me a key ta yer house the first time I came here."

You slowly blinked, looking him into the eyes. "Oh. Ok. Just keep it in case of emergencies I guess. I feel it's better that you have the spare instead of Suna. He never leaves and it gets tiring to take care of him."

You began to move in an attempt to get up, but Atsumu stopped you. "Don't do anythin. Just get yer rest."

"But, I have to eat and clean my house."

The blond shook his head. "Lemme take care of that. Just stay in bed. Consider me your personal house maid fer the weekend." He gave a slight bow and smirked.

You laughed at him. "You mean butler, right? Maids are females."

He flushed in embarassment. "Wh- whatever!"

Your laughter began dying down. "Thanks either way, Tsumu. Are any of the other here?"

"Nah, just me. The others wanted ta leave ya alone fer the weekend. I figured ya'd be too tired to properly take care of yerself, so here I am."

You gave a sleepy smile. "That's very kind of you, Tsumu. I appreciate it."

He smiled warmly at you. "Anythin fer ya, Y/n-chan. Just lay down and I'll come back up with some food fer ya. Ok?"

You nodded and nuzzled your way back into your nest of blankets. "Thanks, Tsum-Tsum."

Atsumu gave another smile before walking out of there. He quickly went to your kitchen and grabbed some of the food he brought, making sure it was prepared properly before making his way back to your bedroom.

You looked up at him as the door opened, sleep still apparent in your eyes. "Back already?"

The blond boy chuckled, heading over to you with the food in his hands. "Yeah. Ya needa eat, so I was hurryin ta make sure I gotcha everythin fer ya." He winked at you.

You smiled as you slowly sat up, leaning against your headboard for support. "So sweet. Can I keep you as a maid for more than just this weekend?"

He sat down next to you. "Only if ya pay me."

You groaned playfully. "I'll give ya a spare room. I don't have extra money to spend on you- or any other maid for that matter."

He gasped. "I can live here?"

You shook your head, becoming serious. "No."

He frowned. "Can I at least feed ya?"

You shrugged. "Do whatever ya want, Tsum-Tsum."

He beamed, starting to feed you. "Can I cuddle with ya when ya go back ta sleep?"

You thought about it. "I suppose you could...."

Once you finished eating, Atsumu ran to your kitchen and cleaned up before sprinting back to your room. The moment he was back in your room, he gently closed the door and hopped into your bed.

"Don't lay on me, Tsumu. You're heavy."

He whined, moving to lay beside you and holding you tightly in his arms. "So mean, Y/n-chan."

You giggled, sleepily nuzzling your face against his chest. "You're such a big baby."

"Ya don't hate me or anythin I do, though...."

"Just cuz you're a baby, doesn't mean I'd hate you. You just act childish." You didn't know what you were saying- you were extremely deprived of sleep. "But it's cute and I kinda like it...." You fell asleep.

Atsumu was smiling like an idiot from your words.

"I love ya, Y/n."

Pretty cute, right?

I'm proud to announce that this was the end of the first year arc!

The next chapter will be you guys starting your second year (the same time that Haikyuu starts Hinata and Kageyama's high school life).

Since you guys are slightly older, things will get crazier.

Hang on for this bound-to-be bumpy ride!

Take a cute lil Hannah with ya!

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