23: New Sight

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"Hey, Y/n-chan?"

"Yeah, Tsum-Tsum?" You looked at the boy, who was sitting beside you on your couch.

Atsumu put his head on your shoulder. "I'm bored."

"Then pick a movie, you idiot."

"Do ya care about genre or ratin?"

"Nah. Put whatever ya want on."

Big mistake.

Atsumu smirked. "Porn, it is then."

Your eyes widened as you stared at the boy. "No way in hell!"

He pouted. "Why not?"

"You're gonna horny again! I'm not dealing with that shit a second time!"

The fake blond huffed out a breath. "Yer no fun."

You glared at him. "You do realize that I can kick you out whenever I want, right?"

His eyes widened. "NO! I was jokin! Don't kick me out!"

You giggled at how easy he is. "I won't. Just no porn, got it?"

He gave you the cutest expression. "Yes, my love."

You rolled your eyes, turning your head back to the living room's tv. "You staying the night, Tsumu?"

"Of course!" Atsumu looked like an excited child that was told he can choose as many toys as he wants.

"Then go get a shower or something. I need one too, so let's get that done before watching a movie."

He frowned slightly, but still got off the couch. "Ok...."

You gave him a smile as you got up. "No need to be upset, Tsum-Tsum."

He perked up slightly. "Can we shower together?"

You held a blank expression on his face. "No. Shower by yourself." You pushed him into the guest bathroom- the one he used almost everyday with how often he came over to your house.

You closed the door in his face before he could even say anything, immediately going into the bathroom attached to your bedroom.

Once you finished your shower, you had dried off and got dressed. You opened the door to the bathroom and walked into your bedroom. You froze at the sight before you.

Atsumu tensed upon seeing you out of the bathroom. "Uh... Y-Y/n-chan...."

Your face turned bright red. "WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING ANYTHING?!"

Atsumu stood there, in the middle of your bedroom- completely naked. "Ya kinda shoved me into the bathroom and closed the door on my face before I could get clean clothes.... And I keep my spare clothes in yer room...."

Your eyes were glued to the completely exposed Atsumu in front of you. "Then you shoould've knocked on my bathroom door to let me know you were in here without clothes! I don't want to see any of that!"

The fake blond smirked. "Oh really? Are ya sure about that? Yer not even lookin into my eyes."

Yes, Atsumu is acting all smug about it. But he was panicking on the inside.

'Fuck! Don't get hard! on't get hard! That'll make this whole situation way more awkward!'

Your face turned a deep red. "Sh-shut up you cocky setter!"

"Yes, I am pretty cocky, I bet that's the part of me yer eyes are glued on, huh?"

Your blush darkened. "Shut up, you pervert."

"I'm not the pervert here. Yer the one starin at me while I'm not wearing anythin."

"You're naked in my house and in my room. You're the pervert."

Atsumu raised a brow, getting an idea. He began walking towards you while you backed up until your back was pressed against the wall. Atsumu smirked as he trapped you with his arms.

He bent down, his lips right next to your ear. "Ya wanna see who the real pervert between us is?"

Your heart started beating erratically. "Ts-Tsumu...."

"What is it, Y/n-chan?" It took all of Atsumu's strength to hold back like he is right now. He's not even touching you- he promised himself he wouldn't actually do anything unless you initiated it.

You pressed your hands against his chest. "What are you planning to do?"

"Nothing... unless you wanna do something...."

You couldn't deny the fact that this was attractive- you just didn't want to admit it, at least not to Atsumu. "N-no. Just... go get dressed...."

He was kind of bummed out, but completely respected your decision. "Right." He turned and went to go get dressed.

You still stared at him, mouth slighty open. 'Holy shit.... He's completely ripped! How the fuck?! And his- wait, no! Don't think about it! Get out, you perverted thoughts! He's my best friend! I can't just think about how toned he is, or how hot he looks... or... how big his dick is....'

Being a teenager with that hormnal imbalance sure is fun, right?

Atsumu turned back around, only to see you still staring with a red face. He tensed slightly, a blush making itsway onto his face. "Uh... Y/n-chan?"

You sort of snapped out of your trance. "Y-yeah, big di- Tsumu." You turned away, embarrassed at the fact that you couldn't get that image of Atsumu out of your head.

His eyes widened, understanding what was about to come out of your mouth. "What was that?"

"Nothing! Let's go watch that movie now!" You quickly ran out of your room and all the way to the couch in your living room - your face in your hands. You wanted to hide- you felt like you could die from this embarassment.

Atsumu had slowly followed behind you, a small proud smile on his face. He faced you the moment he sat on the couch. "So...."

"Ya think I've got a big dick?"


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