21: Captain Kita-senpai!

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"Hey, Kita-se- OH MY- WHAT JUST- I ALMOST DIED!?!"

Morning practice on your first day of school- as an official second year. Atsumu came flying in and nearly tackled you while Suna and Osamu were trying to spike volleyballs at him- almost hitting you.

Kita saw the horrified look on your face- almost like your soul was leaving your body. He gently put a hand on one of your shoulders, the other at the ready in case you collapsed. "You ok, Y/n?"

You looked at him, tears in your eyes. "Kita... I think I'm gonna die."

His eyes widened. "No, no- you'll be alright. Just- just calm down."

You smiled at him, knowing he got worried from what you said. "I think you're the one that needs to calm down. The captain doesn't need to have a heart attack over the manager on his first day of being a third year."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "No.... I think my heart attack will be caused by your three... whatever you wanna call them."

You looked over at the three who would've been responsible for your premature death. "Ah, yes- the problem children. Can't ya make them run laps or something for nearly killing me?"

"Atsumu! Osamu! Suna!" The captain called to the three boys.

They stopped what they were doing, turning to look at him. "Yes, Kita-san?"

"Run 50 laps outside the gym right now for nearly killing our manager. Ginjima, you were encouraging it, so go make sure they actually run all 50 laps."

All four of the second year boys flinched, immediately leaving the gym. It was pointless to even think about arguing with Kita- even more so since you were involved. They felt they should just get their punishment out of the way as quickly as possible.

"Is this what they commonly refer to as abusing power?" You joked with the captain.

The boy beside you grinned. "It looks like the two of us might be doing that a lot from here on out."

You matched his grin. "Well, ya know that the captain and manager always work together for the team, right?"

"Do you want to run laps too?"

"Do you want me to die?"

"Your knee still bothers you?" Kita gave you a soft expression.

You looked away briefly, making sure no one else could hear before turning back to him. "Yeah... just- just don't tell the others. Please?"

He gave you a warm smile. "Don't worry about it. I'll be keeping them in line this year so you shouldn't be getting too stressed by them."

You smiled at Kita. "Thanks... captain."

"KITAAAAAAAAA!" Ah yes, just like last year you had decided to cling to Kita as a way of dealing with the chaotic boys of the volleyball club.

Kita sighed, shaking his head. "Atsumu, stop bothering her already. She's the team's manager, not your personal maid."

The fake blond frowned. "But-"

Kita glared, giving off an intimidating aura. "No buts. Get back to practice."

Atsumu stiffened. "Yes sir." He ran back to the other team members.

You grinned at the captain. "The great Captain Kita-senpai has kept the troublesome members of the Inarizaki boys' volleyball club in check. What would we ever do without him?"

He smiled, shaking his head. "Are you constantly gonna react like this whenever I act like the captain?"

You shrugged. "Probably not. But I might every now and then when I'm really bored or feel like getting a reaction out of you and the team."

"This might end up being a long year...."

Sleep deprived author-chan didn't know how to continue this part so it's gonna stay as a short chapter.

Ok, down to business:

I wanna start yet another new fic (won't publish parts till I finish the books I currently have published parts for).

Basically, it's gonna be a Haikyuu x insomniac femreader

But idk what character to use
So here are the options:

Tsukishima Kei
Sugawara Koushi
Shimizu Kiyoko
Miya Osamu
Bokuto Koutarou
Yaku Morisuke
Haiba Lev
Goshiki Tsutomu
Iwaizumi Hajime
Kunimi Akira
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Yachi Hitoka
Ushijima Wakatoshi

Pls tell me who you think would be perfect at dealing with an insomniac reader!

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