1: Game Changer

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At age 14, in the beginning of your final year of middle school, you decided to finally see a professional volleyball match in person. And not just any game for any old team. This match was in Osaka and the team playing was from that prefecture, which just happens to be your favorite volleyball team of all time: the MSBY Black Jackals.

You had been looking forward to this match for weeks, since this school year had first began. It was a beautiful April day, making your mood at the best it could possibly be on a day that could potentially change your entire life. You've always liked watching volleyball, you even play the sport, you're the ace of your school's girls' volleyball team. They do well in all their games because of you.

But nothing, no matter how many games you play and win, compares to watching the Black Jackals. And today was finally the day you could experience their amazingness in person.

You smiled so fucking big when you arrived at the arena they'd be playing in against the Schweidan Adlers. "So cool!"

You ran inside the building and looked around. 'Should I get souvenirs first? I want plenty of time after the game to try to meet some of the players and get autographs. Definitely should get food and souvenirs now, then find a front row seat.'

You quickly grabbed everything you wanted and had actually been able to obtain a seat in the front row. Beside you, was a boy about your age with medium to dark brown hair he parted to the right.

He looked at you and gave a toothy smile. "Hiya!"

You gave a shy smile. "H-hi. Do you like the Jackals too?"

He shrugs. "I guess. I just really like volleyball. This was the closest game to where I live."

"Oh? Where do you live?"

"In Hyogo. You?"

"S-same." You held an onigiri up for him. "Do you want some?"

His eyes lit up. "Thanks!" He grabbed it, about to bite but stopped. "Oh, my name's Atsumu by the way."

You gave a slightly bigger smile. "Y/n."

"That match was so cool!"

"And the Jackals won!" You nearly jumped from excitement.

"Who cares? The setters were the best though." Atsumu gets up and puts his hands in his pockets. "Wanna walk to the train station together? Ya know, since we live in the same prefecture and all...."

You stood up and grabbed your souvenirs, shaking your head. "I actually wanted to meet some of the members of MSBY first. Maybe we'll see each other again, Atsumu."

You began walking away, but were stopped when a hand gripped your wrist. You turned and saw Atsumu. "I'll go with ya. It's better than getting split up, right? Unless... ya came with someone else?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm all alone today."

Atsumu smiled, a light (almost unnoticeable) pink tinted his cheeks. "Yer not alone. Ya got me!" He pointed at himself with the thumb of the hand that wasn't holding you.

You gave a sweet smile. "Ok. Now, hurry! I wanna meet MSBY's ace and setter! I need those autographs and photos!"

He chuckled, starting to pull you while jogging. "Let me in on that!"

You sighed in content. "Man, that was so cool! My parents are gonna freak when I send them all the pics I took!"

Atsumu chuckled beside you. "Why not just show them when ya get home?"

You stopped walking, your smile falling completely. Your head was titled down, eyes focused on the ground. Tears started stinging, and you were doing everything you could to hold them back.

Atsumu noticed your silence, and that you had stopped. He stood in place, turning to look at you. "What's wrong, Y/n?"

You slowly look up to meet his gaze. "My parents don't live in Japan.... They're overseas." You quietly explained.

His eyed widened slightly. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't know...."

You shook your head, the tears disappearing. "It's fine. Is it ok if we just don't talk about it?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Totally. Anyways... why did ya like that game so much?"

You began walking again, staying beside him. "I've always loved watching volleyball. MSBY is my favorite team, I watch all their matches. This was just the first one I got to go to in person. It's great that they were playing in Osaka today, since it's not too far from where I live in Hyogo."

Atsumu hummed. "Yeah, it's pretty close to my home too. But I guess you and I dont live close enough to be in the same middle school, huh?"

You giggled. "Guess not. Oh, right.... Why did you go to the game? You didn't really say you liked either team."

He looked over at you and smirked, his hands behind his head as you two walked. "I play volleyball. I'm a setter cuz I'm the best. I like to watch just to try and improve, ya know."

You nodded. "I understand. Do you think about going pro when you're an adult?"

His smirk grew. "Of course I'm gonna be a pro setter! I'm the best! Can't believe ya never heard of me, Y/n!"

"Sorry, but I only pay attention to guys' volleyball if it's professional. And I really only look out for MSBY. You're just not on my radar yet, Atsumu." You gave a playful smirk.

His jaw dropped as he stared at you. "I'll make ya watch all my games in the future!"

You burst out laughing, the two of you finally getting on a train and sitting down. "How ya gonna do that, setter boy?"

He frowned. "I'll call ya, duh."

"Pfft! You don't know where I live, you don't have my phone number, so how ya gonna call and get me?"

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "I'll figure it out."

You finally stopped laughing, shaking your head at him slightly. "Ok, you do that then. But don't whine or cry when I'm too busy to watch your games."

"You? Busy? With what? Seriously, what could ya possibly be too busy with that ya can't support me with my matches?"

"School and homework, duh." You didn't want to tell him that you also play volleyball... and that you just happened to be a wing spiker- the ace of all things!

He scoffed. "Nerd."

"I think you're too obsessed with playing volleyball, setter boy. What are your grades even like in school?"

Atsumu remained silent for a bit, avoiding your gaze.

Your eyed widened. "That bad?!"

He slowly turned to face you, embarassment written all over his face. "I'm not failing! I'm just not an A or B student, ok! C's and D's are just fine!"

"Get a tutor you idiot!"

"Well, what are yer grades even like?!" He shot back.

"All A's!" {Just pretend, I'm not a straight A student anymore either}

Atsumu had a mix of shock and impressed all over his face. "Really?"

You nodded. "Of course."

A grin made its way onto his face. "Would ya tutor me?"

"I'm not gonna spend my free time with you just to do your homework. And we just met, why would you want me to tutor you?"

Atsumu shrugged. "Cuz yer a cute girl." He winked at you.

You rolled your eyes. "Fail."

"Y/n-chan!" He whined.

You giggled as you lay in bed. "Man, I can't wait to incorporate those styles into my own play. I wonder what high school volleyball will be like...."

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