8: Team of Foxes

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'I wonder when the guys will hangout with me again....'
That thought ran through your mind for the umpteenth time.

You let out a sigh, leaning your head against the tree you always sit beneath. As always, Suna and the twins were too busy with the vollleyball club to come eat lunch with you. Usually, Kita would be sitting with you during lunch, but today he was unable to due to his club's members begging him to eat lunch with them. He felt bad about leaving you by yourself, though you told him it was ok, but there were a few problematic first years in his club that he's been having to keep an eye on.

You had understood the situation. You told him you were ok with it. You are ok with it....

At least, that's what you had told Kita....

It's what you had told yourself.


You quickly turned your head in the direction where you heard someone calling your name- seeing Atsumu sprinting towards you. "Hey, Tsumu." You spoke calmly, trying to hide your excitement at the fact that he sprinted over to you during lunch.

Atsumu smiled, taking a brief moment to catch his breath before speaking. "Sorry we haven't been spendin much time with ya."

"It's fine, Tsumu. Is everything alright?"

He beamed at you. "Better than alright! We- Suna, Samu, and I- have been talkin with the team..."

"And...?" You tilted your head slightly, awaiting his next words as patiently as you could.

"We finally got em to agree to let ya sit with us! So now ya don't gotta be alone at lunch!"

"I haven't been alone every lunch. I made a friend and he was sitting with me everyday while you guys weren't. He just couldn't be here today because of his club."

Atsumu frowned. "What guy? What year is he even in?"

You furrowed your brows in confusion, not understanding why he was suddenly acting like this. "You probably don't know him. He's a really nice second year."

Atsumu huffed, not wanting to discuss this any further. "Ok, but do ya wanna sit with us? Even if it's just for today?"

You nodded, standing up with a smile on his face. "Let's go, Tsum-Tsum. I've missed spending time with you guys."

He immediately perked up after hearing your words. "Let's go, Y/n-chan!"

The two of you arrived at a spot with very loud and energetic boys- the Inarizaki boys' volleyball club. Atsumu immediately grabbed your arm and pulled you to stand beside him. He grabbed everyone's attention.

"Guys- except Suna and Samu- I've brought the friend we've been tellin you about. Here she is." He pushed you in front of him to see the team.

You scanned the crowd and immediately stopped on one boy, holding eye contact with him. You smiled and gave him a wave. "Oh, hi, Kita-senpai. You never told me you were on the volleyball team."

He gave a small smile back. "Well... you never told me you were friends with the 3 troublemaking first years on the team."

You immediately turned to face Suna, Atsumu, and Osamu. "What have you 3 been doing while I'm not around?"

The three turn away, not daring to make eye contact with you. You let out a sigh, shaking your head in disappointment.

Kita chuckled quietly. "Y/n, why don't you come take a seat? This one next to me is available."

You nodded eagerly and went to sit beside him. "I guess we'll always be eating lunch together now, huh?"

He nodded. "Of course."

Atsumu was on the verge of pouting. "Ya never told me ya two met."

Kita shrugged. "That was my business. Not my fault you, Suna, and Osamu left your friend all alone and I just happened to spot her one day, walked over, and held a conversation with her."

Atsumu's frowned deepend. "I was friends with her first though...." He grumbled quiet enough that no one heard.

You looked at Atsumu in amusement. "Technically I was telling you about it when you came to find me. I just never gave Kita-senpai's name or description."

He gave you a pout. "Ya shoulda told me, Y/n-chan! We've been friends for so long and we never kept secrets!"

You refrained from laughing at the whiny Atsumu. "Tsum-Tsum, you know it's bad to lie. Right?"

He gasped, dramatically grabbing his chest. "I can't believe ya! After that magical moment at the game and then at yer house, ya still keep secrets from me! I'm hurt, Y/n-chan. Ya gotta gimme a kiss to make up fer yer betrayal."

You rolled your eyes. "Chill. And cut it with the weird phrasing. Ya make it sound as if we had... that."

Your 3 friends- Suna, Osamu, and Atsumu- started snickering.

Suna was sort of able to calm himself. "Just say sex."


Kita cut in. "No vulgarity at lunch. And Atsumu, you and Y/n haven't known each other any longer than a year. Don't assume you know everything about her."

Atsumu huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "So ya know everything bout Y/n, Kita?"

"I didn't say that." Kita remained calm, but he wasn't starting to become agitated with Atsumu's behavior.

You sighed, knowing it was time to intervene before anything had the chance to escalate. "Tsumu, don't be a pouty baby or I won't invite you over to my house again."

The fake blond's eyes widened. "Sorry, Y/n-chan! Not that! Please! Anything but that!"

You smiled. "Can we all get along then?"

Atsumu nodded frantically. "Of course!"

I'm not dead, I promise!

I got busy with school and work and didn't get any sleep recently.

Yesterday right after school I had to go to work and didn't get done till really late. Then I had an exam early this morning (technically I just finished like 20mins ago- but it's early for me cuz of my timezone).

So I am one with stress now.

I also have to go in for more shifts throughout the week after school and will have a 12hour shift on Saturday 5am-5pm so I'm boutta suffer.

Might just skip sleep to make sure I update this story and actually make progress.

Thanks for reading
Love y'all
Don't be like me and constantly do things that are no good for health

And see ya next time

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