40: Finally!

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"My legs hurt." Atsumu whined while walking home after practice.

You giggled. "You don't say."

Osamu snorted. "If ya hadn't been feelin Y/n up, then Kita wouldn't have made ya run laps."

Atsumu glared at his twin, holding your hand tightly- not in a painful way. "I can do whatever I want with my girlfriend!"

You raised a brow at him. "Oh, can you now?"

He gave an innocent smile. "With her beautiful permission, that is."

"Good boy." With your free hand, you began ruffling his hair.

He giggled like a child. "Am I so good that ya'll gimme a reward?"

You paused. "I'll make ya dinner at my house."


Osamu stared at you, eyes sparkling. "Can I come for food too?"

You gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Samu. It's just gonna be Tsumu and I this time. Tomorrow night, I promise."

The grey haired twin frowned briefly before returning his face back to its usual blank expression. "Fine. Have fun."

Atsumu smirked. "Oh, we will."


"Why what, darlin?"

Once you had made dinner, Atsumu had decided to call you up to your room. You, not knowing what Atsumu had planned, had gone up to see what was wrong. Only to be grabbed by your boyfriend and pinned to your bed. His legs straddled you, a smirk on his face- eyes shimmering with lust.

You frowned. "I made dinner."

His eyes scanned you. "Aww, just fer me? Looks delicious."

"Not me. The food I actually cooked downstairs in the kitchen."

"That can wait." He pressed his clothed erection against you. "This can't."

You sighed. "And here I thought we could actually eat like normal people."

"Come on, darlin. We both know ya love it. Ya want me, don't ya?"

It was your turn to smirk. "I think you really want me."

He leaned down and bit your neck, earning a yelp from you.

"What was that for, Tsumu?!"

He licked his lips and stated into your eyes. "Ta get ya ta shut up and let me finally fuck ya. I've been waitin too damn long, Y/n."

You gulped. "Tsumu... c-can we at least eat first?"

"If yer talking about the food, then no." He quickly ripped your clothes off before stripping down himself.

"Tsumu! You can't just rip my clothes!"

"Too bad, I just did." He smirked and grabbed you, pulling you closer. "Now, look at what's gonna go inta ya."

Your gaze briefly flicked down to see just how hard he was- veins visible. "Fuck...." You breathed out, your gaze locked onto his dick.

He smirked. "Now that yer in agreement with what I'm boutta do, ready ta get started?" He gently pushed you down, your back flat against your bed.

You slowly nodded, nervous about this whole thing. "Are- are you even gonna fit?"

He gently kissed your cheek, trailing down your jaw to your neck and licking around your chest. "I'll make it fit."

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