43: Gathering of New Friends

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You blinked at the sight before you. "Who are all these guys?"

Suna sighed, leaning his head on your shoulder. "Your dumbass boyfriend decided to invite Karasuno to a dinner, they happened to bring Fukurodani and Nekoma. And then your dumbass boyfriend asked Itachiyama to join."

You looked at the other Miyagi teams present, pointing at the members. "Ok, but them? Why did Shiratorizawa, Aoba Johsai, three members from Date Ko, and a random dude from Johzenji tag along?"

The ace and captain of Shiratorizawa, the Ushijima Wakatoshi, turned to make eye contact with you. "Hinata Shoyo invited us."

You turned to the short boy. "So... Shrimpy asked you all to come and you magically appear?"

Hinata turned to you with a frown- which was soon replaced with a look that told you he thought you looked like a goddess. "SHE MIGHT BE PRETTIER THAN KIYOKO!!!"

"I- who? Thanks?" This wasn't a settinfg you wished to be in.

A beautiful girl with dark hair and glasses walked up to you with a small smile on her face. "Shimizu Kiyoko. I'm the third year manager for Karasuno. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I'm L/n Y/n- Atsumu bribed and begged me last year to become the Inarizaki manager."


You gave him an expressionless face. "Totally did. Dumbass."


"SHUT UP." Suna and Osamu glared at Atsumu.

You sighed. "Really hating all these guys right now."

Kiyoko giggled. "Yeah... they're like that."

"Tell me about it."

Kiyoko paused to look at you, motioning to a shorter blonde girl and pulking you into an area away from all the guys- no one noticed the sudden disappearance of you three female managers.


The blonde, Yachi Hitoka, looked at her senpai. "Y-yes?"

"Does something seem off to you about Y/n here?"

You flinched. "You noticed?"

Kiyoko nodded. "You just didn't look right."

Yachi nodded. "Yeah! And during the match between Inarizaki and Karasuno last month, you looked like you were in pain and about to be sick at any moment!"

You sighed, quickly looking around to make sure no one else was within earshot. You spoke once you felt it was safe to do so. "Atsumu and I have been dating for over a year- probably like a year and a half. And well... I noticed something around the time of the match and learned something that might change our lives."

Kiyoko's eyes widened. "What was it?"

You took a deep breath. "Atsumu got me pregnant."

"Hey... where did Kiyoko and Yachi go?" Sugawara and Daichi had looked around but couldn't find either of their managers.

All the guys stopped, looking around.

That's when the Inarizaki boys noticed something else. "Y/n's not here either."

Hinata tipped his head to the side. "Maybe they all just went to do girl stuff."

The Inarizaki team members narrwoed their eyes.

Atsumu growled at the smaller boy. "Y/n wouldn't just wander off without sayin somethin ta us."

Bokuto stepped in front of Hinata. "Chill. Maybe the three girls really did go somewhere together."

"Where though?" Suna crossed his arms over his chest.

With perfect timing, the three of you girls walked into the room.

You immediately sensed the tension and put an intimidating aura around you. "What do you idiots think you're doing?"

All the guys flinched and faced you.

Atsumu's face washed over with relief. "Darlin! There ya are! Where did ya go?" He pulled you into a tight hug.

"Kiyoko, Hitoka, and I just went for a walk and wanted to talk."

"THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" Hinata jumped up and down, excited he guessed correctly.

You looked at your two new female friends. "Is he always like that?"

Kiyoko and Yachi nodded. "24/7."

Atsumu squeezed you slightly tighter. "Don't go anywhere without letting me know first!"

You helped at the sudden pain shooting through you. "Tsumu! If you're gonna hold me, at least loosen your grip! It hurts!"

Kiyoko and Yachi panicked, considering what they had just found out about you. They ran and grabbed water and some light snacks for you.

Atsumu let go, confused. "I didn't think I was holdin ya that tight."

This led him to get scolded by Osamu, Suna, Kita, and the other guys that make up the Inarizaki boys volleyball team. At this point, all the volleyball players became distracted and were deeply immersed in a conversation.

Kiyoko gently placed her hand on your shoulder. "Are you ok, Y/n?"

You nodded weakly, your hands gently on top of your stomach. "I just wished I knew how he'd react if I told him...."

"So, Atsumu-san." Kageyama gained all of the guys' attention. "How did you get a girl like Y/n to be your girlfriend?"

The boy smirked proudly. "Through volleyball of course!"

"He became desperate and started pulling a whole bunch of shit." Suna and Osamu stated bluntly.

"Language." Kita kept giving the problem children of his team a hard stare.

"So... which is it?" Bokuto became curious about it.

Kita was the one to give the answer. "It was both, actually. Well... and some incidents that Y/n didn't react well to. It was kinda funny how often she came to me when she stressed over whatever Atsumu did." He cracked a small smile, shocking his own team.

Tendon smirked. "So what exactly happened when they got together? Who asked who out?"

Everyone from the Inarizaki team, except Atsumu, laughed at the memory. Atsumu was pouting due to them laughing at him, but completely embarrassed to remember the way you two officially got together.

"Atsumu awkwardly tried starting a conversation and Y/n took the lead. She confessed and acted bold enough to straight up kiss him."

The guys' jaws dropped.

The most unexpected thing to them: Atsumu, the cocky bastard he is, not confidently confessing to or making the first real move with the girl he likes.

All the guys turned their attention to where you sat with Kiyoko and Yachi.

What they saw concerned them.

You laid on ground, clutching your stomach in pain.


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