12: Absolute Pain

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"Where's Y/n? I haven't seen her all day." Of course this just happened to be the one day where Suna wasn't on his phone- he noticed your absence immediately and brought the others' attention to it.

Osamu looked to his twin. "Weren't ya with her last night, Tsumu?"

Atsumu clenched his hands into fists under the table- hiding his feelings from the rest. "Fer a bit. I had a date after. I dunno where she is."

What Atsumu had said didn't sit well with the rest of the team. They all knew Atsumu wouldn't leave your house for anything- especially not for a date.

Kita shook his head, knowing he would be the only one that will try getting the setter to talk and tell the truth. "We all know that's a lie. What happened yesterday?"

Atsumu visibly tensed- something everyone noticed. With his head bowed, he spoke in a low voice. "I fucked up."


Suna and Osamu's eyes widened. "You/ya didn't really force yourself/yerself on her, did you/ya?" For some reason, they spoke perfectly in sync.

Atsumu's head shot up and looked at them in disbelief and horror. "No! I'd never do that!"

Aran crossed his arms over his chest. "Then what did you do?"

Atsumu's gaze dropped. "I said somethin... well, kinda pressed her and it made her upset."

Kita narrowed his eyes. "You were trying to force her to become our manager again, weren't you?"

Atsumu nodded. "I really said somethin I shouldn't have."

This peaked everyone's curiosity. Suna leaned forward. "What did you say to her?"

Atsumu pictured your face- the way you started crying- the moment those terrible words left his lips. "Somethin insensitive and selfish."

"That doesn't narrow it down." Osamu stated flatly, slight irritation growing within his usually blank expression. "What. Did. Ya. Say."

Atsumu looked down, unable to meet anyone's gaze. He explained to them what transpired between you two the previous night. His heart felt heavy- guilt was eating him up. But he couldn't just find you and apologize. To him, you were avoiding him- which you technically weren't- and wouldn't wanna talk to him. It hurt him- he felt he deserved this feeling after what he said and did.

The rest of the guys looked at him with eyes widened from shock.

"Man, Tsumu, ya really fucked up with her."

"Language." Kita scolded the younger twin before facing the other. "You should apologize to her, Atsumu."

Atsumu felt tears pricking his eyes. "I know. I wanna apologize- I know I need ta. But I doubt she wants anythin ta do with me. She's not even here- she's obviously avoidin me."

Meanwhile, you were currently on the ground in your basement- in the exact spot you've been in since your knee gave out the night prior. You had been unable to get up, or move at all. All you felt was the pain within your knee. It was so bad that you couldn't get up. You needed help.

Luckily for you, you had brought your phone down when you had your little breakdown. And, fortunately, it still held a decent charge. You decided to text one of the guys and try seeing if someone could come to your house and give you some aid- maybe take you to a hospital.

Best Senpai


Where are you?

At home...

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