22: High Boi

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"What the fuck?"

"Y/n, language." Kita's scolds seem to be gentler towards you.

You looked at Kita, then to the scene before you. "Sorry.... But what's going on?"

Osamu had pinned Atsumu to the ground, grabbing his twin's collar tightly and yelling in his face. Atsumu, of course, was yelling back and throwing insults at his grey haired twin. Aran and Ginjima were attmepting to stop the fight, but to no avail. Akagi simply watched, semi-amused.

Suna appeared beside you. "They're obviously fighting. Duh."

You rolled your eyes. "You're high."

"Not yet."

You sighed, shaking your head. "Just do something."

He nodded. "Lemme get high and record this Miya twin fight real quick, then you and I can fuck till you pass out, Y/n."

You glared at him. "Kita. Can you please do something about this troublesome team?"

"On it. Suna, leave her alone and no getting high."

The fox-like boy rolled his eyes, going to record the fighting twins from all different angles.

Kita shook his head and sighed, heading over to the group. "That's enough. Get back to practice before I get the coaches."

That immediately caused the twins to break apart. The rest of the group sighed- some in relief, Suna in disappointment- and got back to their practice.

Kita came back over to you and helped you over to the bench. "Let me know if your knee bothers you."

"Ok." You looked past him at the team. "Think everything will be alright?"

He shrugged, slightly turning to look at the team. "They all grew within the past year. I hope they can pull themselves together and surpass our previous bests." He walked onto the court and began practicing with the team.

"Where's Suna?" You lookes around, but hadn't been able to see the boy since practice.

Atsumu shrugged, walking beside you to drape his arm around your shoulders. "Probably had ta do somethin. Why ya even worried about him, Y/n-chan?"

You hummed in thought. "Well... he is our friend and one of the best players on the team. His health and safety is important to me, as the manager of this team. I feel the exact same for all of you."

You couldn't see, but he frowned. "Ya don't need ta worry bout Suna. He's weird and just does whatever he wants."

You sigh. "True.... But still...."

Osamu cut into the conversation. "Knowin Suna, he's probably gone off somewhere to get high."

Kita shook his head in dissaproval. "That's exactly what I'm worried about."

You looked up at Atsumu, seein his eyes were already on you. "You hungry, Tsumu?"

A cute, childish kind of smile spread across his lips. "Date?"

You shook your head. "Just hungry. Do you guys wanna stop somewhere to eat?"

Kita turned to face you, raising a brow. "Shouldn't you go home for a proper meal?"

You looked away, whistling. "It's never a bad idea to go out from time to time."

Osamu snorted. "Suna probably ate the rest of the food she had in the house and she can't go shoppin fer more."

You looked at the ground. "Grocer money hasn't been sent to my account yet. I've already been spending more than I used to since Suna practically moved into my house."

Atsumu pulled you closer. "I can get yer shoppin done fer ya."


"I heard a yes, so I'm doin some shoppin fer ya tomorrow."

You sighed, knowing it was pointless to try stopping him. "Knock yourself out, then."

Kita kept staring at you. "Maybe you should tell your parents you need more money at smaller intervals. You should tell them someone else lives in your house."

Your head widened and you shook your head frantically. "No way! They would totally come back, throw a fit, then make me live overseas with them!"

Atsumu picked you up and held you tightly. "Y/n-chan's not bein taken from me!"

You raised a brow at him. "Thanks...?"

As you and the rest of the guys approached your usual hangout restaurant, you had spotted a very familar figure. "Is that... Suna?" You pointed in the direction you see him.

"What's he doin over there?" Atsumu squinted his eyes.

You looked carefully. "Is he.... Oh my god- he's getting high with a girl!"

Atsumu and Osamu stood on either side of you and gawked at the sight. "Damn, Suna...."

"Language." Kita kept his eyes away from Suna's direction, fully facing the restaurant. "Come on, let's get some food. Leave Suna be- he can do whatever he wants in his free time."

The three of you turned around, heading into the restaurant. "Fine."

Kita glanced at the blond boy, who was currently trying to sneakily hold your hand. "Atsumu, you pay for Y/n since she doesn't have any money at the moment."

Atsumu grinned. "I can always pay for my Y/n-chan. And she never needs to pay me back."

"Yeah, cuz this makes us even for me always tutoring you."


"Suna... what are you doing in the tree?" You stared at the boy that was sleepily sitting in the tree right outside your house.

"I'm not in a tree. I'm riding a cloud."

"You're/yer high." You and Atsumu deadpanned.

Osamu was just munching on some onigiri he bought on the way to your house. "Suna. The clouds are in the sky, not right on Y/n's lawn."

Suna began cackling for no reason. "I was wondering why it was so hard."

Atsumu snickered. "That's what she said."

You bit your bottom lip to keep from laughing- you gently nudged the boy beside you. "Come down carefully, stoner boy."

"Only if ya let me fuck you." The high boy smirked.

You turned and began walking to your front door. "Looks like Suna lives in a tree now."

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