24: Competition

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Today, you were a bit too busy for the guys. Sooo... you were unable to hang with them.

Atsumu used this rare opportunity to his advantage. "Hey, guys. Y/n and I are gonna be datin soon."

No one took him seriousy. Everyone - even Kita - began laughing at the boy.

He frowned at the reaction- the very reaction he hadn't been expecting. "I'm serious. It was just her and I at her house and our relationship is changin." He spoke proudly, not yet admitting to what had happened.

Osamu snorted. "Yeah right!"

"It's probably all just in your head." Suna snickered.

Everyone took turns putting him down.

This caused Atsumu to snap and spill what happened. "She stared at me while I was naked and said I have a big dick!"

It became silent real fast.

Kita blinked a few times. "She would never."

Atsumu smirked, leaning back in his seat. "She did. Ya shoulda seen how red her face was. And the way she said my name- she's lucky I'm such a gentleman. I didn't even touch her."

"So you think you have a better chance with her cuz of that?" Suna raised his brow.

"Of course! What else could that mean?!"

Osamu smirked. "She probably only wanted ta see if that's what I look like too."

Atsumu glared at his twin. "Shut yer trap!"

Everyone - except Kita - began arguing over who had the best chance with you.

Kita clapped his hands, getting everyone to stop and look at him in an anticipating silence. "You all realize that if anyone has a 'chance' with Y/n,, it would be me. The both of us already have to act as your parents."

Atsumu frowned. "No way. I-"

"Tsumu, don't ya dare try usin that annoyin 'I knew her longer' card on us. That doesn't fuckin matter." Osamu was glaring daggers at his fake blond twin.

The setter pouted. "It gives me an advantage."

"It really doesn't." Suna pointed out.

Kita nodded. "How long any of us have known her won't affect her feelings towards each of us individually."

"Then let's see who Y/n-chan likes more." Atsumu was determined to hear that you like him better than everyone else.

Everyone nodded. "Fine then."

Atsumu called you and put you on speaker so everyone could hear. He signalled for everyone to remain silent, so you wouldn't feel suspicious about anything.

You answered quickly. "Hey, Tsum-Tsum. What's up?"

"I miss ya."

Your heart skipped a beat. "Aww that's so cu- what did you do?" Your voice became serious suddenly.

"Nothing. I just miss yer pretty face."

Your face = darkest shade of red. "O-ok?"

Atsumu quickly muted himself and grinned at the others. "Look at that- I'm makin her stutter." He unmuted himself. "So whatcha doin?"

You didn't know how to answer. "Uh... research?"

His eyes widened for a split second. "What kinda research? What's it fer?"

You were so glad Atsumu wasn't in your room with you in this moment. "Just... research... for a project. Why?"

"Cuz I been wonderin...."


"You." Damm, he's so smooth. 😩

A noise was heard on your end- you had accidentally slammed your head against your headboard. "Ow- fuck!"

"Are ya ok? What happened?"

"I- uh... I just accidentally bumped against my desk. So... uh- what about me are you wondering about?" Your heart was beating erratically.

"Do ya like someone on the team?" He decided to just get right to the point.

Again, you slammed your head against your headboard. "N-no?"

"What's this? Is Y/n-chan lying to me?"

"No! I mean.... Why does it matter?"

"Cuz I think ya need a boyfriend."

You muted yourself and screamed into a pillow. After calming down, you unmuted yourself.

"Why'd ya mute yerself, Y/n-chan?"

"You- I- how- eh?! Why?!"

Atsumu chuckled. "Ya sound so flustered! Do I really do this to ya?"

Yes. "I'm hanging up."

"No- wait! Who is it?"

"Why would I tell you?!"

"Does that mean it's me?"

Yes. "I hate you."

"So it is me!"

Of course. This is an Atsumu fanfic after all.

"It's not!"

"Then who?"

"Yer mum." You hung up and threw your phone across your room (due to wattpad magic, it doesn't take any damage!).

The guys blinked, still trying to process what was just said.

"Did she just...?" Akagi looked at Atsumu.

Suna cackled. "She totally just avoided answering!"

Atsumu frowned. "Can't believe she would say that then hang up."

Kita sighed. "That was a bad idea. There's nothing worse than invading a girl's privacy. I don't want to hear any more of this."

You liiiiike him

Sorry, but had to

If you got the reference, I absolutely love you.
If not, well... it was from Fairy Tail

Hope ya enjoyed!

I also hoped that you noticed I've been using the quotes from the intro

Only one quote left- yours

Wonder when it's gonna be used 🤔

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